Christian Prochaska 81af714949 Input merger
This component merges the input events of multiple sources.

Example configuration:

<start name="input_merger">
	<resource name="RAM" quantum="1M" />
		<service name="Input" />
		<input label="ps2" />
		<input label="usb_hid" />
		<service name="Input">
			<if-arg key="label" value="ps2" /> <child name="ps2_drv" />
		<service name="Input">
			<if-arg key="label" value="usb_hid" /> <child name="usb_drv" />
		<any-service> <parent /> <any-child /> </any-service>

For each 'input' config node, the component opens an 'Input' session with the
configured label. This label is then evaluated by 'init' to route the session
request to a specific input source component.

Fixes #1259.
2014-10-10 13:02:30 +02:00
2014-10-10 13:02:30 +02:00

This is the example operating system based on the Genode OS framework:

:_Init_: is the first real process in the system. The provided implementation
  uses a very simple XML parser to read its configuration files.

:_Drivers_: The example OS has basic drivers for frame buffer, mouse and
  keyboard input, the PCI bus, the real-time clock, and system-specific timers.

:_Server_: The only server in the example OS is Nitpicker, a
  minimal-complexity GUI server.

:_Test_: are also part of the example OS. You may have a look at the fork
  bomb as a simple system stress test.

:_Ldso_: is the dynamic linker used for loading executables that are linked
  against shared libraries.

:_Lib_: contains libraries used by the components of the OS repository,
  in particular the device-driver kit, the alarm framework, and support
  for dynamic linking.