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# Build U-boot bootloader specific uImage/image.itb
# \param --image-uboot-no-gzip do not gzip the uImage
# \param --image-uboot-fit build image.itb FIT image
# Check if the uImage should be gzipped
proc image_uboot_use_no_gzip { } { return [have_cmd_switch --image-uboot-no-gzip] }
proc image_uboot_use_fit { } { return [have_cmd_switch --image-uboot-fit] }
# Make gzip compression more aggressive
# Using this option reduces the image size by circa 10%. But it comes at the
# cost of significantly slowing down the gzip step for large images (e.g., 6
# seconds instead of 2 seconds for a image of 13 MiB). The option is suitable
# when building a release. But for quick build-test cycles, it is best keep
# it disabled.
proc image_uboot_gzip_opt { } {
if {[have_cmd_switch --image-uboot-gzip-best]} {
return "--best"
} else {
return "--fast"
# Build U-boot bootloader specific uImage
proc run_image { } {
set dtc [installed_command dtc]
set elf_img [file join [run_dir] boot [kernel_specific_binary image.elf]]
# parse ELF entrypoint and load address
set entrypoint [exec [cross_dev_prefix]readelf -h $elf_img | \
grep "Entry point address: " | \
sed -e "s/.*Entry point address: *//"]
set load_addr [exec [cross_dev_prefix]readelf -l $elf_img | \
grep -m 1 "LOAD"]
set load_addr [lindex [regexp -inline -all -- {\S+} $load_addr] 3]
set bin_img [file join [run_dir] boot image.bin]
exec [cross_dev_prefix]objcopy -O binary $elf_img $bin_img
set use_gzip [expr ![image_uboot_use_no_gzip]]
set compress_type none
set bin_ext ""
# compress ELF
if $use_gzip {
exec gzip [image_uboot_gzip_opt] --force $bin_img
set bin_ext .gz
set compress_type gzip
set arch "arm"
if {[have_spec arm_64]} { set arch "arm64" }
if {[image_uboot_use_fit]} {
# create image.itb
set uboot_img [file join [run_dir] boot image.itb]
# create dummy dtb for version of u-boot requiring it in the fit image
set fd [open [run_dir]/dummy.dts w]
puts $fd "/dts-v1/;\n / {};"
close $fd
exec $dtc [run_dir]/dummy.dts -o [run_dir]/dummy.dtb
exec mkimage -f auto -A $arch -O linux -T kernel -C $compress_type -a $load_addr \
-e $entrypoint -b [run_dir]/dummy.dtb -d $bin_img$bin_ext $uboot_img
# cleanup dummy files
file delete -force [run_dir]/dummy.dts [run_dir]/dummy.dtb
} else {
# create uImage
set uboot_img [file join [run_dir] boot uImage]
exec mkimage -A $arch -O linux -T kernel -C $compress_type -a $load_addr \
-e $entrypoint -d $bin_img$bin_ext $uboot_img
exec rm -rf $bin_img$bin_ext $elf_img