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Release notes for the Genode OS Framework 18.11
Genode Labs
Our [https://genode.org/about/road-map - road map] for 2018 emphasized
software quality and resilience as one of the major topics of the year.
The release 18.11 pays tribute to this plan on multiple levels.
First, by integrating *static code analysis* into Genode's build and packaging
tools, we aim to cultivate rigid code analysis as a regular part of our work
flows to catch bugs as early as possible - before running any code
(Section [Static code analysis]).
The second line of defense are intensive automated tests, which are steadily
extended. The tests can roughly be classified into unit tests, component
tests, and integration tests. By moving over 70 *component tests* from
individual test scenarios (run scripts) to Genode packages, we became able to
run all these tests as one big integration test. As described in
Section [Automated test infrastructure hosted on top of Genode], the large
batch of component tests, their orchestration, and the analysis of the results
are performed directly on the target platform. This approach not only stresses
the resilience of the base framework and the underlying kernels, but it also
makes each individual test easily reproducible, e.g., on top of Sculpt OS.
For unit tests, *coverage metrics* are a useful tool to aid the test
development. The current release integrates the support of the gcov tool into
the build system and test infrastructure so that these metrics become easy to
To improve the resilience of Genode systems that contain parts that are
known/expected to sometimes fail, e.g., because they depend on hugely complex
software stacks, the new release features the ability to *monitor the health*
of components (Section [Component health monitoring]). Using this new
introspection mechanism, Genode systems become able to respond to such
conditions by restarting the affected component or by logging the event.
The most sophisticated integration test is certainly the interactive use of
*Sculpt OS* on a daily basis. On that account, we are happy to introduce a few
new toys to play with. By introducing a new window layouter and modularizing
Sculpt's window-management packages, window decorators can now be swapped out
at runtime, window layouts are preserved across reboots, and the layout rules
can be edited on the fly (Section [Enhanced window-management flexibility]).
Also outlined on our road map, we strive to apply Genode for network
appliances and typical server applications. With the new ability to host
MirageOS unikernels directly on Genode
(Section [Genode as a platform for Mirage-OS unikernels]), MirageOS-based
server applications can be readily integrated into Genode systems. Another
key component for server use cases is the new SSH server described in
Section [SSH terminal server], which allows for the friction-less remote
administration of Genode-based servers.
Further highlights of the current release are the improved network performance
on Xilinx Zynq, the initial version of a Genode SDK, performance improvements
of the base-hw kernel on NXP i.MX platforms, and the updated language support
for Ada and Java.
Raising the bar of quality assurance
Automated test infrastructure hosted on top of Genode
When it comes to testing, Genode's run tool provides a convenient way for
building, configuring, executing, and evaluating system scenarios. Throughout
the years, the base framework became equipped with a broad variety of run
scripts, each dedicated to another aspect of Genode. Most of them support
being integrated into a fully automated test infrastructure. For instance, all
the tests listed in _tool/autopilot.list_ are automatically evaluated each
night at Genode Labs for different platforms and kernels. This exposes the
current state of development to a variety of base-system behavior (e.g.,
scheduling) and quickly reveals regression bugs.
[image depot_autopilot_before]
However, the existing approach had its drawbacks:
* As each test was realized through a run script executed individually,
the target platform had to be booted over and over again. So, for larger
lists of tests like _tool/autopilot.list_, boot times could sum up to a
significant magnitude. Moreover, continuous on and off switching of
hardware may have a negative effect on its lifetime.
* Most of the mentioned run scripts neither needed more than a few minutes to
finish nor did they include a lot of dynamics regarding, for instance, the
creation and destruction of components. So the software system as a whole
was stressed only to a very limited extent.
* The description of the test scenarios could not be used for running tests
from within an on-target Genode natively. But especially in the context of
the ever growing use of the Sculpt desktop system, this becomes more and
more desirable. The run script mechanism, however, is designed for a
Linux-based host platform remote-controlling the target.
This brought us to the idea of creating a new component that takes sets of
tests that are described through Genode means only as input. It evaluates one
after the other in a sandbox environment to, eventually, provide the user with
an easy-to-read result list. When it came to choosing the test-description
format, the already existing depot mechanism - as used within Sculpt OS - was
an obvious candidate.
