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Release notes for the Genode OS Framework 10.11
Genode Labs
During the past three months, the Genode project was primarily driven by our
desire to create a bigger picture out of the rich set of components that we
introduced over time, in particular over the last year. Looking back at the
progress made since mid 2009, there were many functional additions to the
framework, waiting to get combined. To name a few, we added support for
networking, audio output, real-time priorities, mandatory access control,
USB, ATAPI block devices, Python, hardware-accelerated 3D graphics, Qt4,
the WebKit-based Arora browser, and the paravirtualized OKLinux kernel.
So many wonderful toys waiting to get played with. This is how the idea of
creating [http://genode.org/download/live-cds - the new Genode Live CD] was
born. In the past, Genode was mostly used in settings with a relatively static
configuration consisting of several components orchestrated to fulfill
a few special-purpose functions. Now, the time has come for the next step,
creating one dynamic setup that allows for the selection of different subsystems
at runtime rather than at boot time.
This step is challenging in several ways. First, the processes that form
the base system have to run during the entire time of all demo setups. If
any of those processes contained stability problems or leaked memory, it would
subvert the complete system. Second, the components of all subsystems combined
are far too complex to be loaded into memory at boot time. This would not
only take too long but would consume a lot of RAM. Instead, those components
and their data had to be fetched from disk (CDROM) on demand. Third, because
multiple demo subsystems can be active at a time, low-level resources such as
networking and audio output must be multiplexed to prevent different
subsystems from interfering with each other. Finally, we had to create a
single boot and configuration concept that is able to align the needs of all
demos, yet staying manageable.
Alongside these challenges, we came up with a lot of ideas about how Genode's
components could be composed in new creative ways. Some of these ideas such
as the browser-plugin concept and the http-based block server made it onto
the Live CD. So for producing the Live CD, we not only faced the said
technical challenges but also invested substantial development effort in new
components, which contributed to our overall goal. Two weeks ago, we released
the Live CD. This release-notes document is the story about how we got there.
To keep ourself focused on the mission described above, we deferred the
original roadmap goal for this release, which was the creation of a Unix-like
runtime environment to enable compiling Genode on Genode. This will be the
primary goal for the next release.
Execution environment for gPXE drivers
Up to now, DDE Linux provided Genode with drivers for hardware devices
ranging from USB HID to WLAN. In preparation of the live CD, we
noticed the demand for support of a broader selection of ethernet
devices. Intel's e1000 PCI and PCIe cards seemed to mark the bottom
line of what we had to support. The major advantage of NIC drivers
from Linux is their optimization for maximum performance. This emerges
a major downside if DDE Linux comes into play: We have to provide all
the nifty interfaces used by the driver in our emulation framework. To
achieve our short-term goal of a great live CD experience, we had to
walk a different path.
[http://gpxe.org/ - gPXE] is a lovely network boot loader / open-source
PXE ROM project and the successor of the famous Etherboot
implementation. Besides support for DNS, HTTP, iSCSI and AoE, gPXE
includes dozens of NIC drivers and applies a plain driver framework.
As we were also itching to evaluate DDE kit and the DDE approach at
large with this special _donator OS_, we went for implementing the
device-driver environment for gPXE (DDE gPXE).
The current version provides drivers for e1000, e1000e, and pcnet
devices. The emulation framework comprises just about 600 lines of
code compared to more than 22,000 LOC reused unmodified from gPXE.
Benchmarks with the PCNet32 driver showed that DDE gPXE's performance
is comparable to DDE Linux.
The gPXE driver environment comes in the form of the new 'dde_gpxe'
repository. For building DDE gPXE, you first need to download and patch
the original sources. The top-level makefile of this repository automates
this task. Just issue:
! make prepare
Now, you need to include the DDE gPXE repository into your Genode
build process. Just add the path to this directory to the
'REPOSITORIES' declaration of the 'etc/build.conf' file within your
build directory, for example
After successful build the DDE gPXE based ethernet driver is located
at 'bin/gpxe_nic_drv'.
On-demand paging
In the [http://genode.org/documentation/release-notes/8.11#section-8 - release 8.11],
we laid the foundation for implementing user-level dataspace managers.
But so far, the facility remained largely unused except for managing thread
contexts. This changed with this release.
