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synced 2025-03-20 19:15:25 +00:00
This patch removes the implicit build of all shared libraries a target depends on. Targets only depend on the respective ABIs instead. This alleviates the need to locally build complex shared libraries (think of Qt) when developing applications. Instead, application developers can use binary depot archives. The implementation splits the mk/lib.mk file into three files: - mk/a.mk for building one static library (.lib.a) - mk/so.mk for building one shared object (.lib.so) - mk/abi.mk for building one ABI stub (.abi.so) Furthermore, the commit moves messages and the collection of build artifacts to var/libdeps, triggers the build of kernel-specific ld-<kernel>.lib.so, and prunes the lib-dependency tree at ABIs. Fixes #5061
503 lines
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503 lines
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# \brief Front end to the Genode build system
# \author Norman Feske
# \date 2011-08-04
# The operation of the build system can be tuned using the following variables,
# which can be specified at the command line or supplied via the
# 'etc/build.conf' file.
# BASE_DIR - this directory points to Genode's 'base' repository
# REPOSITORIES - list of directories incorporared into the build process
# VERBOSE - variable that controls the verboseness of the build process
# By default, compiler messages are not displayed. If you are
# interested in these messages set this variable to nothing.
# ('VERBOSE=')
# VERBOSE_MK - variable that controls the verboseness of make invocations
# VERBOSE_DIR - variable that controls the verboseness of changing directories
# Using this variable, you can enable the make messages printed
# when changing directories. To enable the messages, set the
# variable to nothing.
# LIB_CACHE_DIR - location of the library build cache
# This variable defines the place for the library build cache.
# Normally, the libcache is located at 'var/libcache' and
# there is no need to change it.
# CONTRIB_DIR - location of ported 3rd-party source codes
# CCACHE - if set to 'yes', the build system uses the compiler cache
# REQUIRED_GCC_VERSION - GCC version required for building Genode
## Define global configuration variables
# We initially enforce .SHELLFLAGS flags in case build.mk called recursively
# (from tool/run) as SHELL will be reset to /bin/sh before setting up bash.
# Whenever using the 'run/%' rule and the run tool spawns this Makefile again
# when encountering a 'build' step, the build.conf is included a second time,
# with the content taken from the environment variable. We need to reset the
# 'REPOSITORIES' variable to prevent extending this variable twice.
# (see https://github.com/genodelabs/genode/issues/3731)
-include etc/build.conf
DEBUG_DIR := $(CURDIR)/debug
export BASE_DIR ?= ../base
export REPOSITORIES ?= $(BASE_DIR:%base=%base-linux) $(BASE_DIR)
export VERBOSE ?= @
export VERBOSE_DIR ?= --no-print-directory
export VERBOSE_MK ?= @
export LIB_CACHE_DIR ?= $(BUILD_BASE_DIR)/var/libcache
export LIB_PROGRESS_LOG ?= $(BUILD_BASE_DIR)/progress.log
export LIB_DEP_FILE ?= var/libdeps
export ECHO ?= echo -e
export BOARD
export KERNEL
# Convert user-defined directories to absolute directories
# The 'echo' shell command expands '~' characters to the home directory,
# 'realpath' converts relative path names to absolute.
REPOSITORIES := $(realpath $(shell echo $(REPOSITORIES)))
BASE_DIR := $(realpath $(shell echo $(BASE_DIR)))
define nl
ifneq ($(words $(REPOSITORIES)),$(words $(sort $(REPOSITORIES))))
$(error detected duplicates in REPOSITORIES $(foreach p,$(REPOSITORIES),$(nl) $(p)))
# Configure shell program before executing any shell commands. On Ubuntu the
# standard shell is dash, which breaks colored output via its built-in echo
# command.
# SHELL is exported into the environment for tools used in rules
# (like tool/run). Unfortunately, sub-make instances will reset SHELL to
# /bin/sh if it is not explicitly provided on the command like (as we do
# below). See GNU Make manual "5.3.2 Choosing the Shell" for further details.
# .SHELLFLAGS is extended by option pipefail to make pipes fail if any pipe
# element fails.
export SHELL := $(shell sh -c "command -v bash")
export .SHELLFLAGS := -o pipefail $(.SHELLFLAGS)
# Discharge variables evaluated by ccache mechanism that may be inherited when
# using the build system in a nested fashion.
undefine CUSTOM_CXX
undefine CUSTOM_CC
# Fetch SPECS configuration from all source repositories and the build directory
-include $(foreach REP,$(REPOSITORIES),$(wildcard $(REP)/etc/specs.conf))