Depot packages are designed to describe dynamically loadable sub trees for
Genode's component hierarchy, i.e., exactly for what a test scenario should
be in the context of the new component (plus some extra information about
platform requirements and success conditions). Furthermore for managing
package depots, Genode already provides a comprehensive set of well-tested
tools, most noteworthy in this context the depot-query application. This
component makes querying the contents of packages as easy as writing the
package path to a report and awaiting the resulting blueprint through a ROM
dataspace. That said, the choice of the back-end mechanism was clear and
consequently, we named the new component _depot autopilot_.
The depot autopilot
As starting point for the development of the depot autopilot, the depot deploy
component (introduced with the 17.08 release), served us well. Both components
have the purpose of loading Genode scenarios from packages and start them
inside a nicely separated instance of Genode's init runtime. For this reason,
a good part of the depot autopilot configuration interface might look familiar
to you, as shall be depicted by this example:
! <config arch="x86_64" children_label_prefix="this is new">
! <static>
! <parent-provides>
! <service name="ROM"/>
! <service name="CPU"/>
! ...
! </parent-provides>
! </static>
! <common_routes>
! <service name="ROM" label_last="init"> <parent/> </service>
! <service name="CPU"> <parent/> </service>
! ...
! </common_routes>
! <start name="test-mmio" pkg="genodelabs/pkg/test-mmio/2018-10-30"/>
! <start name="test-xml_node" pkg="genodelabs/pkg/test-xml_node/2018-10-30"/>
! ...
! <previous-results ...> <!-- this is new --> </previous-results>
! </config>
Like in depot deploy configurations, there are '<start>' nodes to declare,
which scenarios to run and from which packages to load them, there is an
'arch' attribute to select the packages architecture variant, and also the
'<static>' and '<route>' nodes that install common parts of the configuration.
The same goes for the 'runtime' files in the test packages. They are actually
fully compatible with the depot deploy tool:
! <runtime ram="32M" caps="1000" binary="init">
! <requires> <timer/> <nic/> </requires>
! <content>
! <rom label="ld.lib.so"/>
! <rom label="test-example"/>
! </content>
! <config>
! <parent-provides> ... </parent-provides>
! <default-route> ... </default-route>
! <start name="test-example" caps="500">
! <resource name="RAM" quantum="10M"/>
! </start>
! </config>
! <events> <!-- this is new --> </events>
! </runtime>
But there are also new things as you can see. We will explain them below.
Roughly outlined, the concepts of the depot autopilot differs in three points
from that of the depot deploy component:
# The outcome of loaded scenarios is captured and interpreted in order
to support failure detection and analysis,
# Scenarios do not run in parallel but in a given order to mitigate
interfering influences and make results reproducible, and
# Scenarios must be considered to trigger bugs that
may lead to situations where the scenario itself or even the whole system
hangs or crashes.
The first point is addressed by the new '<events>' tag in _runtime_ files. It
allows for listing events that might trigger during a test and specify the
reaction of the depot autopilot. Currently, two types of events, the '<log>'
event and the '<timeout>' event, are available, which cover most of the use
cases found in tests of the Genode main repositories. Here's a short example
of how to use them:
! <runtime>
! <events>
! <timeout meaning="failed" sec="20"/>
! <log meaning="succeeded">[init -> test-example] Test succeeded!</log>
! <log meaning="failed">Error: </log>
! </events>
! ...
! </runtime>
The content of each '<log>' node is matched continuously against the output of
each LOG client of a test. The first tag whose content matches completely
decides on the tests result through its 'meaning' attribute and causes the
depot autopilot to replace the current test scenario with its successor. In
order to be able to do the matching, the depot autopilot acts as LOG session
server to all components of a test scenario, given that incoming LOG session
requests can be correlated to these components. This behavior leads to the
requirement that the depot autopilot receives the session-label prefix of the
runtime init through the new 'children_label_prefix' attribute of its
! <config ... children_label_prefix="test_init_runtime -> ">
As soon as the '<log>' event matching is done, the test output is incorporated
into the autopilot's LOG output, so, later debugging may benefit from it as
A '<timeout>' node, on the other hand, causes the autopilot to set a timeout
according to the 'sec' attribute when starting the test. Should the timeout
trigger before the test terminated in another way, it's up to the '<timeout>'
node to define the test's result and terminate the test.
The second point, regarding the scheduling of tests, is an easy one. While for
the depot deploy tool, the order of '<start>' nodes is irrelevant, for the
depot autopilot, it defines the order in which tests shall be executed.