So what is a user-level dataspace manager and who needs it? In short,
Genode's memory management is based on dataspaces. A dataspace is a
container for memory. Normally, it is created via core's RAM or ROM
services. The RAM service hands out dataspaces containing contiguous
physical memory. After allocating such a RAM dataspace, the creator can
attach the dataspace to its own address space to access the dataspace
content. In addition, it can pass a dataspace reference (called dataspace
capability) to other processes, which, in turn, can than attach the same
dataspace to their local address space, thereby establishing shared memory.
Similarly, core's ROM service hands out boot-time binary data as dataspaces.
For the most use cases of Genode so far, these two core services were the
only dataspace providers needed. However, there are use cases that require
more sophisticated memory management. For example, to implement swapping,
the content of a dataspace must be transferred to disk in a way that
is transparent to the users of the dataspace. In monolithic kernels, such
functionality is implemented in the kernel. But on a multi-server OS
such as Genode, this is no option. Implementing such a feature into
core would increase the trusted computing base of all applications
including those who do not need swapping. Core would need a hard-disk
driver, effectively subverting the Genode concept. Other examples for
advanced memory-management facilities are copy-on-write memory and
non-contiguous memory - complexity we wish to avoid at the root of the
process tree. Instead of implementing such memory management facilities
by itself, core provides a mechanism to let any process manage dataspaces.
This technique is also called user-level page-fault handling.
For the Live CD, we decided to give Genode's user-level page-fault handling
facility a go. The incentive was accessing files stored on CDROM in an
elegant way. We wanted to make the CDROM access completely transparent to
the applications. An application should be able to use a ROM session as
if the file was stored at core's ROM service. But instead of being
provided by core, the session request would be delegated to an
alternative ROM service implementation that reads the data from disk
as needed. Some of the files stored in the CDROM are large. For example,
the disk image that we use for the Linux demo is 160MB. So reading
this file at once and keeping it in memory is not an option. Instead, only
those parts of the file should be read from disk, which are actually
needed. To uphold the illusion of dealing with plain ROM files for
the client, we need to employ on-demand-paging in the CDROM server.
Here is how it works.
# The dataspace manager creates an empty managed dataspace. Core
already provides a tool for managing address spaces called
region manager (RM service). A RM session is an address space,
to which dataspaces can be attached. This is exactly what is
needed for a managed dataspace. So a dataspace manager uses the
same core service to define the layout of a managed dataspace
as is used to manage the address space of a process. In fact,
any RM session can be converted into a managed dataspace.
! enum { MANAGED_DS_SIZE = 64*1024*1024 };
! Rm_connection rm(0, MANAGED_DS_SIZE);
This code creates a RM session with the size of 64MB. This is an empty
address space. A dataspace capability that corresponds to this address
space can then be requested via
! Dataspace_capability ds = rm.dataspace();
# The dataspace capability can be passed to a client, which may
attach the dataspace to its local address space. Because the
managed dataspace is not populated by any backing store, however,
an access would trigger a page fault, halting the execution of
the client. Here, the page-fault protocol comes into play.
# The dataspace manager registers itself for receiving a signal each time
a fault occurs:
! Signal_receiver rec;
! Signal_context client;
! Signal_context_capability sig_cap = rec.manage(client);
! rm.fault_handler(sig_cap);
When an empty part of the managed dataspace is accessed by any
process, a signal is delivered. The dataspace manager can then
retrieve the fault information (access type, fault address) and
dispatch the page fault by attaching a real dataspace at the
fault address of the managed dataspace. In a simple case, the code
looks as follows:
! while (true) {
! Signal signal = rec.wait_for_signal();
! for (int i = 0; i < signal.num(); i++) {
! Rm_session::State state = rm.state();
! ds = alloc_backing_store_dataspace(PAGE_SIZE);
! rm.attach_at(ds, state.addr & PAGE_MASK);
! }
! }
This simple page-fault handler would lazily allocate a page of
backing store memory each time a fault occurs. When the backing
store is attached to the managed dataspace, core will automatically
wake up the faulted client.
# The example above has the problem that the dataspace manager has
to pay for the backing store that is indirectly used by the client.
