2019-01-14 12:21:10 +01:00

36 lines
1.1 KiB

pragma Ada_2012;
with App.File;
package App.File_Cache with Spark_Mode is
type Slot_Array_Index_Type is new Positive range 1..128;
type Slot_Array_Public_Type is array (Slot_Array_Index_Type) of File.Chunk_Type;
type Object_Private_Type is private;
type Object_Public_Type is record
Slot_Array : Slot_Array_Public_Type;
end record;
procedure Read_Chunk(Object_Private : in out Object_Private_Type;
Object_Public : in out Object_Public_Type;
Chunk_Number : in File.Chunk_Number_Type;
Chunk_In_Slot : out Boolean;
Slot_Index : out Slot_Array_Index_Type);
type Slot_Type is record
Used : Boolean := False;
Chunk_Number : File.Chunk_Number_Type := 0;
end record;
type Slot_Array_Private_Type is array (Slot_Array_Index_Type) of Slot_Type;
type Object_Private_Type is record
Slot_Array_Last_Index : Slot_Array_Index_Type;
Slot_Array : Slot_Array_Private_Type;
end record;
end App.File_Cache;