-include $(BUILD_BASE_DIR)/etc/specs.conf
# \deprecated We include the repository-specific 'specs.conf' once again as the
# build-dir-local etc/specs.conf (as created by create_builddir)
# reassigns the 'SPECS' variable instead of appending it.
# We sort the 'SPECS' to remove duplicates. We should remove this
# once the old 'create_builddir' arguments are gone.
-include $(foreach REP,$(REPOSITORIES),$(wildcard $(REP)/etc/specs.conf))
SPECS := $(sort $(SPECS))
select_from_repositories = $(firstword $(foreach REP,$(REPOSITORIES),$(wildcard $(REP)/$(1))))
# Determine the spec files to incorporate into the build configuration from the
# repositories. Always consider the spec files present in BASE_DIR. This is
# needed when the build system is invoked from the package-build tool where the
# repos/base is not present in the list of REPOSITORIES.
export SPEC_FILES := \
$(sort $(foreach SPEC,$(SPECS),$(call select_from_repositories,mk/spec/$(SPEC).mk)) \
$(wildcard $(foreach SPEC,$(SPECS),$(BASE_DIR)/mk/spec/$(SPEC).mk)))
include $(SPEC_FILES)
export SPECS
include $(BASE_DIR)/mk/global.mk
export LIBGCC_INC_DIR := $(shell dirname `$(CUSTOM_CXX_LIB) -print-libgcc-file-name`)/include
# Find out about the target directories to build
# Arguments starting with 'run/' and 'lib/' are special. The former triggers
# the execution of a run script. The latter issues the build of a library.
DST_DIRS := $(filter-out clean cleanall again run/% lib/%,$(MAKECMDGOALS))
# Detect use of obsoleted LIB=<libname> option
ifneq ($(LIB),)
$(error the 'LIB=$(LIB)' option is no longer supported, use 'make lib/$(LIB)')
# Determine library targets specified as lib/<libname> at the command line
LIBS := $(notdir $(filter lib/%,$(MAKECMDGOALS)))
ALL_LIB_MK_DIRS := $(wildcard \
$(foreach R,$(REPOSITORIES),\
$R/lib/mk $(foreach S,$(SPECS),$R/lib/mk/spec/$S)))
ALL_LIB_MK_FILES := $(wildcard $(addsuffix /*.mk,$(ALL_LIB_MK_DIRS)))
LIBS := $(sort $(notdir $(ALL_LIB_MK_FILES:.mk=)))
# Helper function to check if a needed tool is installed
check_tool = $(if $(shell command -v $(1)),,$(error Need to have '$(1)' installed.))
# Tool chain version check
# Empty DST_DIRS is interpreted as a tool-chain agnostic target, e.g., clean.
ifneq ($(DST_DIRS),)
GCC_VERSION := $(filter $(REQUIRED_GCC_VERSION) ,$(shell $(CUSTOM_CXX) --version))
$(error "$(CUSTOM_CXX) version $(REQUIRED_GCC_VERSION) is required")
ifneq ($(STATIC_ANALYZE),)
$(call check_tool,scan-build)
MAKE := scan-build --use-c++=$(CUSTOM_CXX) --use-cc=$(CUSTOM_CC) $(MAKE)