The last point raised the question of what to do when a test gets stuck or,
even worse, compromises the whole system. The former is already handled by
using the above mentioned '<timeout>' events. The latter, on the other hand,
brings the '<previous-results>' node of the autopilot configuration into play.
With this node, the depot autopilot instance can be equipped with the results
of a previously running instance. This way, the target platform can be
rebooted when a system crash is detected and can proceed with the remaining
tests without losing the information gathered during earlier boot cycles. This
is a short example:
! <config>
! <previous-results time_sec="15"
! failed="1"
! succeeded="1"
! > test-1 ok 0.563 log "Succeeded"
! test-2 failed 20.000 reboot</previous-results>
! ...
! </config>
The so configured depot-autopilot instance will put the content string of
the '<previous-results>' node at the top of its result list. The values of the
attributes of the tag ('succeeded', 'failed', ...), at the other hand, are
relevant for result statistics.
Once all tests are evaluated, the depot autopilot outputs a result overview
comprising a list of single test results and some statistical data:
! --- Finished after 1207.154 sec ---
! test-init failed 300.015 timeout 300 sec
! test-init_loop ok 57.228 log "child "test-init_loop" exited wi ..."
! test-ldso ok 1.779 log "[init -> test-ldso] Lib_2_global ..."
! succeeded: 2 failed: 1 skipped: 0
For a comprehensive description of all the features of the depot autopilot,
please have a look at _repos/gems/src/app/depot_autopilot/README_.
The run script
With the depot autopilot component, testing becomes more independent from a
non-Genode host system that executes run scripts. However, we did not intend
to port all existing tests at once nor do we know yet if this is desirable.
In our nightly testing infrastructure, tasks like powering on and off the
target platform or managing the log archives are still bound to Linux and the
time-tested run mechanism. Thus, a mediation between the depot autopilot and
the existing test infrastructure is required.
[image depot_autopilot_after]
The solution is the new run script _gems/run/depot_autopilot.run_. This run
script contains a scenario that combines a TAR VFS, a depot query component,
the depot autopilot, and an init runtime resulting in a fully automated meta
test-unit for the run mechanism. Inside the script, you have a convenient and
small set of configuration variables. Normally, you just list the names of the
test packages to evaluate and define platform incompatibilities through
optional 'skip_test_pkg' variables:
! set avail_test_pkgs {
! test-lx_block
! test-log
! test-tcp_bulk_lwip
! test-mmio
! ... }
! set skip_test_pkg(test-lx_block) [expr ![have_spec linux]]
! set skip_test_pkg(test-tcp_bulk_lwip) [expr ![have_spec x86]]
Together with the '--depot-user' run parameter, the run script composes an
archive of a 'depot' directory containing the correct versions of all needed
packages. As usual, the run modules manage the boot process of the target
platform and the loading of the system image, thereby shipping the depot
archive as Genode boot module. The archive can then be accessed by the depot
query tool on target through the VFS server. The depot autopilot, on the other
hand, gets configured to successively request the exact same packages from the
depot query tool and evaluates them using the init runtime named "dynamic".
[image depot_autopilot_arch]
The run script can also handle system crashes. Through the depot autopilot's
log output, it keeps track of every test started and its individual timeout.
If a timeout goes by without the depot autopilot having terminated the current
test, the run script intervenes. As it also records the individual test
results printed by the depot autopilot up to this point, it can now reboot the
system to continue testing. In this follow-up attempt, everything remains the
same with two exceptions. First, the list of tests is pruned by the already
evaluated tests plus the test that caused the reboot, and second, the
'<previous-results>' node of the depot autopilot is used to pass on the
findings of former attempts. This way, the final result list of the depot
autopilot should always be reached and always be complete.
Another feature of the run script is that it offers an alternate mode for
debugging a single test without having to switch the scenario. Through three
variables you can deactivate all but one test and apply source code changes
without having to rebuild packages. For example:
! set single_test_pkg "test-libc_vfs"
! set single_test_build { server/ram_fs test/libc_vfs }
! set single_test_modules { ram_fs vfs.lib.so }
This would only run the _libc_vfs_ test and overlays the package contents with
the _ram_fs_ and _vfs.lib.so_ images, which are freshly built from the local
source repository.
A more detailed documentation of the run script can be found at
_repos/gems/src/app/depot_autopilot/README_ and inside the run script itself.