To prevent the client from exhausting the dataspace manager's memory,
the dataspace manager may choose to use a limited pool of backing
store only. If this pool is exceeded, the dataspace manager can reuse
an already used backing-store block by first revoking it from its
current managed dataspace:
! rm.detach(addr);
This will flush all mappings referring to the specified address
from all users of the managed dataspace. The next time, this
address region is accessed, a new signal will be delivered.
This page-fault protocol has the following unique properties. First,
because core is used as a broker between client and dataspace manager, the
dataspace manager remains completely unaware of the identity of its client.
It does not even need to possess the communication right to the client. In
contrast, all other user-level page-fault protocols that we are aware of
require direct communication between client and dataspace manager. Second,
because dataspaces are used as first-level objects to resolve page faults,
page faults can be handed at an arbitrary granularity (of course, a multiple
of the physical page size). For example, a dataspace manager may decide to
attach backing-store dataspaces of 64K to the managed dataspace. So the
overhead produced by user-level page-fault handler can be traded for the
page-fault granularity. But most importantly, the API is the same across
all kernels that support user-level page fault handling. Thus the low-level
page-fault handling code becomes inherently portable.
Having said that, we have completed the implementation of the described
core mechanisms, in particular the 'detach' facility, for OKL4. The ISO9660
driver as featured on the Live CD implements the 'ROM' interface and
reads the contents of those files from CDROM on demand. It uses a
fixed pool of backing store, operates at a page-fault granularity of
64KB, and implements a simple fifo replacement strategy.
Base framework
There had been only a few changes to the base framework described as
We unified the core-specific console implementation among all
base platforms and added synchronization of 'vprintf' calls.
The kernel-specific code resides now in the respective
'base-<platform>/src/base/console/core_console.h' files.
We removed the argument-less constructor from 'Allocator_avl_tpl'.
This constructor created an allocator that uses itself for
meta-data allocation, which is the usual case when creating
local memory allocators. However, on Genode, this code is typically
used to build non-memory allocators such as address-space regions.
For these use cases, the default policy is dangerous. Hence, we
decided to remove the default policy.
The 'printf' helper macros have been unified and simplified. The
available macros are 'PINF' for status information, 'PWRN' for warnings,
'PLOG' for log messages, and 'PERR' for errors. By default, the message
types are colored differently to make them easily distinguishable.
In addition to normal messages, there is the 'PDBG' for debugging
purposes. It remains to be the only macro that prints the function name
as message prefix and is meant for temporary messages, to be removed
before finalizing the code.
Genode's on-demand-paging mechanism relies on the signalling framework.
Each managed dataspace is assigned to a distinct signal context.
Hence, signal contexts need to be created and disposed alongside
with managed dataspaces. We complemented the signalling framework
with a 'dissolve' function to enable the destruction of signal
Operating-system services and libraries
Finished transition to new init concept
With the release 10.05, we introduced the
[http://genode.org/documentation/release-notes/10.05#section-0 - current configuration concept of init].
This concept supports mandatory access control and provides flexible
ways for defining client-server relationships. Until now, we maintained
the old init concept. With the current release, the transition to the
new concept is finished and we removed the traditional init.
We retained the support for loading configurations for individual subsystems
from different files but adopted the syntax to the use of attributes.
Instead of
! <configfile>subsystem.config</configfile>
the new syntax is
! <configfile name="subsystem.config"/>
Virtual network bridge (Proxy ARP)
Since we originally added networking support to Genode, only one program could
use the networking facilities at a time. In the simplest form, such a program
included the network driver, protocol stack, and the actual application. For
example, the uIP stack featured with release 9.02 followed this approach.
In release 9.11 we added the 'Nic_session' interface to decouple the network
driver from the TCP/IP protocol stack. But the 1-to-1 relation between
application and network interface remained. With the current release, we
introduce the 'nic_bridge' server, which is able to multiplex the 'Nic_session'
The implementation is roughly based on the proxy ARP RFC 1027. At startup, the
'nic_bridge' creates a 'Nic_session' to the real network driver and, in turn,
announces a 'Nic' service at its parent. But in contrast to a network driver
implementing this interface, 'nic_bridge' supports an arbitrary number of
'Nic_sessions' to be opened. From the client's perspective, such a session
looks like a real network adaptor.
This way, it has become possible to run multiple TCP/IP stacks in
parallel, each obtaining a distinct IP address via DHCP. For example,
is has become possible to run multiple paravirtualized Linux kernels
alongside an lwIP-based web browser, each accessing the network via a
distinct IP address.
