2025-01-30 16:30:14 +01:00

192 lines
5.4 KiB

source [genode_dir]/tool/run/bender.inc
proc binary_name_ld_lib_so { } { return "ld-hw.lib.so" }
proc binary_name_core_a { } { return "core-hw.a" }
proc binary_name_timer { } { return "hw_timer" }
proc binary_name_image_elf { } { return "image-hw.elf" }
proc run_boot_string { } { return "\nkernel initialized" }
proc boot_output { } { return "serial" }
proc grub_menuentry { } { return "'Genode on base-hw'" }
proc bootstrap_link_address { } {
set link_address_file [file join "board" [board] "image_link_address"]
set repo [repository_contains $link_address_file]
if {$repo == ""} {
puts stderr "\nError: unknown image link address\n"
puts stderr " File $link_address_file not present in any repository.\n"
exit -1
set fh [open [file join $repo $link_address_file] "RDONLY"]
set link_address [lindex [gets $fh] 0]
close $fh
return $link_address
proc core_link_address { } {
if {[have_spec "64bit"]} { return "0xffffffc000000000" }
if {[have_spec "32bit"]} { return "0x80000000" }
return 0;
# Populate boot directory with binaries on hw
proc run_boot_dir {binaries} {
# Build bootstrap, the core object, and the dynamic linker on demand
# If those parts were imported from the depot, the build step is skipped.
set bootstrap_arg ""
set core_arg ""
if {![file exists [run_dir]/genode/core-hw-[board].a]} { set core_arg core/hw }
if {![file exists [run_dir]/genode/bootstrap-hw-[board].o]} { set bootstrap_arg bootstrap/hw }
set build_args "$bootstrap_arg $core_arg"
if {[llength $build_args]} { build $build_args }
if {$core_arg != ""} { copy_file bin/core-hw-[board].a [run_dir]/genode/ }
if {$bootstrap_arg != ""} { copy_file bin/bootstrap-hw-[board].o [run_dir]/genode/ }
# Copy specified modules to the run directory, excluding core.
set idx [lsearch $binaries "core"]
set modules [lreplace $binaries $idx $idx]
copy_genode_binaries_to_run_dir $modules
puts "core link address is [core_link_address]"
set core_obj core-hw-[board].a
set bootstrap_obj bootstrap-hw-[board].o
# create core and bootstrap binary without modules for debugging
if {[file exists debug/core-hw-[board].a]} {
build_core debug/core-hw-[board].a {} [run_dir].core [core_link_address]
build_core [run_dir]/genode/$bootstrap_obj {} [run_dir].bootstrap [bootstrap_link_address]
exec [cross_dev_prefix]objcopy --only-keep-debug [run_dir].core [run_dir].core.debug
# determine modules to be incorporated into the core image
set modules [glob -tails -directory [run_dir]/genode/ *]
set excluded_modules {}
lappend excluded_modules $core_obj $bootstrap_obj
foreach excluded $excluded_modules {
set modules [lsearch -inline -not -all $modules $excluded] }
# check syntax of all boot modules named *.config
foreach file [glob -nocomplain [run_dir]/genode/*.config] {
check_xml_syntax $file }
# create core binary containing the boot modules
build_core [run_dir]/genode/$core_obj $modules [run_dir]/genode/core.elf [core_link_address]
exec [cross_dev_prefix]strip [run_dir]/genode/core.elf
build_core [run_dir]/genode/$bootstrap_obj { core.elf } [run_dir]/image-hw.elf [bootstrap_link_address]
# Save config part of the image.elf for easy inspection
exec cp -f [run_dir]/genode/config [run_dir].config
exec [cross_dev_prefix]strip [run_dir]/image-hw.elf
exec mkdir -p [run_dir]/boot
exec mv [run_dir]/image-hw.elf [run_dir]/boot/image-hw.elf
set options_bender "[boot_output] [bender_intel_hwp_mode_option]"
if {[have_include "image/iso"] || [have_include "image/disk"] || [have_include image/uefi]} {
# Compress Genode image, to be uncompressed by GRUB
exec gzip -n [run_dir]/boot/image-hw.elf
if {[have_include "image/disk"]} {
if {[have_include "image/iso"]} {
if {[have_include image/uefi]} {
append options_bender " serial_fallback"
# Generate GRUB2 config file
set fh [create_header_grub2_config]
puts $fh "menuentry [grub_menuentry] {"
puts $fh " insmod multiboot2"
puts $fh " multiboot2 /boot/bender $options_bender"
puts $fh " module2 /boot/image-hw.elf.gz image-hw.elf"
puts $fh "}"
close $fh
# install image.elf file in TFTP directory for PXE boot
if {[expr [have_spec arm] || [have_spec arm_64]] && [have_include "load/tftp"]} {
if {[have_include "image/uboot"]} {
if {[image_uboot_use_fit]} {
exec {*}[load_tftp_inst_cmd] \
[file join [pwd] [run_dir] boot image.itb] \
} else {
exec {*}[load_tftp_inst_cmd] \
[file join [pwd] [run_dir] boot uImage] \
} else {
exec {*}[load_tftp_inst_cmd] [pwd]/[run_dir]/boot/image-hw.elf [load_tftp_base_dir][load_tftp_offset_dir]
if {[have_spec x86] && [have_include "load/tftp"]} {
# Install PXE bootloader pulsar
# Generate pulsar config file
set fh [open "[run_dir]/config-52-54-00-12-34-56" "WRONLY CREAT TRUNC"]
puts $fh " exec /boot/bender $options_bender"
puts $fh " load /boot/image-hw.elf"
close $fh
if {[have_spec x86] && [have_include "load/ipxe"]} {
# Base source archive within depot
proc base_src { } { return "base-hw-[board]" }