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Introduction to Genode
Genode Labs
[image img/genode_logo]
Genode is a construction kit for building special-purpose operating systems
out of a number of components such as device drivers, protocol
stacks, and applications. Those components are organized using only a few
yet powerful architectual prinicples, and thereby, allow for the
composition of a wide range of different systems.
The following introduction will provide you with hands-on experience with
the basics of Genode:
* The creation and destruction of single processes as well as arbitrarily
complex sub systems
* The trusted-path facility of the Nitpicker secure GUI
* The assignment of resource quotas to sub systems
* The multiple instantiation of services
* The usage of run-time adaptable policy for routing client requests to
different services
The launchpad application starter
[image img/launchpad 50%] Main window of the launchpad application
Figure [img/launchpad] shows the main window of the launchpad application. It
consists of three areas. The upper area contains status information about
launchpad itself. The available memory quota is presented by a grey-colored
bar. The middle area of the window contains the list of available applications
that can be started by clicking on the application's name. Before starting an
application, the user can define the amount of memory quota to donate to the
new application by adjusting the red bar using the mouse.
[exec-once:launchpad(22M) - Start the launchpad by clicking on this link...]
For a first test, you may set the memory quota of the program named scout to
10MB and then click its name. Thereupon, another instance of the scout text
browser will be started and the lower area of launchpad becomes populated with
status information about launchpad's children. Currently, launchpad has scout
as its only child. For each child, its name, its memory quota, and a kill
button are presented. After having started scout, you will further notice a
change of launchpad's own status information as the memory quota spent for
scout is not directly available to launchpad anymore.
[image img/setup] Illustration of the system setup after having
started the scout tutorial browser.
In Figure [img/setup], you see an illustration of the current setup (slightly
simplified). At
the very bottom, there are the kernel, core, and init. Init has started the
framebuffer driver, the timer driver, the nitpicker GUI server, and launchpad
as it children. Launchpad, in turn, has started the second instance of scout as
its only child. You can get a further idea about the relationship between the
applications by pressing the 'ScrLock' key, which gets especially handled by
the nitpicker GUI server. We call this key the X-ray key because it makes the
identity of each window on screen visible to the user. Each screen region gets
labeled by its chain of parents and their grandparents respectively. During the
walk through the demo scenario, you may press the X-ray key at any time to make
the parent-child relationships visible on screen.
By pressing the kill button (labeled with 'x') of the scout child in
launchpad's window, scout will disappear and launchpad regains its original
memory quota. Although killing a process may sound like a simple thing to do,
it is worthwhile to mention that scout was using a number of services, for
example core's LOG service, the nitpicker GUI service, and the timer service.
While using these services, scout made portions of its own memory quota
available to them. When scout was killed by launchpad, all those relationships
were gracefully reverted such that there is no resource leakage.
Recursive system structure
[image img/x-ray] A second instance of launchad is used
to start the 'testnit' program, which manages three
colored windows. The identity of each screen regions
is unveiled by the X-ray mode of the nitpicker GUI
Thanks to the recursive structure of Genode, the mechanisms
that function for a single application are also applicable to
whole sub systems.
As a test, you may configure the launchpad application
entry within the launchpad window to 15MB and start
another instance of launchpad.
A new launchpad window will appear. Apart from the status
information at the upper part of its window, it looks
completely identical to the first instance.
You may notice that the displayed available quota of the
second launchpad instance is lower then the 15MB. The
difference corresponds to the application's static memory
usage including the BSS segment and the double-buffer
backing store.
With the new instance, you may start further applications,
for example by clicking on 'testnit.'
To distinguish the different instances of the applications
on screen, the X-ray key becomes handy again.
Figure [img/x-ray] shows a screenshot of the described setup
in X-ray mode.
Now, after creating a whole hierarchy of applications,
you can try killing the whole tree at once by clicking
the kill button of the launchpad entry in the original
launchpad window.