As a side effect for developing the 'nic_bridge', we created a set
of utilities for implementing network protocols. The utilities are
located at 'os/include/net' and comprise protocol definitions for
ethernet, IPv4, UDP, ARP, and DHCP.
Nitpicker GUI server
Our work on the Live CD motivated several improvements of the Nitpicker
GUI server.
Alpha blending
In addition to nitpicker's plain pixel buffer interface that is compatible
with a normal framebuffer session, each nitpicker session can now have
an optional alpha channel as well as an corresponding input-mask channel
associated. Both the alpha channel and the input mask are contained in the
same dataspace as the pixel buffer. The pixel buffer is followed by
the 8-bit alpha values, which are then followed by the input-mask values.
This way, the presence of an alpha channel does not interfere with the
actual pixel format. Each 8-bit input mask value specifies the user-input
policy for the respective pixel. If the value is zero, user input
referring to the pixel is not handled by the client but "falls through"
the view that is visible in the background of the pixel. This is typically
the case for drop shadows. If the input-mask value is '1', the input
is handled by the client.
With the input-mask mechanism in place, we no longer have a definitive
assignment of each pixel to a single client anymore. In principle, an
invisible client is able to track mouse movements by creating a full-screen
view with all alpha values set to '0' and all input-mask values set to '1'.
Once, the user clicks on this invisible view, the user input gets routed
to the invisible client instead of the actually visible view. This
security risk can be addressed at two levels:
* In X-Ray mode, nitpicker completely disables alpha blending
and the input-mask mechanism such that the user can identify the
client that is responsible for each pixel on screen.
* The use of the alpha channel is a session argument, which is specified
by nitpicker clients at session-creation time. Consequently, this
session argument is subjected to the policy of all processes involved
with routing the session request to nitpicker. Such a policy may permit
the use of an alpha channel only for trusted applications.
_Caution:_ The use of alpha channels implies read operations from
the frame buffer. On typical PC graphics hardware, such operations are
extremely slow. For this reason, the VESA driver should operate in
buffered mode when using alpha blending in Nitpicker.
Tinted views in X-Ray mode
We added support for tinting individual clients or groups of clients
with different colors based on their label as reported at session-creation
time. By using session colors, nitpicker assists the user to tell apart
different security domains without reading textual information. In
addition to the tinting effect, the title bar presents the session
color of the currently focused session.
The following nitpicker configuration tints all views of the launchpad
subsystem in blue except for those views that belong to the testnit
child of launchpad. Those are tinted red.
! <config>
! <policy label="launchpad" color="#0000ff"/>
! <policy label="launchpad -> testnit" color="#ff0000"/>
! </config>
Misc Nitpicker changes
We introduced a so-called 'stay-top' session argument, which declares
that views created via this session should stay on top of other views.
This function is useful for menus that should always remain accessible
or banner images as used for Live CD.
Nitpicker's reserved region at the top of the screen used to cover up
the screen area as seen by the clients. We have now excluded this area
from the coordinate system of the clients.
We implemented the 'kill' mode that can be activated by the 'kill' key.
(typically this is the 'Print Screen' key) This feature allows the user
to select a client to be removed from the GUI. The client is not
actually killed but only locked out. The 'kill' mode is meant as an
emergency brake if an application behaves in ways not wanted by the
ISO9660 server
As outlined in Section [On-demand paging], we revisited the ISO9660 server
to implement on-demand-paged dataspaces. It is the first real-world
use case for Genode's user-level page-fault protocol. The memory pool
to be used as backing store for managed dataspaces is dimensioned according
to the RAM assigned to the iso9660 server. The server divides this backing
store into blocks of 64KB and assigns those blocks to the managed dataspaces
in a fifo fashion. We found that using a granularity of 64KB improved the
performance over smaller block sizes because this way, we profit from reading
data ahead for each block request. This is particularly beneficial for
CDROM drives because of their extremely long seek times.
Audio mixer
We added a new *channel synchronization* facility to the 'Audio_out_session'
interface. An 'Audio_out_session' refers to a single channel. For stereo
playback, two sessions must be created. At session-creation time, the
client can provide a hint about the channel type such as "front-left" as
session-construction argument. This design principally allows for supporting
setups with an arbitrary amount of channels. However, those channels must
be synchronized. For this reason, we introduced the 'sync_session' function
to the 'Audio_out_session' interface. It takes the session capability of
another 'Audio_out_session' as argument. The specified session is then
used as synchronization reference.