The test packages
Of course, the depot autopilot isn't worth much without any test packages in
place and all of our tests existed solely in the format expected by the run
tool. But we had the feeling that a significant amount of them should be
portable without great difficulty. One potential limiting factor was that
drivers should not be an individual part of test runtimes as, so far,
restarting drivers causes problems in most cases. Therefore, they must be
loaded by the surrounding system. However, holding drivers for all hardware
available just in case that a test needs them would unnecessarily raise the
scenario's complexity and disturb less demanding but more performance critical
tests. Thus, we decided to let the depot-autopilot run script provide merely
the timer driver as most of the component and unit tests are satisfied with
this. As soon as we want to port tests using other drivers, like the
network-bench suite, a dedicated depot-autopilot run script would be the way
to go. Another noteworthy point is the rather basic feature set for doing
result evaluation with the depot autopilot. As it turned out, most tests
comply with this limitation because tricky success conditions aren't
encouraged by the run mechanism either.
All in all, we managed to port 75 tests from the repositories 'base', 'os',
'libports', and 'ports' to the depot autopilot during this release cycle. To
avoid redundancy, we removed the corresponding run scripts at the same time.
Each package that represents a test is prefixed with "test-" so you can
quickly receive an overview of all available tests by doing:
! find <GENODE_DIR>/repos -type d -wholename *recipes/pkg/test-*
New tooling for obtaining test-coverage metrics
The [https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc/Gcov.html - gcov] tool can analyze how
often each source-code line of a test program has been executed.
On POSIX-like systems the usual steps to use this tool are as follows:
* When building a test program, special compiler flags add instrumentation code
to the program and generate a gcov "note" file along with each object file.
These note files are needed later on for the final analysis. The test
program is also linked against the gcov library.
* When the test program is running, it collects coverage data and writes it
into a gcov "data" file for each object file when the program exits.
* The gcov program uses the source, note, and data files to generate annotated
source-code files with the number of times each line has been executed.
We ported the gcov tool to Genode to use it with our native (non-libc) Genode
tests and the 'depot_autopilot' run script. It is integrated in the following
* When adding 'COVERAGE = yes' to a _target.mk_ file of a test program,
the build system adds the gcov-specific compiler flags and links the
program with the gcov library.
* The generated gcov note files get a symlink in the _build/.../bin/gcov_data_
directory, which is added to the binary depot package of the test program.
This way, the note files become available within the binary archives of the
depot as used by the "depot_autopilot" system scenario described in
Section [Automated test infrastructure hosted on top of Genode].
* When the test program starts, it calls 'env.exec_static_constructors()'.
Each instrumented object file registers itself at the gcov library from a
static constructor (auto-generated with the gcov compiler flags).
* The gcov library needs the Genode environment to write the collected data to
a file system, so the test program also calls the 'gcov_init()' function
with a reference to the environment.
* When the test program has finished, it calls 'genode_exit()', which in turn
calls an exit handler registered by the gcov library. The gcov library then
writes the coverage data files to a RAM file system with a path that matches
the path to the note files in the depot in the same file system.
* When all tests have finished, the depot_autopilot scenario runs the gcov
program, which scans the file system for the collected gcov data files and
writes the final analysis for each file to the log. If the name of the test
package is included in the 'avail_test_src_pkgs' list of the
_depot_autopilot.run_ script, the source and API archives of the test are
added to the depot and the source code is printed together with the counts
and line numbers, otherwise only the counts and line numbers with the text
'/*EOF*/' on each line are printed.
So far, we enabled the code coverage analysis feature for the 'xml_generator'
test and it can be seen in action by running the _depot_autopilot.run_ script.
Static code analysis
The static analyzer tool of [https://clang-analyzer.llvm.org] can analyze
source code in C and C++ projects to find bugs at compile time.
With this tool enabled, Genode users can check and ensure the quality of
Genode components. The tool can be invoked during make invocations and during
the creation of Genode packages.
For the invocation of _make_ within a Genode build directory, the new
STATIC_ANALYZE variable on the command line will prompt the static analyzer to
run next to the actual build step.
! STATIC_ANALYZE=1 make -C build/x86_64 KERNEL=... run/...
For analyzing Genode packages, a new wrapper tool _tool/depot/static_analyze_
becomes handy. It can be combined with the existing _tool/depot/*_ tools to
take effect, e.g.:
! tool/depot/static_analyze tool/depot/create <user>/pkg/...
