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This patch is needed to use children as services in a dynamic way (closing and reopening sessions).
576 lines
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576 lines
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* \brief Representation used for children of the init process
* \author Norman Feske
* \date 2010-05-04
* Copyright (C) 2010-2012 Genode Labs GmbH
* This file is part of the Genode OS framework, which is distributed
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2.
/* Genode includes */
#include <ram_session/connection.h>
#include <cpu_session/connection.h>
#include <cap_session/connection.h>
#include <base/printf.h>
#include <base/child.h>
/* init includes */
#include <init/child_config.h>
#include <init/child_policy.h>
namespace Init {
extern bool config_verbose;
** Utilities **
inline long read_priority(Genode::Xml_node start_node)
long priority = Genode::Cpu_session::DEFAULT_PRIORITY;
try { start_node.attribute("priority").value(&priority); }
catch (...) { }
* All priority declarations in the config file are
* negative because child priorities can never be higher
* than parent priorities. To simplify priority
* calculations, we use inverted values. Lower values
* correspond to higher priorities.
return -priority;
inline Genode::size_t read_ram_quota(Genode::Xml_node start_node)
Genode::Number_of_bytes ram_quota = 0;
try {
Genode::Xml_node rsc = start_node.sub_node("resource");
for (;; rsc = rsc.next("resource")) {
try {
if (rsc.attribute("name").has_value("RAM")) {
} catch (...) { }
} catch (...) { }
* If the configured quota exceeds our own quota, we donate
* all remaining quota to the child but we need to count in
* our allocation of the child meta data from the heap.
* Hence, we preserve some of our own quota.
if (ram_quota > Genode::env()->ram_session()->avail() - 128*1024) {
ram_quota = Genode::env()->ram_session()->avail() - 128*1024;
if (config_verbose)
Genode::printf("Warning: Specified quota exceeds available quota.\n"
" Proceeding with a quota of %zd bytes.\n",
return ram_quota;
* Return true if service XML node matches the specified service name
inline bool service_node_matches(Genode::Xml_node service_node, const char *service_name)
if (service_node.has_type("any-service"))
return true;
return service_node.has_type("service")
&& service_node.attribute("name").has_value(service_name);
* Check if arguments satisfy the condition specified for the route
inline bool service_node_args_condition_satisfied(Genode::Xml_node service_node,
const char *args)
try {
Genode::Xml_node if_arg = service_node.sub_node("if-arg");
enum { KEY_MAX_LEN = 64, VALUE_MAX_LEN = 64 };
char key[KEY_MAX_LEN];
char value[VALUE_MAX_LEN];
if_arg.attribute("key").value(key, sizeof(key));
if_arg.attribute("value").value(value, sizeof(value));
char arg_value[VALUE_MAX_LEN];
Genode::Arg_string::find_arg(args, key).string(arg_value, sizeof(arg_value), "");
return Genode::strcmp(value, arg_value) == 0;
} catch (...) { }
/* if no if-arg node exists, the condition is met */
return true;
* Init-specific representation of a child service
* For init, we introduce this 'Service' variant that distinguishes two
* phases, declared and announced. A 'Routed_service' object is created
* when a '<provides>' declaration is found in init's configuration.
* At that time, however, no children including the server do yet exist.
* If, at this stage, a client tries to open a session to this service,
* the client get enqueued in a list of applicants and blocked. When
* the server officially announces its service and passes over the root
* capability, the 'Routed_service' enters the announced stage and any
* applicants get unblocked.
class Routed_service : public Genode::Service
Genode::Root_capability _root;
bool _announced;
Genode::Server *_server;
struct Applicant : public Genode::Cancelable_lock,
public Genode::List<Applicant>::Element
Applicant() : Cancelable_lock(Genode::Lock::LOCKED) { }
Genode::Lock _applicants_lock;
Genode::List<Applicant> _applicants;
* Constructor
* \param name name of service
* \param server server providing the service
Routed_service(const char *name,
Genode::Server *server)
: Service(name), _announced(false), _server(server) { }
Genode::Server *server() const { return _server; }
void announce(Genode::Root_capability root)
Genode::Lock::Guard guard(_applicants_lock);
_root = root;
_announced = true;
/* wake up aspiring clients */
for (Applicant *a; (a = _applicants.first()); ) {
Genode::Session_capability session(const char *args)
* This function is called from the context of the client's
* activation thread. If the service is not yet announced,
* we let the client block.