To reduce the latency when stopping audio replay, we introduced a new *flush*
function to the 'Audio_out_session' interface. By calling this function,
a client can express that it is willing to discard all audio data already
submitted to the mixer.
Furthermore, we improved the audio mixer to support both long-running
streams of audio and sporadic sounds. For the latter use case, low latency
is particularly critical. In this regard, the current implementation is a
vast improvement over the initial version. However, orchestrating the
mixer with audio drivers as well as with different clients (in particular
ALSA programs running on a paravirtualized Linux) is not trivial. In the
process, we learned a lot, which will eventually prompt us to further
optimize the current solution.
Nitpicker-based virtual Framebuffer
To support the browser-plugin demo, we introduced 'nit_fb', which is a
framebuffer service that uses the nitpicker GUI server as back end. It
is similar to the liquid framebuffer as featured in the 'demo' repository
but in contrast to liquid framebuffer, 'nit_fb' is non-interactive.
It has a fixed screen position and size. Furthermore, it does not
virtualize the framebuffer but passes through the framebuffer portion of
the nitpicker session, yielding better performance and lower latency.
If instantiated multiple times, 'nit_fb' can be used to statically arrange
multiple virtual frame buffers on one physical screen. The size and screen
position of each 'nit_fb' instance can be defined via Genode's configuration
mechanism using the following attributes of the 'nit_fb' config node:
! <config xpos="100" ypos="150"
! width="300" height="200"
! refresh_rate="25"/>
If 'refresh_rate' isn't set, the server will not trigger any refresh
operations by itself.
On the Live CD, each browser plugin instantiates a separate instance of
'nit_fb' to present the plugin's content on screen. In this case, the
view position is not fixed because the view is further virtualized by the
loader, which imposes its policy onto 'nit_fb' - Genode's nested
policies at work!
TAR ROM service
For large setups, listing individual files as boot modules in single-image
creation tools (e.g., elfweaver) or multiboot boot loaders can be
cumbersome, especially when many data files or shared libraries are
involved. To facilitate the grouping of files, 'tar_rom' is an
implementation of the 'ROM' interface that operates on a 'tar' file.
The name of the TAR archive must be specified via the 'name' attribute of
an 'archive' tag, for example:
! <config>
! <archive name="archive.tar"/>
! </config>
The backing store for the dataspaces exported via ROM sessions is accounted
on the 'rom_tar' service (not on its clients) to make the use of 'rom_tar'
transparent to the regular users of core's ROM service. Hence, this service
must not be used by multiple clients that do not trust each other.
Typically, 'tar_rom' is instantiated per client.
The Live CD uses the 'tar_rom' service for the browser demo. Each plugin
is fetched from the web as a tar file containing the config file of the
plugin subsystem as well as supplemental binary files that are provided
to the plugin subsystem as ROM files. This way, a plugin can carry along
multiple components and data that form a complete Genode subsystem.
The DDE kit underwent slight modifications since the previous release.
It now provides 64-bit integer types and a revised virtual PCI bus
Device drivers
PCI bus
Genode was tested on several hardware platforms in preparation of the
current release. This revealed some deficiencies with the PCI bus
driver implementation. The revised driver now efficiently supports
platforms with many PCI busses (as PCIe demands) and correctly handles
multi-function devices.
VESA framebuffer
We updated the configuration syntax of the VESA driver to better match
the style of new init syntax, preferring the use of attributes rather than
XML sub nodes. Please refer to the updated documentation at
:Buffered output:
To accommodate framebuffer clients that need to read from the frame buffer,
in particular the nitpicker GUI server operating with alpha channels, we
introduced a buffered mode to the VESA driver. If enabled, the VESA driver
will hand out a plain memory dataspace to the client rather than the
physical framebuffer. Each time, the client issues as 'refresh' operation
on the framebuffer-session interface, the VESA driver copies the corresponding
screen region from the client-side virtual framebuffer to the physical
framebuffer. Note that the VESA driver will require additional RAM quota
to allocate the client buffer. If the quota is insufficient, the driver will
fall back to non-buffered output.