The results of the static-analyzer tool are generated in the form of html
pages and can be inspected afterwards. The following example output showcases
a run of the static analyzer tool:
! make: Entering directory '../genode/build/x86_64'
! checking library dependencies...
! scan-build: Using '/usr/lib/llvm-6.0/bin/clang' for static analysis
! ...
! LINK init
! scan-build: 0 bugs found.
! scan-build: The analyzer encountered problems on some source files.
! scan-build: Preprocessed versions of these sources were deposited in
! '/tmp/scan-build-2018-11-28-111203-20081-1/failures'.
During our enablement of this feature we used Clang 6.0 on Ubuntu 16.04. The
steps to provide the required tools on Linux are like follows.
! sudo apt install clang-tools-6.0
! cd $HOME/bin
! ln -s $(which scan-build-6.0) scan-build
Genode as a platform for Mirage-OS unikernels
This year, we collaborated with [https://mirage.io - MirageOS]
at [https://bornhack.dk/bornhack-2018/ - Bornhack] and the MirageOS hack
retreat in Marrakesh to bring unikernel applications to Genode as native
components. MirageOS is an application framework that provides all necessary
OS abstractions for network applications as a library. A MirageOS unikernel
requires a machine operating system to provide a thread of execution, system
time, a network interface, and block storage. Higher-level OS facilities such
as multitasking, TCP/IP, and object storage are implemented as statically
linked libraries written in the same language as the application, OCaml in the
case of MirageOS. Relative to traditional applications that rely on a POSIX
runtime this allows for significant code pruning at compile-time and simple
and precise host environment requirements.
MirageOS was originally implemented with [https://xenproject.org/ - Xen] as
the machine OS but to port MirageOS to other hypervisors a general sandboxing
middleware library was created. This library is
[https://github.com/Solo5/solo5 - Solo5], which provides the simple
abstractions necessary for running a unikernel as paravirtualized guest or as
sandboxed process of another OS. After investigating both approaches, we chose
to implement a native Solo5 bindings library. This follows our belief that an
operating system can provide process isolation equal to and more efficiently
than hardware assisted virtualization. We share this belief with the unikernel
community and expect it as an
[https://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=3267845 - inevitable trend]
in hosted computing. Furthermore, the burden of developing and maintaining a
unikernel support layer is trivial compared to a virtual machine monitor.
Building and deploying MirageOS with Genode requires coordination at both
sides. For this reason, Genode target support was added to the Mirage tooling
in the
[https://github.com/mirage/mirage/releases/tag/3.3.0 - 3.3.0 release].
The Genode platform layer of Solo5 and Mirage differs most from other targets
such as [https://muen.sk/articles.html#mirageos-unikernels - Muen] in that it
is dynamically linked. This allows a Mirage image to remain viable across
Genode API and ABI changes.
To compile Mirage code into a Genode compatible binary, one may follow the
standard build procedure using the _mirage_ tool just as one would for Muen or
! # See https://mirage.io/docs/ for instructions
! # on building a MirageOS application.
! cd mirage-skeleton/tutorial/hello/
! mirage configure --target genode --dhcp=true
! make depends
! make build
The output is a Genode program dynamically linked to a Solo5 bindings library.
This library is built using the Genode tool chain and is available as a
[https://depot.genode.org/genodelabs/bin/x86_64/solo5 - depot package].
Finding a smooth workflow for deploying unikernels with Genode is a topic open
for discussion, but for now, we offer a run scenario for creating a standalone
x86_64 MirageOS boot image with an ethernet driver.
! # See https://genode.org/documentation/developer-resources/build_system
! # for instructions on preparing the Genode build system.
! cp mirage-skeleton/tutorial/hello/hello.genode \
! genode/build/x86_64/bin/mirage
! cd genode/build/x86_64
! # Build and run a minimal image (serial logging only):
! make run/mirage_net KERNEL=hw
! # Build and run an image with a graphical console:
! make run/mirage_pretty KERNEL=hw
! # To prepare a USB image for booting real hardware:
! sudo cp var/run/mirage_pretty.iso «your USB stick device file»
For a minimal network scenario, a Mirage instance requires only a handful of
components, time sources, a network driver, and an I/O hardware-access
[image solo5_tcb] A minimum viable Genode system for hosting Mirage,
the trusted computing base is highlighted in red
A simple demo not withstanding, we can justify Genode as a unikernel hosting
platform by analyzing the complexity of a Genode host system by measuring the
lines of C++ code used to produce such an image. This yields an initial metric
for assessing the security of a system as well as its cost to develop and
maintain. By compiling each component with debugging symbols, parsing binaries
for file paths injected by the compiler, and collecting a sum of the number of
lines found in each file, we get an estimate of the total line count for each
component. Building a set of every source file used in the minimal system,
excluding the unikernel itself, the sum of lines of code does not exceed
50,000. We assert that this is a fraction of the size of any Unix-derived
hosting environment.
