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# \brief Utilities for accessing depot content from run scripts
# \author Norman Feske
# \date 2017-03-29
# Return depot directory path
# \param --depot-dir set depot directory to given path, otherwise
# default value [genode_dir]/depot is used
proc depot_dir { } {
return [get_cmd_arg_first --depot-dir "[genode_dir]/depot"]
# Return spec value to be used to access binary archives
proc depot_spec { } {
if {[have_spec x86_32]} { return "x86_32" }
if {[have_spec x86_64]} { return "x86_64" }
if {[have_spec arm_v7a]} { return "arm_v7a" }
# Variable used for keeping track of archives that are missing from the
# depot. The list is populated by calls of 'import_from_depot' and evaluated
# at the boot-image-creation stage via 'check_for_missing_depot_archives'.
# Each list element is a list of <user>, <type>, <spec>, <name>, and <version>.
set _missing_depot_archives {}
# Pattern to parse an version-less archive path into <user>, <type>, <name>
proc _depot_archive_path_pattern { } {
return {^([\w\d]+)/([\w]+)/([\w\d\-_]+)$} }
# Pattern to parse an versioned archive path into <user>, <type>, <name>, <version>
proc _depot_archive_versioned_path_pattern { } {
return {^([\w\d]+)/([\w]+)/([\w\d\-_]+)/([\w\d\-\._]+)$} }
# Pattern to parse an binary archive path into <user>, <spec>, <name>.
proc _depot_bin_archive_path_pattern { } {
return {^([\w\d]+)/bin/([\w\d]+)/([\w\d\-_]+)$} }
# Determine content of a pkg archive and its dependencies
proc _collect_pkg_archive_from_depot { user name version } {
global _missing_depot_archives
set archive_dir "$user/pkg/$name/$version"
set archives_file "[depot_dir]/$archive_dir/archives"
if {![file exists $archives_file]} {
puts "Error: missing file $archives_file"
exit 1
set fh [open $archives_file "RDONLY"]
set archives [read $fh]
close $fh
set content "$archive_dir"
foreach archive $archives {
if {[regexp [_depot_archive_versioned_path_pattern] $archive dummy user type name version]} {
if {($type == "pkg") || ($type == "src") || ($type == "raw")} {
set content [concat $content [_collect_from_depot $archive]]
return $content
proc _copy_directory_content_to_run_dir { dir } {
if {![file isdirectory $dir]} {
puts stderr "Error: expected directory at '$dir'"
exit 1
foreach file [glob -directory $dir *] { file copy -force $file [run_dir]/genode/ }
proc _collect_raw_archive_from_depot { user name version } {
return "$user/raw/$name/$version" }
# Determine binary content for a given source archive
proc _collect_src_archive_from_depot { user name version } {
global _missing_depot_archives;
set src_archive_dir "$user/src/$name/$version"
set bin_archive_dir "$user/bin/[depot_spec]/$name/$version"
if {[file exists [depot_dir]/$bin_archive_dir]} {
return [list $src_archive_dir $bin_archive_dir]
} else {
lappend _missing_depot_archives [list $user bin [depot_spec] $name $version]
return {}
# Determine the current version for the given archive
# This function tries to determine the version information from the Genode
# source tree. It returns an empty string if the archive is missing from the
# depot.
proc _current_depot_archive_version { type name } {
set hash_rel_path "recipes/$type/$name/hash"
set repo [repository_contains $hash_rel_path]
set version ""
if {$repo != ""} {
set fh [open "$repo/$hash_rel_path" "RDONLY"]
set version [lindex [gets $fh] 0]
close $fh
return $version
proc _depot_contains_archive { user type name version } {
return [file exists [depot_dir]/$user/$type/$name/$version]
proc _collect_from_depot { archives } {
global _missing_depot_archives
set all_content {}
foreach archive $archives {
set version ""