if (!_announced) {
Applicant myself;
} else
Genode::Session_capability cap;
try { cap = Genode::Root_client(_root).session(args); }
catch (Genode::Root::Invalid_args) { throw Invalid_args(); }
catch (Genode::Root::Unavailable) { throw Unavailable(); }
catch (Genode::Root::Quota_exceeded) { throw Quota_exceeded(); }
if (!cap.valid())
throw Unavailable();
return cap;
void upgrade(Genode::Session_capability sc, const char *args)
Genode::Root_client(_root).upgrade(sc, args);
void close(Genode::Session_capability sc)
* Interface for name database
struct Name_registry
virtual ~Name_registry() { }
* Check if specified name is unique
* \return false if name already exists
virtual bool is_unique(const char *name) const = 0;
* Find server with specified name
virtual Genode::Server *lookup_server(const char *name) const = 0;
class Child_registry;
class Child : Genode::Child_policy
friend class Child_registry;
Genode::List_element<Child> _list_element;
Genode::Xml_node _start_node;
Genode::Xml_node _default_route_node;
Name_registry *_name_registry;
* Unique child name and file name of ELF binary
struct Name
enum { MAX_NAME_LEN = 64 };
char file[MAX_NAME_LEN];
char unique[MAX_NAME_LEN];
* Constructor
* Obtains file name and unique process name from XML node
* \param start_node XML start node
* \param registry registry tracking unique names
Name(Genode::Xml_node start_node, Name_registry const *registry) {
try {
start_node.attribute("name").value(unique, sizeof(unique)); }
catch (Genode::Xml_node::Nonexistent_attribute) {
PWRN("Missing 'name' attribute in '<start>' entry.\n");
throw; }
/* check for a name confict with the other children */
if (!registry->is_unique(unique)) {
PERR("Child name \"%s\" is not unique", unique);
class Child_name_is_not_unique { };
throw Child_name_is_not_unique();
/* use name as default file name if not declared otherwise */
Genode::strncpy(file, unique, sizeof(file));
/* check for a binary declaration */
try {
Genode::Xml_node binary = start_node.sub_node("binary");
binary.attribute("name").value(file, sizeof(file));
} catch (...) { }
} _name;
* Resources assigned to the child
struct Resources
long prio_levels_log2;
long priority;
Genode::size_t ram_quota;
Genode::Ram_connection ram;
Genode::Cpu_connection cpu;
Genode::Rm_connection rm;
Resources(Genode::Xml_node start_node, const char *label,
long prio_levels_log2)
cpu(label, priority*(Genode::Cpu_session::PRIORITY_LIMIT >> prio_levels_log2))
/* deduce session costs from usable ram quota */
Genode::size_t session_donations = Genode::Rm_connection::RAM_QUOTA +
Genode::Cpu_connection::RAM_QUOTA +
if (ram_quota > session_donations)
ram_quota -= session_donations;
else ram_quota = 0;
Genode::env()->ram_session()->transfer_quota(ram.cap(), ram_quota);
} _resources;
* Entry point used for serving the parent interface and the
* locally provided ROM sessions for the 'config' and 'binary'
* files.