:Preinitialized video modes:
As an alternative to letting the VESA driver set up a screen mode, the
driver has become able to reuse an already initialized mode, which is useful
if the VESA mode is already initialized by the boot loader. If the screen
is initialized that way, the 'preinit' attribute of the 'config' node can
be set to '"yes"' to prevent the driver from changing the mode. This way,
the driver will just query the current mode and make the already
initialized framebuffer available to its client.
We observed certain hardware platforms (in particular VirtualBox) to
behave strangely after ALSA buffer-underrun conditions. It seems that the
VirtualBox audio driver plays actually more frames than requested by
ALSA's 'writei' function, resulting in recurring replay of data that
was in the buffer at underrun time. As a work-around for this problem,
we zero-out the sound-hardware buffer in the condition of an ALSA buffer
underrun. This way, the recurring replay is still there, but it is
replaying silence.
To improve the support for sporadic audio output, we added a check for the PCM
state for buffer underruns prior issuing the actual playback. In the event of
an underrun, we re-prepare the sound card before starting the playback.
Furthermore, we implemented the new flush and channel-synchronization
abilities of the 'Audio_out_session' interface for the DDE Linux driver.
Paravirtualized Linux
To support the demo scenarios that showcase the paravirtualized Linux kernel,
we enhanced our custom stub drivers of the OKLinux kernel. Thereby, we have
reached a high level of integration of OKLinux with native Genode services,
including audio output, block devices, framebuffer output, seamless integration
with the Nitpicker GUI, and networking. All stub drivers are compiled in by
default and are ready to use by specifying a device configuration in the config
node for the Linux kernel. This way, one Linux kernel image can be easily used
in different scenarios.
:Integration with the Nitpicker GUI:
We enhanced our fbdev stub driver with a mechanism to merge view reposition
events. If a X11 window is moved, a lot of subsequent events of this type are
generated. Using the new optimization, only the most recent state gets
reported to Nitpicker, making the X11 GUI more responsive.
As we noticed that unionfs is required by all our Linux scenarios, we decided
to include and enable the patch by default.
:Network support:
With the introduction of the 'nic_bridge', multiple networking stacks can run
on Genode at the same time, which paves the way for new use cases. We have now
added a stub driver using Genode's 'Nic_session' interface to make the new
facility available to Linux.
:Audio output:
We adapted the ALSA stub driver to the changes of the 'Audio_out_session'
interface, using the new channel synchronization and flush functions.
Thereby, we optimized the stub driver to keep latency and seek times of
Linux userland applications reasonably low.
:Removed ROM file driver:
With the addition of the 'Block_session' stub driver, the original ROM file
driver is no longer required. So we removed the stub. For using ROM files as
disk images for Linux, there is the 'rom_loopdev' server, which provides a
block session that operates on a ROM file.
:Asynchronous block interface:
To improve performance, we changed the block stub driver to facilitate the
asynchronous mode of operation as provided by the 'Block_session' interface.
This way, multiple block requests can be issued at once, thereby shadowing
the round trip times for individual requests.
Protocol stacks and libraries
Gallium3D / Intel GEM
We improved the cache handling of our DRM emulation code (implementing
'drm_clflush_pages') and our EGL driver, thereby fixing caching
artifacts on i945 GPUs. Furthermore, we added a temporary work-around
for the currently dysfunctional sequence-number tracking with i945 GPUs.
On this chipset, issuing the 'MI_STORE_DWORD_INDEX' GPU command used
for tracking sequence numbers apparently halts the processing the command
stream. This condition is normally handled by an interrupt. However,
we have not enabled interrupts yet.
To prepare the future support for more Gallium drivers than i915, we
implemented a driver-selection facility in the EGL driver. The code
scans the PCI bus for a supported GPU and returns the name of the
corresponding driver library. If no driver library could be found,
the EGL driver falls back to softpipe rendering.
We revised our port of the lwIP TCP/IP stack, and thereby improved its
stability and performance.
* The lwIP library is now built as shared object, following the convention
for libraries contained in the 'libports' repository.
* By default (when using the 'libc_lwip_nic_dhcp' library), lwIP will
issue a DHCP request at startup. If this request times out, the loopback
device is set as default.
* If there is no 'Nic' service available, the lwIP stack will fall back to
the loopback device.