You will notice that whole sub system gets properly
destructed and the original system state is regained.
The flexibility of nested policies
Beside providing the ability to construct and destruct
hierarchically structured sub systems, the recursive
system structure allows for an extremely flexible
definition and management of system policies that can
be implanted into each parent.
As an example, launchpad has a simple built-in policy of how
children are connected to services.
If a child requests
a service, launchpad looks if such a service is provided
by any of the other children and, if so, a connection
gets established. If the service is not offered by any child,
launchpad delegates the request to its parent.
For example, a request for the 'LOG' service will always
end up at core, which implements the service by the
means of terminal (or kernel debug) output.
By starting a child that offers the same service interface,
however, we can shadow core's 'LOG' service by an alternative
You can try this out by first starting 'testnit' and
observing its log output at the terminal window. When
started, 'testnit' tells us some status information.
By further starting the program called 'nitlog,' we create
a new 'LOG' service as a child of launchpad. On screen, this
application appears just as a black window that can be
dragged to any screen position with the mouse.
When now starting a new instance of 'testnit', launchpad
will resolve the request for the 'LOG' service by establishing
a connection to 'nitlog' instead of propagating the request
to its parent. Consequently, we can now observe the status
output of the second 'testnit' instance inside the 'nitlog'
The same methodology can be applied to arbitrarily complex
services. For example, you can create a new instance of
the framebuffer service by starting the 'liquid_fb' application.
This application provides the framebuffer service and,
in turn, uses the nitpicker GUI server to get displayed on
screen. Because any new requests for a framebuffer will now be
served by the 'liquid_fb' application, we can start another
instance of nitpicker. This instance uses 'liquid_fb' as its
graphics back end and, in turn, provides the GUI service.
Now, when starting another instance of scout, the new scout
window will appear within 'liquid_fb' too (Figure [img/liquid_fb]).
[image img/liquid_fb]
Executing multiple instances of the nitpicker GUI server
in a nested way.
The extremely simple example policy implemented in launchpad
in combination with the recursive system structure of Genode
already provides a wealth of flexibility without the need
to recompile or reconfigure any application.
The policy implemented and enforced by a parent may
also deny services for its children or impose other restrictions.
For example, the window labels presented in X-ray mode are
successively defined by all parents and grandparents that
mediate the request of an application to the GUI service.
The scout window as the parent of launchpad imposes its
policy of labeling the GUI session with the label _"launchpad"_.
Init as the parent of scout again overrides this label
with the name of its immediate child from which the GUI request
comes from. Hence the label becomes _"scout -> launchpad"_.
Where to go from here?
Although this little demonstration scratches only the surface of
Genode, we hope that the power of its underlying design becomes
apparent. The most distinctive property of Genode, however, is its
extremely low complexity. The functionality of the complete demo
scenario is implemented in less than 20,000 lines of source code
(LOC), including the GUI and the demo applications. As a point of
reference, when relying on libpng for decompressing the images as seen
in the text browser, this number doubles. In fact, the complete base
OS framework accounts for less source-code complexity than the code
needed for decoding the PNG images. To these numbers, the complexity
of the used underlying kernel must be added, for example 10-20 KLOC
for an L4 microkernel (or far more than 500 KLOC when relying on the
Linux kernel). In combination with a microkernel, Genode enables the
implementation of security-sensitive applications with a trusted
computing base (TCB) of some thousands rather than millions of lines
of code. If using a hypervisor as kernel for Genode, this advantage
can further be combined with compatibility to existing applications
executed on virtual machines.
More details, architectural and technical documents, our road
map, and the complete source code are available at [https://genode.org].
The development of the Genode OS Framework is conducted as
an open-source community project, coordinated by Genode Labs,
a company founded by the original authors of Genode.
If you are interested in supporting our project through
participation or funding, please consider joining our
community ([https://genode.org]) or contact Genode Labs
! info@genode-labs.com