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* \brief Parent interface
* \author Norman Feske
* \date 2006-05-10
* Copyright (C) 2006-2012 Genode Labs GmbH
* This file is part of the Genode OS framework, which is distributed
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2.
#include <base/exception.h>
#include <base/rpc.h>
#include <base/rpc_args.h>
#include <base/thread.h>
#include <session/capability.h>
#include <root/capability.h>
namespace Genode {
struct Parent
** Exception types **
class Exception : public ::Genode::Exception { };
class Service_denied : public Exception { };
class Quota_exceeded : public Exception { };
class Unavailable : public Exception { };
typedef Rpc_in_buffer<64> Service_name;
typedef Rpc_in_buffer<160> Session_args;
typedef Rpc_in_buffer<160> Upgrade_args;
virtual ~Parent() { }
* Tell parent to exit the program
virtual void exit(int exit_value) = 0;
* Announce service to the parent
virtual void announce(Service_name const &service_name,
Root_capability service_root) = 0;
* Announce service to the parent
* \param service_root root capability
* The type of the specified 'service_root' capability match with
* an interface that provides a 'Session_type' type (i.e., a
* 'Typed_root' interface). This 'Session_type' is expected to
* host a static function called 'service_name' returning the
* name of the provided interface as null-terminated string.
template <typename ROOT_INTERFACE>
void announce(Capability<ROOT_INTERFACE> const &service_root)
announce(ROOT_INTERFACE::Session_type::service_name(), service_root);
* Create session to a service
* \param service_name name of the requested interface
* \param args session constructor arguments
* \throw Service_denied parent denies session request
* \throw Quota_exceeded our own quota does not suffice for
* the creation of the new session
* \throw Unavailable
* \return untyped capability to new session
* The use of this function is discouraged. Please use the type safe
* 'session()' template instead.
virtual Session_capability session(Service_name const &service_name,
Session_args const &args) = 0;
* Create session to a service
* \param SESSION_TYPE session interface type
* \param args session constructor arguments
* \throw Service_denied parent denies session request
* \throw Quota_exceeded our own quota does not suffice for
* the creation of the new session
* \throw Unavailable
* \return capability to new session
template <typename SESSION_TYPE>
Capability<SESSION_TYPE> session(Session_args const &args)
Session_capability cap = session(SESSION_TYPE::service_name(), args);
return reinterpret_cap_cast<SESSION_TYPE>(cap);
* Transfer our quota to the server that provides the specified session
* \param to_session recipient session
* \param args description of the amount of quota to transfer
* \throw Quota_exceeded quota could not be transferred
* The 'args' argument has the same principle format as the 'args'
* argument of the 'session' function.
* The error case indicates that there is not enough unused quota on
* the source side.
virtual void upgrade(Session_capability to_session,
Upgrade_args const &args) = 0;
* Close session
virtual void close(Session_capability session) = 0;
* Provide thread_cap of main thread
virtual Thread_capability main_thread_cap() const = 0;
** RPC declaration **
GENODE_RPC(Rpc_exit, void, exit, int);
GENODE_RPC(Rpc_announce, void, announce,
Service_name const &, Root_capability);
GENODE_RPC_THROW(Rpc_session, Session_capability, session,
GENODE_TYPE_LIST(Service_denied, Quota_exceeded, Unavailable),
Service_name const &, Session_args const &);
GENODE_RPC_THROW(Rpc_upgrade, void, upgrade,
Session_capability, Upgrade_args const &);
GENODE_RPC(Rpc_close, void, close, Session_capability);
GENODE_RPC(Rpc_main_thread, Thread_capability, main_thread_cap);
GENODE_RPC_INTERFACE(Rpc_exit, Rpc_announce, Rpc_session, Rpc_upgrade,
Rpc_close, Rpc_main_thread);
#endif /* _INCLUDE__PARENT__PARENT_H_ */