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synced 2025-03-06 06:02:13 +00:00
With the reworked accounting of GUI-session resources, the default of 100 caps for menu_view does not suffice. Issue #5340
412 lines
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412 lines
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* \brief Runtime for hosting GUI dialogs in child components
* \author Norman Feske
* \date 2023-03-24
* Copyright (C) 2023 Genode Labs GmbH
* This file is part of the Genode OS framework, which is distributed
* under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3.
#include <util/dictionary.h>
#include <util/color.h>
#include <os/dynamic_rom_session.h>
#include <base/session_object.h>
#include <report_session/report_session.h>
#include <sandbox/sandbox.h>
#include <dialog/types.h>
namespace Dialog { struct Sandboxed_runtime; }
class Dialog::Sandboxed_runtime : Noncopyable
class View;
struct Event_handler_base : Interface, Noncopyable
virtual void handle_event(Event const &event) = 0;
template <typename T> class Event_handler;
using Start_name = String<128>;
Env &_env;
Allocator &_alloc;
Sandbox &_sandbox;
struct Optional_event_handler
Event_handler_base *_ptr;
void handle_event(Event const &event)
if (_ptr) _ptr->handle_event(event);
} _optional_event_handler { };
using Views = Dictionary<View, Top_level_dialog::Name>;
Event::Seq_number _global_seq_number { 1 };
Views _views { };
struct Gui_session;
struct Report_session;
using Gui_service = Sandbox::Local_service<Gui_session>;
using Rom_service = Sandbox::Local_service<Dynamic_rom_session>;
using Report_service = Sandbox::Local_service<Report_session>;
void _handle_gui_service();
void _handle_rom_service();
void _handle_report_service();
struct Service_handler : Sandbox::Local_service_base::Wakeup
Sandboxed_runtime &_runtime;
using Member = void (Sandboxed_runtime::*) ();
Member _member;
void wakeup_local_service() override
Service_handler(Sandboxed_runtime &runtime, Member member)
: _runtime(runtime), _member(member) { }
Service_handler _gui_handler { *this, &Sandboxed_runtime::_handle_gui_service };
Service_handler _rom_handler { *this, &Sandboxed_runtime::_handle_rom_service };
Service_handler _report_handler { *this, &Sandboxed_runtime::_handle_report_service };
Gui_service _gui_service;
Rom_service _rom_service;
Report_service _report_service;
struct Menu_view_state
Start_name const name;
Ram_quota const initial_ram { 4*1024*1024 };
Cap_quota const initial_caps { 130 };
Ram_quota ram = initial_ram;
Cap_quota caps = initial_caps;
unsigned version = 0;
void trigger_restart()
ram = initial_ram;
caps = initial_caps;
* Adapt runtime state information to the child
* This method responds to RAM and cap-resource requests by increasing
* the resource quotas as needed.
* \param child child node of the sandbox state report
* \return true if runtime must be reconfigured so that the changes
* can take effect
bool apply_child_state_report(Xml_node const &child)
bool result = false;
if (child.attribute_value("name", Start_name()) != name)
return false;
if (child.has_sub_node("ram") && child.sub_node("ram").has_attribute("requested")) {
ram.value *= 2;
result = true;
if (child.has_sub_node("caps") && child.sub_node("caps").has_attribute("requested")) {
caps.value += 100;
result = true;
return result;
void gen_start_node(Xml_generator &, Views const &) const;
} _menu_view_state;
class Report_session : public Session_object<Report::Session>
struct Handler : Interface, Genode::Noncopyable
virtual void handle_report() = 0;
Attached_ram_dataspace _client_ds;
Attached_ram_dataspace _local_ds;
Constructible<Xml_node> _xml { }; /* points inside _local_ds */
Handler &_handler;
** Report::Session interface **
Dataspace_capability dataspace() override { return _client_ds.cap(); }
void submit(size_t length) override
size_t const num_bytes = min(_client_ds.size(), length);
memcpy(_local_ds.local_addr<char>(), _client_ds.local_addr<char>(),
try { _xml.construct(_local_ds.local_addr<char>(), num_bytes); }
catch (...) { }
void response_sigh(Signal_context_capability) override { }
size_t obtain_response() override { return 0; }
template <typename... ARGS>
