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synced 2025-03-19 18:45:57 +00:00
When using the depot/build tool with the 'REBUILD=' argument as done by the run tool's --depot-auto-update feature, the depot/build tool now checks that an existing bin archive was indeed created via the src and api archives present in the depot for the given version. This addresses consistency issues when switching between different git branches that refer to the same depot versions but with different content. Fixes #5379
199 lines
7.8 KiB
Executable File
199 lines
7.8 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/make -f
# \brief Build binary archives from source
# \author Norman Feske
# \date 2017-03-16
Build binary archives from source archives stored in the depot
$(firstword $(MAKEFILE_LIST)) <archive-path>...
The <archive-path> argument denotes the archive to create in the
form of a path. The first path element correponds to the identity
of the archive creator, the second element corresponds to the type
of the archive (bin or pkg), the third element specifies the target
architectures (e.g., x86_64), and the fourth element is the name
of the corresponding source archive including the version.
E.g., the user 'alan' may build the following archives:
alan/bin/x86_64/zlib/<version> - a binary archive of the zlib
library with the specified
version, built for the 64-bit
x86 architecture
alan/pkg/x86_32/wm/<version> - all binary archives needed by
the 'wm' package archive, built
for the 32-bit x86 architecture
The following arguments tweak the operation of the tool:
REBUILD=1 Replace existing archives with freshly created
VERBOSE= Show individual operations.
-j<N> Enable the parallel creation of packages where
<N> denotes the level of parallelism.
KEEP_BUILD_DIR=1 Do not remove build directories of built binary
packages. This is useful for debugging build
CCACHE=1 Compiler calls will use the C/C++ compiler cache.
DBG=1 Build 'dbg' archives containing debug info files
in addition to the corresponding 'bin' archives.
export GENODE_DIR := $(realpath $(dir $(MAKEFILE_LIST))/../..)
include $(GENODE_DIR)/tool/depot/mk/front_end.inc
include $(GENODE_DIR)/tool/depot/mk/categorize_args.inc
# Collect dependencies for all specified arguments
# The following accessor functions used by 'mk/dependencies.inc'.
_file_within_archive = $(wildcard $(DEPOT_DIR)/$1/$2)
api_file = $(call _file_within_archive,$1,api)
used_apis_file = $(call _file_within_archive,$1,used_apis)
_pkg_archives_content = $(call file_content,$(call _file_within_archive,$1,archives))
pkg_src_archives = $(call grep_archive_type,src,$(call _pkg_archives_content,$1))
pkg_raw_archives = $(call grep_archive_type,raw,$(call _pkg_archives_content,$1))
pkg_pkg_archives = $(call grep_archive_type,pkg,$(call _pkg_archives_content,$1))
include $(GENODE_DIR)/tool/depot/mk/dependencies.inc
# Detect missing source archives
archive_exists_in_depot = $(wildcard $(DEPOT_DIR)/$1)
$(foreach A,${ARCHIVES(bin)},\
$(if $(call archive_exists_in_depot,$(call src_of_bin,$A)),,$A)))