[image solo5_tcb_sloc]
Base framework and OS-level infrastructure
Component health monitoring
Scenarios where components are known to sometimes fail call for a mechanism
that continuously checks the health of components and reports anomalies. To
accommodate such use cases, we introduced a low-level health-monitoring
mechanism into the foundation of the framework and made this mechanism
available via init's configuration concept.
At the lowest level, the parent interface received two new RPC functions. The
'heartbeat_sigh' function allows a child to register a signal handler for
heartbeat signals. The 'heartbeat_response' function allows a child to confirm
its health to the parent. With this basic interface, a parent becomes able to
periodically ask for a life sign from each of its children.
[image heartbeat]
Each component installs a heartbeat signal handler during its initialization.
This happens under the hood and is thereby transparent to application code.
The default heartbeat handler invokes the 'heartbeat_response' function at
the parent interface and thereby confirms that the component is still able to
respond to external events.
With this low-level mechanism in place, we enhanced the init component with the
ability to monitor components hosted on top of init. A global (for this init
instance) heartbeat rate can be configured via a '<heartbeat rate_ms="1000"/>'
node at the top level of init's configuration. The heartbeat rate can be
specified in milliseconds. If configured, init uses a dedicated timer session
for performing health checks periodically. Each component that hosts a
'<heartbeat>' node inside its '<start>' node is monitored. In each period,
init requests heartbeat responses from all monitored children and maintains a
count of outstanding heartbeats for each component. The counter is incremented
in each period and reset whenever the child responds to init's heartbeat
request. Whenever the number of outstanding heartbeats of a child becomes
higher than 1, the child may be in trouble. Init reports this information in
its state report via the new attribute 'skipped_heartbeats="N"' where N
denotes the number of periods since the child became unresponsive.
Of course, the mechanism won't deliver 100% accuracy. There may be situations
like long-running calculations where long times of unresponsiveness are
expected from a healthy component. Vice versa, in a multi-threaded
application, the crash of a secondary thread may go undetected if the primary
(checked) thread stays responsive. However, in the majority of cases where a
component crashes (page fault, stack overflow), gets stuck in a busy loop,
produces a deadlock, or throws an unhandled exception (abort), the mechanism
nicely reflects the troublesome situation to the outside.
Enhanced window-management flexibility
[https://genode.org/documentation/release-notes/14.08#New_GUI_architecture - custom GUI architecture]
consists of multiple components with strictly distinguished roles. The central
broker between those components is a low-complexity window-manager (wm)
component, which is complemented by a so-called decorator that defines how
windows look, and a layouter that defines how they behave. Since the layouter
and decorator are sandboxed components without access to the application
window's content nor the user input into the applications, those components
are largely uncritical for the information security of GUI applications.
New window layouter
The window layouter complements the window manager with the policy of how
windows are positioned on screen and how they behave when the user interacts
with window elements like the maximize button or the window title. The current
release replaces the former "floating_window_layouter" with a new
"window_layouter" component that supports the subdivision of screen space into
columns and rows, the concept of layers, and the principle ability to store
window layout information across reboots.
Layout rules
The window layouter positions windows according to rules defined by the
component's configuration. The rules consist of two parts, the definition of
the screen's layout and the assignment of client windows to the defined parts
of the screen's layout.
! <config>
! <rules>
! <screen>
! ...definition of screen layout...
! </screen>
! <assign label_prefix="..." target="..."/>
! ,,,
! </rules>
! ...
! </config>
The '<screen>' node can host any number of '<column>' nodes, which partition
the screen horizontally into columns. By default, each column has the same
size. By specifying an optional 'weight' attribute, column sizes can be
weighted relative to one another. The default weight is '1'. Alternatively,
the 'width' of a column can be explicitly specified in pixels.