enum { ENTRYPOINT_STACK_SIZE = 12*1024 };
Genode::Rpc_entrypoint _entrypoint;
* ELF binary
Genode::Rom_connection _binary_rom;
* Private child configuration
Init::Child_config _config;
* Each child of init can act as a server
Genode::Server _server;
Genode::Child _child;
Genode::Service_registry *_parent_services;
Genode::Service_registry *_child_services;
* Policy helpers
Init::Child_policy_enforce_labeling _labeling_policy;
Init::Child_policy_handle_cpu_priorities _priority_policy;
Init::Child_policy_provide_rom_file _config_policy;
Init::Child_policy_provide_rom_file _binary_policy;
Init::Child_policy_redirect_rom_file _configfile_policy;
Child(Genode::Xml_node start_node,
Genode::Xml_node default_route_node,
Name_registry *name_registry,
long prio_levels_log2,
Genode::Service_registry *parent_services,
Genode::Service_registry *child_services,
Genode::Cap_session *cap_session)
_name(start_node, name_registry),
_resources(start_node, _name.unique, prio_levels_log2),
_entrypoint(cap_session, ENTRYPOINT_STACK_SIZE, _name.unique, false),
_binary_rom(_name.file, _name.unique),
_config(_resources.ram.cap(), start_node),
_child(_binary_rom.dataspace(), _resources.ram.cap(),
_resources.cpu.cap(), _resources.rm.cap(), &_entrypoint, this),
_priority_policy(_resources.prio_levels_log2, _resources.priority),
_config_policy("config", _config.dataspace(), &_entrypoint),
_binary_policy("binary", _binary_rom.dataspace(), &_entrypoint),
_configfile_policy("config", _config.filename())
using namespace Genode;
if (_resources.ram_quota == 0)
PWRN("no valid RAM resource for child \"%s\"", _name.unique);
if (config_verbose) {
Genode::printf("child \"%s\"\n", _name.unique);
Genode::printf(" RAM quota: %zd\n", _resources.ram_quota);
Genode::printf(" ELF binary: %s\n", _name.file);
Genode::printf(" priority: %ld\n", _resources.priority);
* Determine services provided by the child
try {
Xml_node service_node = start_node.sub_node("provides").sub_node("service");
for (; ; service_node = service_node.next("service")) {
char name[Genode::Service::MAX_NAME_LEN];
service_node.attribute("name").value(name, sizeof(name));
if (config_verbose)
Genode::printf(" provides service %s\n", name);
child_services->insert(new (_child.heap())
Routed_service(name, &_server));
} catch (Xml_node::Nonexistent_sub_node) { }
virtual ~Child() { }
* Return true if the child has the specified name
bool has_name(const char *n) const { return !Genode::strcmp(name(), n); }
Genode::Server *server() { return &_server; }
* Start execution of child
void start() { _entrypoint.activate(); }
** Child-policy interface **
const char *name() const { return _name.unique; }
Genode::Service *resolve_session_request(const char *service_name,
const char *args)
Genode::Service *service = 0;
/* check for config file request */
if ((service = _config_policy.resolve_session_request(service_name, args)))
return service;
/* check for binary file request */
if ((service = _binary_policy.resolve_session_request(service_name, args)))
return service;
try {
Genode::Xml_node route_node = _default_route_node;
try {
route_node = _start_node.sub_node("route"); }
catch (...) { }
Genode::Xml_node service_node = route_node.sub_node();
for (; ; service_node = service_node.next()) {
bool service_wildcard = service_node.has_type("any-service");
if (!service_node_matches(service_node, service_name))
if (!service_node_args_condition_satisfied(service_node, args))
Genode::Xml_node target = service_node.sub_node();
for (; ; target = target.next()) {
if (target.has_type("parent")) {
service = _parent_services->find(service_name);
if (service)
return service;
if (!service_wildcard) {
PWRN("%s: service lookup for \"%s\" at parent failed", name(), service_name);
return 0;
if (target.has_type("child")) {
char server_name[Name::MAX_NAME_LEN];
server_name[0] = 0;
target.attribute("name").value(server_name, sizeof(server_name));
Genode::Server *server = _name_registry->lookup_server(server_name);
if (!server)
PWRN("%s: invalid route to non-existing server \"%s\"", name(), server_name);
service = _child_services->find(service_name, server);
if (service)
return service;
if (!service_wildcard) {
PWRN("%s: lookup to child service \"%s\" failed", name(), service_name);
return 0;
if (target.has_type("any-child")) {
if (_child_services->is_ambiguous(service_name)) {
PERR("%s: ambiguous routes to service \"%s\"", name(), service_name);
return 0;
service = _child_services->find(service_name);
if (service)
return service;
if (!service_wildcard) {
PWRN("%s: lookup for service \"%s\" failed", name(), service_name);
return 0;
if (target.is_last())
} catch (...) {
PWRN("%s: no route to service \"%s\"", name(), service_name);
return service;
void filter_session_args(const char *service,
char *args, Genode::size_t args_len)
_labeling_policy.filter_session_args(service, args, args_len);
_priority_policy.filter_session_args(service, args, args_len);
_configfile_policy.filter_session_args(service, args, args_len);
bool announce_service(const char *service_name,
Genode::Root_capability root,
Genode::Allocator *alloc,
Genode::Server *server)
if (config_verbose)
Genode::printf("child \"%s\" announces service \"%s\"\n",
name(), service_name);
Genode::Service *s = _child_services->find(service_name, &_server);
Routed_service *rs = dynamic_cast<Routed_service *>(s);
if (!s || !rs) {
PERR("%s: illegal announcement of service \"%s\"", name(), service_name);
return false;
return true;
#endif /* _INCLUDE__INIT__CHILD_H_ */