# Default rule: build all directories specified as make arguments
_all $(DST_DIRS) $(addprefix lib/,$(LIBS)) : gen_deps_and_build_targets
## First stage: generate library dependencies
# Reset library-build log and library-dependency file
# The 'progress' file contains the names of the already processed libraries
# of the current build process. Before considering to process any library,
# the build system checks if the library is already present in the 'progress'
# file and, if yes, skips it.
.PHONY: init_progress_log
@echo "#" > $(LIB_PROGRESS_LOG)
@echo "# Library build progress log - generated by dep_prg.mk and dep_lib.mk" >> $(LIB_PROGRESS_LOG)
@echo "#" >> $(LIB_PROGRESS_LOG)
.PHONY: init_libdep_file
init_libdep_file: $(dir $(LIB_DEP_FILE))
@(echo "#"; \
echo "# Library dependencies for build '$(DST_DIRS)'"; \
echo "#"; \
echo ""; \
echo ".NOTPARALLEL:"; \
echo ""; \
echo "export SPEC_FILES := \\"; \
for i in $(SPEC_FILES); do \
echo " $$i \\"; done; \
echo ""; \
echo "BASE_DIR = $(realpath $(BASE_DIR))"; \
echo "VERBOSE ?= $(VERBOSE)"; \
echo "VERBOSE_MK ?= $(VERBOSE_MK)"; \
echo "DEBUG_DIR ?= $(DEBUG_DIR)"; \
echo "SHELL ?= $(SHELL)"; \
echo "MKDIR ?= mkdir"; \
echo "BRIGHT_COL ?= \033[01;33m"; \
echo "DARK_COL ?= \033[00;33m"; \
echo "DEFAULT_COL ?= \033[0m"; \
echo ""; \
echo "export MK_BUILD_STAGE := 1"; \
echo ""; \
echo "_log_artifacts = \$$(foreach A,\$$1,echo -e \"\\nBUILD_ARTIFACTS += \$$A\" >> \$$(PROGRESS_LOG);)"; \
echo ""; \
echo "# args: target file, libname, artifacts"; \
echo "_prepare_lib_step = ( echo -e \" \$$(DARK_COL)Library\$$(DEFAULT_COL) \$$1\"; \\"; \
echo " \$$(MKDIR) -p \$$(LIB_CACHE_DIR)/\$$2; \\"; \
echo " \$$(call _log_artifacts,\$$3) )"; \
echo ""; \
echo "# args: target path, artifacts"; \
echo "_prepare_prg_step = ( echo -e \" \$$(BRIGHT_COL)Program\$$(DEFAULT_COL) \$$1\"; \\"; \
echo " \$$(MKDIR) -p \$$(dir \$$1); \\"; \
echo " \$$(call _log_artifacts,\$$2) )"; \
echo ""; \
echo "all:"; \
echo " @true"; \
echo ""; \
echo "") > $(LIB_DEP_FILE)
$(dir $(LIB_DEP_FILE)):
@mkdir -p $@
# Find all 'target.mk' files located within any of the specified subdirectories
# ('DST_DIRS') and any repository. The 'sort' is used to remove duplicates.
TARGETS_TO_VISIT := $(shell find $(wildcard $(REPOSITORIES:=/src)) -false \
$(foreach DST,$(DST_DIRS), \
-or -path "*/src/$(DST)/**target.mk" \
-printf " %P "))
# Perform sanity check for non-existing targets being specified at the command
# line.
MISSING_TARGETS := $(strip \
$(foreach DST,$(DST_DIRS),\
$(if $(filter $(DST)/%,$(TARGETS_TO_VISIT)),,$(DST))))
ifneq ($(MAKECMDGOALS),)
init_libdep_file: error_missing_targets
@for target in $(MISSING_TARGETS); do \
echo "Error: target '$$target' does not exist"; done
# The procedure of collecting library dependencies is realized as a single
# rule to gain maximum performance. If we invoked a rule for each target,
# we would need to spawn one additional shell per target, which would take
# 10-20 percent more time.
traverse_dependencies: $(dir $(LIB_DEP_FILE)) init_libdep_file init_progress_log
for libname in $(LIBS); do \
$(MAKE) $(VERBOSE_DIR) -f $(BASE_DIR)/mk/dep_lib.mk \
REP_DIR=$$rep LIB=$$libname \
echo "all: $$libname.lib.a $$libname.lib.so" >> $(LIB_DEP_FILE); \
done; \
[ -n "$(KERNEL)" ] && echo "ld.lib.so: ld-$(KERNEL).lib.so" >> $(LIB_DEP_FILE); \
for target in $(TARGETS_TO_VISIT); do \
for rep in $(REPOSITORIES); do \
test -f $$rep/src/$$target || continue; \
$(MAKE) $(VERBOSE_DIR) -f $(BASE_DIR)/mk/dep_prg.mk \
REP_DIR=$$rep TARGET_MK=$$rep/src/$$target \
|| result=false; \
break; \
done; \
done; $$result;
$(LIB_DEP_FILE): traverse_dependencies
## Second stage: build targets based on the result of the first stage
$(VERBOSE)mkdir -p $@
.PHONY: gen_deps_and_build_targets
gen_deps_and_build_targets: $(INSTALL_DIR) $(DEBUG_DIR) $(LIB_DEP_FILE)
@(echo ""; \
echo "ifneq (\$$(MISSING_PORTS),)"; \
echo "check_ports:"; \
echo " @echo \"\""; \
echo " @echo \"Error: Ports not prepared or outdated:\""; \
echo " @echo \" \$$(sort \$$(MISSING_PORTS))\""; \
echo " @echo \"\""; \
echo " @echo \"You can prepare respectively update them as follows:\""; \
echo " @echo \" $(GENODE_DIR)/tool/ports/prepare_port \$$(sort \$$(MISSING_PORTS))\""; \
echo " @echo \"\""; \
echo " @false"; \
echo "else"; \
echo "check_ports:"; \
echo "endif"; \
echo "") >> $(LIB_DEP_FILE)