Each column can host any number of '<row>' nodes, which subdivide the column
vertically. Analogously to columns, rows can be dimensioned via an optional
'weight' attribute or an explicit 'height' in pixels. A '<row>' can, in turn,
contain '<column>' nodes, thereby further subdividing the screen.
Each '<column>' or '<row>' can be used as window-placement target when
equipped with a 'name' attribute. Each name must occur only once within the
'<screen>' node. In the following, a named column or row is referred to as
_target_. Each target can host an optional 'layer' attribute. If not
specified, the layer 9999 is assumed. A target with a lower layer overlaps
targets with higher layers.
The assignment of windows to targets is defined via '<assign>' nodes. Each
'<assign>' node must be equipped with a 'label', 'label_prefix', or
'label_suffix' attribute, which is used to match window labels. For a given
window, the first matching '<assign>' node takes effect.
Each '<assign>' node must have a 'target' attribute that refers to the name
of a column or row. By default, the window is sized to fit the target area.
However, it is possible to position the window relative to the target area by
specifying the 'xpos', 'ypos', 'width', and 'height' attributes together with
the 'maximized="no"' attribute.
If multiple windows are assigned to the same target area, the order of their
'<assign>' rules defines their stacking order. The window with the earliest
'<assign>' rule is displayed in front.
Dynamic layouts
The window layouter is able to respond to rule changes at runtime.
By specifying the '<config>' attribute 'rules="rom"', the window layouter
tries to obtain the layout rules from a distinct ROM module. Should the ROM
module not contain valid rules, the '<rules>' sub node of the '<config>' comes
into effect.
Any window-layout change such as the movement of a floating window is realized
as a change of the window-layout rules. To support interactive adjustments of
the window layout, the layouter responds to certain user interactions by
generating new rules by itself in the form of a "rules" report. The generation
of such rules can be enabled via the '<report>' sub node of the configuration:
! <config>
! <report rules="yes"/>
! ...
! </config>
By feeding back the rules generated by the window layouter into the window
layouter itself via a 'report_rom' service, the window layout becomes
adjustable interactively. As the rules entail the complete state of the
present window layout, it is possible to save/restore the layout state.
Dynamic rule-generation mechanism
Whenever a new window appears that solely matches a wildcard '<assign>' rule
(one that uses a 'label_prefix' or 'label_suffix'), the layouter generates a
new '<assign>' rule with the window's label as 'label' attribute. The
explicitly labeled '<assign>' rules appear before any wildcard '<assign>'
If the user brings a window to front, the window layouter will change the
order of the explicit '<assign>' rules such that the window's '<assign>' rule
comes first. When moving or resizing a window, the 'xpos', 'ypos', 'width',
and 'height' attribute of the window's assign rule are updated. When
maximizing or unmaximizing a window, the 'maximized' attribute of its
'<assign>' rule is toggled.
Modularized window system in Sculpt OS
Sculpt OS used to come with a package called "wm", which comprised a
ready-to-use composition of window-system components, including the layouter,
a decorator, and the configuration of these components. Even though this
package was convenient for a start, we desire more flexibility. For example, a
user may wish to replace the decorator at runtime or tweak the configuration
of the individual components at runtime. For this reason, we split up the wm
package. For the convenient use in run scripts, we preserved the former wm
package as "motif_wm".
With the move of the window layouter and window decorators into dedicated
packages, those components can now be combined with the "wm" server at runtime
and restarted/reconfigured/swapped-out independently. To use the window
manager in Sculpt, one must launch the "wm", "window_layouter", and one of the
"motif_decorator" or "themed_decorator" packages. It is possible to replace
one decorator by the other at runtime.
The window layouter package depends on a so-called "recall_fs" component,
which is a file system used for *remembering the window layouter's state*.
Sculpt comes with a ready-to-use "recall_fs" launcher, which hands out the
directory _/recall_ of the used file system. When the window layouter is
started, a file _/recall/window_layouter/rules_ reflects the current state of
the layouter. It serves two purposes. First, it preserves the window layout
across reboots. Second, it can be edited by the user or (potentially) by other
components. Thereby, the layout policy can be tweaked without limits, and the
rules can simply be swapped out by mere file operations.