* We increased the default number of PCBs in lwIP to 64.
* We removed a corner case of the timed semaphore that could occur
when a timeout was triggered at the same time ,'up' was called.
In this case, the semaphore was unblocked but the timeout condition
was not reflected at the caller of 'down'. However, the lwIP code
relies on detecting those timeouts.
We implemented a custom *nitpicker plugin widget*, which allows for the
seamless integration of arbitrary nitpicker clients into a Qt4 application.
The primary use case is the browser plugin mechanism presented at
the Live CD. In principle, the 'QNitpickerViewWidget' allows for creating
mash-up allocations consisting of multiple native Genode programs. As shown
by the browser plugin demo, a Qt4 application can even integrate other
programs that run isolated from the Qt4 application, and thereby depend on
on a significantly less complex trusted computing base than the Qt4
application itself.
[image nitpicker_plugin]
The image above illustrates the use of the 'QNitpickerViewWidget' in the
scenario presented on the Live CD. The browser obtains the Nitpicker view to be
embedded into the website from the loader service, which virtualizes the
Nitpicker session interface for the loaded plugin subsystem. The browser then
tells the loader about where to present the plugin view on screen. But it has
neither control over the plugin's execution nor can it observe any user
interaction with the plugin.
New Gems repository with HTTP-based block server
To give the web-browser demo of our Live CD a special twist, and to show off
the possibilities of a real multi-server OS, we decided to implement the
somewhat crazy idea of letting a Linux OS run on a disk image fetched at
runtime from a web server. This way, the Linux OS would start right away and
disk blocks would be streamed over the network as needed. Implementing this
idea was especially attractive because such a feature would be extremely hard
to implement on a classical OS but is a breeze to realize on Genode where all
device drivers and protocol stacks are running as distinct user-level
components. The following figure illustrates the idea:
[image http_block]
The block stub driver of the Linux kernel gets connected to a special block
driver called 'http_block', which does not access a real block device but
rather uses TCP/IP and HTTP to fetch disk blocks from a web server.
Because the 'http_block' server is both user of high-level functionality (the
lwIP stack) and provider of a low-level interface ('Block_session'), the
program does not fit well into one of the existing source-code repositories.
The 'os' repository, which is normally hosting servers for low-level interfaces
is the wrong place for 'http_block' because this program would make the 'os'
repository depend on the higher-level 'libports' repository where the 'lwip'
stack is located. On the other hand, placing 'http_block' into the 'libports'
repository is also wrong because the program is not a ported library. It merely
uses libraries provided by 'libports'. In the future, we expect that native
Genode components that use both low-level and high-level repositories will
become rather the norm than an exception. Therefore, we introduced a new
repository called 'gems' for hosting such programs.
Automated coding-style checker
As Genode's code base grows and new developers start to get involved,
we noticed recurring questions regarding coding style. There is a
[http://genode.org/documentation/developer-resources/coding_style - document]
describing our coding style but for people just starting to get involved,
adhering all the rules can become tedious. However, we stress the importance
of a consistent coding style for the project. Not only does a consistent style
make the framework more approachable for users, but it also eases the work
of all regular developers, who can feel right at home at any part of
the code.
To avoid wasting precious developer time with coding-style fixes, we
have created a tool for the automated checking and (if possible) fixing
the adherence of source code to Genode's coding style. The tool is
located at 'tool/beautify'. It takes a source file as argument and
reports coding-style violations. The checks are fairly elaborative:
* Placement of braces and parenthesis
* Indentation and alignment, trailing spaces
* Vertical spacing (e.g., between member functions, above comments)
* Naming of member variables and functions (e.g., private members start with '_')
* Use of upper and lower case
* Presence of a file header with the mandatory fields
* Policy for function-header comments (comment at declaration, not
at implementation)
* Style of single-line comments, function-header comments, multi-line comments
The user of 'beautify' may opt to let the tool fix most of the violations
automatically by specifying the command line arguments '-fix' and '-write'.
With only the '-fix' argument, the tool will output the fixed version of
the code via stdout. By specifying the '-write' argument, the changes will
be written back to the original file. In any case, we strongly recommend
to manually inspect all changes made by the tool.
