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synced 2025-03-04 13:28:14 +00:00
This patch extends the 'Parent::session()' and 'Root::session()' functions with an additional 'affinity' parameter, which is inteded to express the preferred affinity of the new session. For CPU sessions provided by core, the values will be used to select the set of CPUs assigned to the CPU session. For other services, the session affinity information can be utilized to optimize the locality of the server thread with the client. For example, to enable the IRQ session to route an IRQ to the CPU core on which the corresponding device driver (the IRQ client) is running.
223 lines
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223 lines
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* \brief Parent interface
* \author Norman Feske
* \date 2006-05-10
* Copyright (C) 2006-2013 Genode Labs GmbH
* This file is part of the Genode OS framework, which is distributed
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2.
#include <base/exception.h>
#include <base/rpc.h>
#include <base/rpc_args.h>
#include <base/thread.h>
#include <session/capability.h>
#include <root/capability.h>
namespace Genode {
class Parent
* Recursively announce inherited service interfaces
* At compile time, the 'ROOT' type is inspected for the presence
* of the 'Rpc_inherited_interface' type in the corresponding
* session interface. If present, the session type gets announced.
* This works recursively.
template <typename ROOT>
void _announce_base(Capability<ROOT> const &, Meta::Bool_to_type<false> *) { }
* This overload gets selected if the ROOT interface corresponds to
* an inherited session type.
template <typename ROOT>
inline void _announce_base(Capability<ROOT> const &, Meta::Bool_to_type<true> *);
** Exception types **
class Exception : public ::Genode::Exception { };
class Service_denied : public Exception { };
class Quota_exceeded : public Exception { };
class Unavailable : public Exception { };
typedef Rpc_in_buffer<64> Service_name;
typedef Rpc_in_buffer<160> Session_args;
typedef Rpc_in_buffer<160> Upgrade_args;
virtual ~Parent() { }
* Tell parent to exit the program
virtual void exit(int exit_value) = 0;
* Announce service to the parent
virtual void announce(Service_name const &service_name,
Root_capability service_root) = 0;
* Announce service to the parent
* \param service_root root capability
* The type of the specified 'service_root' capability match with
* an interface that provides a 'Session_type' type (i.e., a
* 'Typed_root' interface). This 'Session_type' is expected to
* host a static function called 'service_name' returning the
* name of the provided interface as null-terminated string.
template <typename ROOT_INTERFACE>
void announce(Capability<ROOT_INTERFACE> const &service_root)
typedef typename ROOT_INTERFACE::Session_type Session;
announce(Session::service_name(), service_root);
* Announce inherited session types
* Select the overload based on the presence of the type
* 'Rpc_inherited_interface' within the session type.
(Meta::Bool_to_type<Rpc_interface_is_inherited<Session>::VALUE> *)0);
* Create session to a service
* \param service_name name of the requested interface
* \param args session constructor arguments
* \param affinity preferred CPU affinity for the session
* \throw Service_denied parent denies session request
* \throw Quota_exceeded our own quota does not suffice for
* the creation of the new session
* \throw Unavailable
* \return untyped capability to new session
* The use of this function is discouraged. Please use the type safe
* 'session()' template instead.
virtual Session_capability session(Service_name const &service_name,
Session_args const &args,
Affinity const &affinity = Affinity()) = 0;
* Create session to a service
* \param SESSION_TYPE session interface type
* \param args session constructor arguments
* \param affinity preferred CPU affinity for the session
* \throw Service_denied parent denies session request
* \throw Quota_exceeded our own quota does not suffice for
* the creation of the new session
* \throw Unavailable
* \return capability to new session
template <typename SESSION_TYPE>
Capability<SESSION_TYPE> session(Session_args const &args,
Affinity const &affinity = Affinity())
Session_capability cap = session(SESSION_TYPE::service_name(),
args, affinity);
return reinterpret_cap_cast<SESSION_TYPE>(cap);
* Transfer our quota to the server that provides the specified session
* \param to_session recipient session
* \param args description of the amount of quota to transfer
* \throw Quota_exceeded quota could not be transferred
* The 'args' argument has the same principle format as the 'args'
* argument of the 'session' function.
* The error case indicates that there is not enough unused quota on
* the source side.
virtual void upgrade(Session_capability to_session,
Upgrade_args const &args) = 0;
* Close session
virtual void close(Session_capability session) = 0;
* Provide thread_cap of main thread
virtual Thread_capability main_thread_cap() const = 0;
** RPC declaration **
GENODE_RPC(Rpc_exit, void, exit, int);
GENODE_RPC(Rpc_announce, void, announce,
Service_name const &, Root_capability);
GENODE_RPC_THROW(Rpc_session, Session_capability, session,
GENODE_TYPE_LIST(Service_denied, Quota_exceeded, Unavailable),
Service_name const &, Session_args const &, Affinity const &);
GENODE_RPC_THROW(Rpc_upgrade, void, upgrade,
Session_capability, Upgrade_args const &);
GENODE_RPC(Rpc_close, void, close, Session_capability);
GENODE_RPC(Rpc_main_thread, Thread_capability, main_thread_cap);
GENODE_RPC_INTERFACE(Rpc_exit, Rpc_announce, Rpc_session, Rpc_upgrade,
Rpc_close, Rpc_main_thread);
template <typename ROOT_INTERFACE>
Genode::Parent::_announce_base(Genode::Capability<ROOT_INTERFACE> const &service_root,
Genode::Meta::Bool_to_type<true> *)
/* shortcut for inherited session type */
typedef typename ROOT_INTERFACE::Session_type::Rpc_inherited_interface
/* shortcut for root interface type matching the inherited session type */
typedef Typed_root<Session_type_inherited> Root_inherited;
/* convert root capability to match the inherited session type */
Capability<Root> root = service_root;
Capability<Root_inherited> root_inherited = static_cap_cast<Root_inherited>(root);
/* announce inherited service type */
announce(Session_type_inherited::service_name(), root_inherited);
/* recursively announce further inherited session types */
(Meta::Bool_to_type<Rpc_interface_is_inherited<Session_type_inherited>::VALUE> *)0);
#endif /* _INCLUDE__PARENT__PARENT_H_ */