@echo "Error: archives missing in the depot ($(MISSING_ARCHIVES))"; false
# Generate makefile for archive-build stage
# The target pattern rules are needed to make sure that 'build_bin_archive'
# is called only once for each bin/dbg archive pair.
# determine binary-archive path within the depot
_dst_bin_spec_path = $(call archive_user,$1)/bin/$(call bin_archive_spec,$1)/
dst_bin_archive_path = $(call _dst_bin_spec_path,$1)$(call bin_archive_recipe,$1)/$(call bin_archive_version,$1)
dst_bin_archive_path_pattern = $(call _dst_bin_spec_path,$1)$(call bin_archive_recipe,$1)/%
# determine debug-archive path within the depot
_dst_dbg_spec_path = $(call archive_user,$1)/dbg/$(call bin_archive_spec,$1)/
dst_dbg_archive_path = $(call _dst_dbg_spec_path,$1)$(call bin_archive_recipe,$1)/$(call bin_archive_version,$1)
dst_dbg_archive_path_pattern = $(call _dst_dbg_spec_path,$1)$(call bin_archive_recipe,$1)/%
BUILD_MK_FILE := $(DEPOT_DIR)/var/build.mk
$(VERBOSE)rm -rf $(addprefix $(DEPOT_DIR)/,\
$(foreach A,${ARCHIVES(bin)},$(call dst_bin_archive_path,$A)))
$(VERBOSE)rm -rf $(addprefix $(DEPOT_DIR)/,\
$(foreach A,${ARCHIVES(dbg)},$(call dst_dbg_archive_path,$A)))
$(BUILD_MK_FILE): checked_source_archives_exist checked_no_uncategorized
$(VERBOSE)mkdir -p $(dir $@)
$(VERBOSE)( echo -e "all:\n"; \
echo "TOOL_DIR := $(GENODE_DIR)/tool"; \
$(foreach A,${ARCHIVES(bin)},\
bin_target=$(call dst_bin_archive_path,$A); \
bin_target_pattern=$(call dst_bin_archive_path_pattern,$A); \
dbg_target=$(call dst_dbg_archive_path,$A); \
dbg_target_pattern=$(call dst_dbg_archive_path_pattern,$A); \
user=$(call archive_user,$A); \
recipe=$(call bin_archive_recipe,$A); \
version=$(call bin_archive_version,$A); \
spec=$(call bin_archive_spec,$A); \
echo ""; \
echo "TARGETS += $$bin_target"; \
echo "TOOL($$bin_target) := build_bin_archive"; \
echo "ARGS($$bin_target) := $$recipe/$$version USER=$$user SPEC=$$spec"; \
echo ""; \
echo "ifneq (\$$(DBG),)"; \
echo "TARGETS += $$dbg_target"; \
echo "TOOL($$dbg_target) := build_bin_archive"; \
echo "ARGS($$dbg_target) := $$recipe/$$version USER=$$user SPEC=$$spec"; \
echo "endif"; \
echo -e "\n$$bin_target_pattern $$dbg_target_pattern:"; \
echo -e "\t\$$(MAKE) -f \$$(TOOL_DIR)/depot/mk/\$${TOOL(\$$@)}" \
"\$${ARGS(\$$@)} CCACHE=\$$(CCACHE) VERBOSE=\$$(VERBOSE)\n"; \
) \
echo -e "\nall: \$$(TARGETS)"; \
) > $@
# Invoke sub make to process generated makefile
execute_generated_build_mk_file: $(BUILD_MK_FILE)
$(VERBOSE)$(MAKE) $(if $(VERBOSE),--quiet) -f $(BUILD_MK_FILE) \
# Utilities to check consistency of bin archives with their src and used APIS
_eq = $(and $(findstring x$(1),x$(2)), $(findstring x$(2),x$(1)))
_libapi = $(if $(wildcard $(DEPOT_DIR)/$1/api),$(call file_content,$(DEPOT_DIR)/$1/api),)
_apis_of_src = $(call _libapi,$1) $(call file_content,$(DEPOT_DIR)/$1/used_apis)
_api_archives_of_src = $(addprefix $(call archive_user,$1)/api/,$(call _apis_of_src,$1))
_api_hashes = $(foreach A,$(call _api_archives_of_src,$1),$(call file_content,$(DEPOT_DIR)/$A.hash))
_src_hash = $(call file_content,$(DEPOT_DIR)/$1.hash)
_src_and_api_hashes = $(call _src_hash,$1) $(call _api_hashes,$1)
_src_of_bin = $(call archive_user,$1)/src/$(call bin_archive_recipe,$1)/$(call bin_archive_version,$1)
_bin_ingredient_hashes = $(call _src_and_api_hashes,$(call _src_of_bin,$1))
_bin_hashes = $(call file_content,$(DEPOT_DIR)/$1.hash)
_bin_exists = $(wildcard $(DEPOT_DIR)/$1)
_bin_inconsistent = $(if $(call _bin_exists,$1),\
$(if $(call _eq,$(call _bin_ingredient_hashes,$1),$(call _bin_hashes,$1)),,$1))
ifneq ($(REBUILD),)
execute_generated_build_mk_file: wipe_existing_archives
INCONSISTENT_BIN_ARCHIVES = $(strip $(foreach I,${ARCHIVES(bin)},$(call _bin_inconsistent,$I)))
execute_generated_build_mk_file: report_bin_src_inconsistencies
endif # REBUILD
@( \
echo -e "\nError: the following bin archives do not match their src and apis:\n"; \
for i in $(INCONSISTENT_BIN_ARCHIVES); do echo -e " $$i"; done; \
echo -e "\nYou may consider removing those binary archives from the depot.\n" \
$(MAKECMDGOALS): execute_generated_build_mk_file