# Try to parse versioned archive path. If no version is specified, use
# the current version as present in the source tree.
if {![regexp [_depot_archive_versioned_path_pattern] $archive dummy user type name version]} {
if {[regexp [_depot_archive_path_pattern] $archive dummy user type name]} {
set version [_current_depot_archive_version $type $name]
} else {
puts stderr "Error: malformed depot-archive path '$archive',"
puts stderr " expected '<user>/<type>/<name>'"
exit 1
if {$version == ""} {
puts stderr "Error: unable to guess version of '$type/$name' archive"
exit 1
if {![_depot_contains_archive $user $type $name $version]} {
lappend _missing_depot_archives [list $user $type "" $name $version]
set content {}
switch $type {
"pkg" { set content [_collect_pkg_archive_from_depot $user $name $version] }
"src" { set content [_collect_src_archive_from_depot $user $name $version] }
"raw" { set content [_collect_raw_archive_from_depot $user $name $version] }
default {
puts stderr "Error: unknown depot-archive type '$type'"
exit 1
set all_content [concat $all_content $content]
return $all_content
# Import binary and raw content of the specified depot archives into the run
# directory of the scenario
proc import_from_depot { args } {
foreach subdir [_collect_from_depot [join $args " "]] {
# prevent src, api, and pkg archives from inflating the boot image
if {[regexp [_depot_archive_versioned_path_pattern] $subdir dummy user type]} {
if {$type == "src"} continue;
if {$type == "api"} continue;
if {$type == "pkg"} continue;
_copy_directory_content_to_run_dir "[depot_dir]/$subdir"
# Assemble tar archive from binary content of the depot
proc create_tar_from_depot_binaries { archive_path args } {
# filter out api and src archives from requested depot content
set content {}
foreach subdir [_collect_from_depot $args] {
if {[regexp [_depot_archive_versioned_path_pattern] $subdir dummy user type]} {
if {$type == "src"} continue;
if {$type == "api"} continue;
lappend content $subdir
eval "exec tar cf $archive_path -C [depot_dir] [lsort -unique $content]"
proc _locally_available_recipe { user type name version } {
if {$type == "bin"} { set type "src" }
if {[repository_contains "recipes/$type/$name/hash"] == ""} {
return 0 }
if {$version != [_current_depot_archive_version $type $name]} {
return 0 }
return 1
# Check for the completeness of the imported depot content
# This function aborts the run script if any archives are missing.
proc check_for_missing_depot_archives { } {
global _missing_depot_archives
if {[llength $_missing_depot_archives] == 0} { return }
puts stderr "\nError: missing depot archives:"
# Try to assist the user with obtaining the missing archives
# For missing archives that belong to the configured depot user, the
# user should be able to created them from the source tree as long as
# recipe exists.
# Archives that do not belong to the configured depot user may be
# downloaded.
# XXX Present this option only if the URL and public key of the
# archives user is known
# XXX Present download option even for archives that can be created locally
set nonexisting_archives {}
set local_user_archives {}
set foreign_archives {}
foreach archive $_missing_depot_archives {
set user [lindex $archive 0]
set type [lindex $archive 1]
set spec [lindex $archive 2]
set name [lindex $archive 3]
set version [lindex $archive 4]
# If a pkg archive is missing, suggest to obtain the binary-pkg
# archive (matching the build directory) immediately, which implies
# the pkg archive. Otherwise, the user would first obtain the pkg
# archive and its source dependencies, and then get an error for
# the missing binary archives on the next attempt to execute the
# run script.
if {$type == "pkg"} { set spec "[depot_spec]" }
if {$type == "src"} {
set type "bin"
set spec "[depot_spec]"
set path "$user/$type/$name"
if {$type == "bin" || $type == "pkg"} {
set path "$user/$type/$spec/$name" }
puts stderr " $path/$version"
if {[_locally_available_recipe $user $type $name $version]} {
lappend local_user_archives $path
} else {
lappend foreign_archives $path/$version
if {[llength $local_user_archives] || [llength $foreign_archives]} {
puts stderr "" }
if {[llength $local_user_archives]} {
append create_args " CROSS_DEV_PREFIX=[cross_dev_prefix]"
puts stderr "You may create the following archives locally:\n"
puts stderr " [genode_dir]/tool/depot/create $local_user_archives$create_args\n"
if {[llength $foreign_archives]} {
puts stderr "You may try to download the following archives:\n"
puts stderr " [genode_dir]/tool/depot/download $foreign_archives\n"
exit 1
proc drivers_interactive_pkg { } {
if {[have_spec linux]} { return drivers_interactive-linux }
if {[have_spec x86]} { return drivers_interactive-pc }
if {[have_spec pbxa9]} { return drivers_interactive-pbxa9 }
puts stderr "drivers_interactive package undefined for this build configuration"
exit 1