Report_session(Env &env, Handler &handler,
Entrypoint &ep, Resources const &resources,
ARGS &&... args)
Session_object(ep, resources, args...),
_client_ds(env.ram(), env.rm(), resources.ram_quota.value/2),
_local_ds (env.ram(), env.rm(), resources.ram_quota.value/2),
{ }
template <typename FN>
void with_xml(FN const &fn) const
if (_xml.constructed())
template <typename T>
struct Hover_handler : Report_session::Handler
T &_obj;
void (T::*_member) ();
Hover_handler(T &obj, void (T::*member)())
: _obj(obj), _member(member) { }
void handle_report() override
Top_level_dialog::Name _hovered_dialog { };
Hover_handler<Sandboxed_runtime> _hover_handler {
*this, &Sandboxed_runtime::_handle_hover };
void _handle_hover();
Constructible<Report_session> _hover_report_session { };
Event::Seq_number _hover_seq_number { };
struct Attr { Start_name name; };
Sandboxed_runtime(Env &, Allocator &, Sandbox &,
Attr const &attr = { "view" });
* Respond to sandbox state changes
* \return true if the sandbox configuration needs to be updated
bool apply_sandbox_state(Xml_node const &);
void gen_start_nodes(Xml_generator &) const;
class Dialog::Sandboxed_runtime::View : private Views::Element
/* needed for privately inheriting 'Views::Element' */
friend class Dictionary<View, Top_level_dialog::Name>;
friend class Avl_node<View>;
friend class Avl_tree<View>;
friend class Sandboxed_runtime;
Env &_env;
Sandboxed_runtime &_runtime;
Top_level_dialog &_dialog;
bool _dialog_hovered = false;
/* sequence numbers to correlate hover info with click/clack events */
Constructible<Event::Seq_number> _click_seq_number { };
Constructible<Event::Seq_number> _clack_seq_number { };
bool _click_delivered = false; /* used to deliver each click only once */
bool _dragged() const
return _click_seq_number.constructed()
&& *_click_seq_number == _runtime._global_seq_number
&& _click_delivered;
bool _hover_observable_without_click = false;
void _with_dialog_hover(auto const &fn) const
bool done = false;
if (_runtime._hover_report_session.constructed())
_runtime._hover_report_session->with_xml([&] (Xml_node const &hover) {
hover.with_optional_sub_node("dialog", [&] (Xml_node const &dialog) {
done = true; }); });
if (!done)
struct Rom_producer : Dynamic_rom_session::Xml_producer
View const &_view;
Rom_producer(View const &view)
{ }
void produce_xml(Xml_generator &xml) override
_view._with_dialog_hover([&] (Xml_node const &hover) {
Event::Dragged const dragged { _view._dragged() };
bool const supply_hover = _view._hover_observable_without_click
|| dragged.value;
static Xml_node omitted_hover("<hover/>");
At const at { _view._runtime._global_seq_number,
supply_hover ? hover : omitted_hover };
Scope<> top_level_scope(xml, at, dragged, { _view._dialog.name });
} _dialog_producer { *this };
Dynamic_rom_session _dialog_rom_session {
_env.ep(), _env.ram(), _env.rm(), _dialog_producer };
void _gen_menu_view_dialog(Xml_generator &) const;
void _gen_menu_view_routes(Xml_generator &) const;
void _handle_input_event(Input::Event const &);
void _handle_hover();
void _leave();
void _try_handle_click_and_clack();
Registry<Gui_session> _gui_sessions { };
int xpos { };
int ypos { };
unsigned min_width { };
unsigned min_height { };
bool opaque { };
Color background { };
View(Sandboxed_runtime &runtime, Top_level_dialog &dialog)
Views::Element(runtime._views, dialog.name),
_env(runtime._env), _runtime(runtime), _dialog(dialog)
{ }
void refresh() { _dialog_rom_session.trigger_update(); }
bool if_hovered(auto const &fn) const
bool result = false;
if (_dialog_hovered)
_with_dialog_hover([&] (Xml_node const &location) {
result = fn(Hovered_at { Event::Seq_number { }, location }); });
return result;
template <typename T>
class Dialog::Sandboxed_runtime::Event_handler : Event_handler_base
Sandboxed_runtime &_runtime;
T &_obj;
void (T::*_member) (Event const &);
void handle_event(Event const &event) override { (_obj.*_member)(event); }
Event_handler(Sandboxed_runtime &runtime, T &obj, void (T::*member)(Event const &))
_runtime(runtime), _obj(obj), _member(member)
/* register event handler at runtime */
_runtime._optional_event_handler._ptr = this;
~Event_handler() { _runtime._optional_event_handler._ptr = nullptr; }