.PHONY: again
# Read tools configuration to obtain the cross-compiler prefix passed
# to the run script.
-include $(call select_from_repositories,etc/tools.conf)
## Compiler-cache support
# To hook the ccache into the build process, the compiler executables are
# shadowed by symlinks named after the compiler but pointing to the ccache
# program. When invoked, the ccache program uses argv0 to query the real
# compiler executable.
# If the configured tool-chain path is absolute, we assume that it is not
# already part of the PATH variable. In this (default) case, we supplement the
# tool-chain path to the CCACHE_PATH as evaluated by the ccache program.
# Should the tool-chain path not be absolute, the tool-chain executables must
# already be reachable via the regular PATH variable. Otherwise, the build
# would not work without ccache either.
ifeq ($(CCACHE),yes)
$(call check_tool,ccache)
ifneq ($(dir $(CUSTOM_CXX)),$(dir $(CUSTOM_CC)))
$(error ccache enabled but the compilers $(CUSTOM_CXX) and $(CUSTOM_CC)\
reside in different directories)
CCACHE_TOOL_DIR := $(addsuffix /var/tool/ccache,$(BUILD_BASE_DIR))
gen_deps_and_build_targets: $(CCACHED_CUSTOM_CC) $(CCACHED_CUSTOM_CXX)
# create ccache symlinks at var/tool/ccache/
$(VERBOSE_MK)mkdir -p $(dir $@)
$(VERBOSE_MK)ln -sf `command -v ccache` $@
# supplement tool-chain directory to the search-path variable used by ccache
ifneq ($(filter /%,$(CUSTOM_CXX)),)
export CCACHE_PATH := $(dir $(CUSTOM_CXX)):$(PATH)
# force preprocessor mode
# override CUSTOM_CC and CUSTOM_CXX to point to the ccache symlinks
RUN_OPT_CCACHE := --ccache
## Rules for running automated test cases
# helper for run/% rule
RUN_SCRIPT = $(call select_from_repositories,run/$*.run)
run/%: $(call select_from_repositories,run/%.run) $(RUN_ENV)
$(VERBOSE)test -f "$(RUN_SCRIPT)" || (echo "Error: No run script for $*"; exit -1)
$(VERBOSE)$(GENODE_DIR)/tool/run/run --genode-dir $(GENODE_DIR) \
--name $* \
--specs "$(SPECS)" \
--board "$(BOARD)" \
--repositories "$(REPOSITORIES)" \
--cross-dev-prefix "$(CROSS_DEV_PREFIX)" \
--qemu-args "$(QEMU_OPT)" \
--make "$(MAKE)" \
$(RUN_OPT) \
--include $(RUN_SCRIPT)
## Clean rules
# For cleaning, visit each directory for that a corresponding target.mk
# file exists in the source tree. For each such directory, we call
# the single_target rule.
$(VERBOSE_MK)for d in `$(GNU_FIND) -mindepth 1 -type d | $(TAC) | sed "s/^..//"`; do \
for r in $(REPOSITORIES); do \
test -f $$r/src/$$d/target.mk && \
$(MAKE) $(VERBOSE_DIR) clean \
-C $$d \
-f $(BASE_DIR)/mk/prg.mk \
REP_DIR=$$r || \
true; \
done; \
$(VERBOSE)rm -rf var/libcache
$(VERBOSE)rm -rf var/run
$(VERBOSE)rm -rf config-00-00-00-00-00-00
clean_install_dir: clean_targets clean_libcache
$(VERBOSE)(test -d $(INSTALL_DIR) && find $(INSTALL_DIR) -type l -not -readable -delete) || true
clean_debug_dir: clean_targets clean_libcache
$(VERBOSE)(test -d $(DEBUG_DIR) && find $(DEBUG_DIR) -type l -not -readable -delete) || true
clean_empty_dirs: clean_targets clean_libcache clean_run clean_gen_files clean_install_dir clean_debug_dir
$(VERBOSE)$(GNU_FIND) . -depth -type d -empty -delete
clean cleanall: clean_empty_dirs