Under the hood, the tool consists of two parts. A custom C++ parser called
'parse_cxx' reads the source code and converts it to a syntax tree. In the
syntax tree, all formating information such as whitespaces are preserved.
The C++ parser is a separate command-line tool, which we also use for
other purposes (e.g., generating the API documentation at the website).
The actual 'beautify' tool calls 'parse_cxx', and applies its checks and
fixes to the output of 'parse_cxx'. For this reason, both tools have to
reside in the same directory.
Platform-specific changes
:Added support for shared interrupts:
The Genode Live CD operates on a large number of devices that trigger
interrupts (USB, keyboard, mouse, ATAPI, timer, network). On most
platforms, the chances are extremely high that some of them use
the same IRQ line. Therefore, we enhanced core's IRQ service to
allow multiple clients to request the same IRQ. If the interrupt occurs,
all clients referring to this interrupt are notified. The interrupt
gets cleared after all of those clients responded. Even though, we regard
PIC interrupts as a legacy, the support of shared interrupts enables
us to use OKL4 with such complex usage scenarios.
:Revised page-fault handling:
If a page fault occurs, the OKL4 kernel delivers a message to the page-fault
handler. The message contains the page-fault address and type as well as the
space ID where the fault happened. However, the identity of the faulting
thread is not delivered. Instead, the sender ID of the page fault message
contains the KTCB index of the faulting thread, which is only meaningful
within the kernel. This KTCB index is used as a reply token for answering the
page fault message. We wondered about why OKL4 choose to deliver the KTCB
index rather then the global thread ID as done for plain IPC messages. The
only reasonable answer is that by using the KTCB index directly in OKL4's
page-fault protocol, one lookup from the userland-defined thread ID to the
KTCB index can be avoided. However, this comes at the cost of losing the
identity of the faulting thread. We used to take the space ID as a key for
the fault context within core. However, with Genode's user-level page-fault
mechanism, this simplification does not suffice anymore. We have to know the
faulting thread as a page fault may not be answered immediately but at a
later time. During that time, the page-fault state has to be stored at core's
representation of the faulting thread. Our solution is reverting OKL4's
page-fault protocol to operate with global thread IDs only and to never make
kernel-internal KTCB indices visible at the user land. You can find the patch
for the OKL4 kernel at 'base-okl4/patches/reply_tid.patch'.
:Reboot via kernel debugger:
We fixed the reboot code of OKL4's kernel debugger to improve our work
flow. The patch can be found at 'base-okl4/patches/kdb_reboot.patch'.
:Relieved conflict with libc 'limits.h':
For some reason, the OKL4 kernel bindings provide definitions
normally found in libc headers. This circumstance ultimately leads
to trouble when combining OKL4 with a real C runtime. We have
relieved the problem with the patch 'base-okl4/patches/char_bit.patch'.
:Exception handling:
We added a diagnostic message to core that reports about exceptions
such as division by zero.
Our revised syscall bindings for supporting position-independent code
on L4ka::Pistachio have been integrated into the mainline development
of the kernel. Therefore, the patch is not needed anymore when using
a kernel revision newer than 'r791:0d25c1f65a3a'.
On Linux, we let the kernel manage all virtual address spaces for us,
except for the thread-context area. Because the kernel does not know
about the special meaning of the thread-context area, it may choose to
use this part of the virtual address space as target for 'mmap'. This
may lead to memory corruption. Fortunately, there is a way to tell the
kernel about virtual address regions that should be reserved. The
trick is to pre-populate the said region with anonymous memory using
the 'mmap' arguments 'MAP_PRIVATE', 'MAP_FIXED', 'MAP_ANONYMOUS', and
'PROT_NONE'. The kernel will still accept a fixed-address mapping
within such a reserved region (overmap) but won't consider using the
region by itself. The reservation must be done at the startup of each
process and each time when detaching a dataspace from the thread
context area. For the process startup, we use the hook function
'main_thread_bootstrap' in 'src/platform/_main_helper.h'. For reverting
detached dataspaces to a reserved region within the context area, we
added as special case to 'src/base/env/rm_session_mmap.cc'.
For hybrid programs (Genode processes that link against native
shared libraries of the Linux system), which are loaded by the dynamic
linker of Linux, we must further prevent the dynamic linker from
populating the thread-context area. This is achieved by adding a
special program segment at the linking stage of all elf binaries.