Network-stack improvements
The transition from lwIP as a plugin to the libc library to a plugin to the
VFS library is complete. As a result, POSIX applications can no longer be
linked to lwIP through the 'libc_lwip' library. Instead they need only to link
with the 'libc' library and be configured at runtime to open network
connections through the local VFS. The 'libc' library now features networking
support by default with the actual TCP/IP stack implemented in dynamically
loaded VFS plugins. An example configuration for using lwIP with DHCP follows:
! <start name="...">
! <config>
! <libc socket="/sockets"/>
! <!-- configure the libc to use a sockets directory -->
! <vfs>
! <dir name="sockets">
! <!-- create a "socket" directory with virtual control files -->
! <lwip dhcp="yes"/>
! </dir>
! </vfs>
! </config>
! </start>
The lwIP library has also been updated to the latest 2.1.2 release.
Java language runtime
OpenJDK support has been added to Genode with release 18.05. At that time, we
were only able to offer support for Java's interpreter mode, because of issues
that arose on ARM platforms (please refer to the release notes of
[https://genode.org/documentation/release-notes/18.05#Java_language_support - Genode 18.05]).
In this mode, byte code is not compiled but interpreted which, of course,
introduces a serious performance penalty. Since 18.05, we worked on enabling
Java's just-in-time compiler (JIT), which translates byte code to actual
machine code. We were able to add support for both ARM and x86 platforms, but
for this release, we stopped short of enabling the compiler by default because
some stability issues remain.
Please note: OpenJDK has been moved from Genode's base system to the
[https://github.com/genodelabs/genode-world Genode-world] repository and is
now also available as a Genode package.
Ada language runtime
Genode's support for the Ada programming language is maintained by
[https://componolit.com - Componolit]. With the current release, the
runtime-specific code moved to a
[https://github.com/Componolit/ada-runtime - distinct repository], which is
integrated with Genode as a port. It can be installed by executing the
following command from the base of Genode's source tree:
! ./tool/ports/prepare_port ada-runtime
C language runtime
The pthread library has been integrated into the libc library with this
release. This has no effect on the semantics of pthreads. Applications simply
do not need to link to this library anymore. This is in contrast to normal
Unix systems that provide a _libpthread_ library. Our POSIX implementation
exists in userspace while supporting the blocking I/O patterns commonly used
in Unix. To do this, we run a "kernel" task within the libc library that
dispatches I/O as application threads are blocked. This task operates on a
secondary stack of the primary thread but is also re-entrant from secondary
threads. Maintaining a common implementation for multi-threaded and
single-threaded applications has been the most practical approach, and merging
pthreads completely into the libc clears the path to improving multithreaded
I/O during the next releases.
Improved performance of Zynq network driver
Since the network driver for the Xilinx Zynq-7000 platform was burdened with
performance issues, it underwent a review to identify and mitigate conceptual
bottlenecks. Although the Gigabit Ethernet MAC (GEM) controller allows
DMA-accelerated transmission and reception of network packets, the driver still
needed to copy each packet from the packet-stream interface to the DMA memory
region. As the latter was additionally attached as uncached memory, the driver
showed a very poor performance (i.e. throughput).
Fortunately, the design of the packet-stream interface enabled a zero-copy
implementation of the Zynq network driver. Instead of copying each packet from
the bulk buffer of the packet-stream interface to a dedicated DMA memory
region, the allocated packet buffers are now directly handed over to the GEM
for DMA-accelerated packet transmission and reception. In particular, the
driver will allocate up to 1024 packet buffers, depending on the bulk buffer
size provided by its Nic client.
In addition to the zero-copy implementation, checksum offloading has been
enabled. For outbound packets, the GEM automatically fills in the IP, UDP and
TCP checksum header fields. Inbound packets will be dropped if their checksum
fields are incorrect. Note, that IP checksum offloading is not implemented by
Furthermore, MAC 802.3 pause frames have been enabled.
Base API changes
The framework's base API received two minor improvements.
First, the _util/reconstructible.h_ utility has a new method called
'conditional', which simplifies the typical use case for 'Constructible'
objects where the constructed/destructed state depends on a configuration
parameter. The method alleviates the need to re-implement the logic manually.
Second, when creating a secondary entrypoint, the CPU affinity of the
entrypoint is now specified as an argument.
Libraries and applications
Initial version of the Genode SDK
To allow Genode components to be built independently from our build system, we
have added a script to generate a Software Development Kit (SDK) that contains
headers, pre-built libraries, linker scripts, and
[https://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/pkg-config/ - pkg-config]
metadata. The SDK is still experimental and lacks documentation, but has been
shown to be useful when combined with some external Make-based build systems
as well as the Nimble package manager provided with the Nim programming
The SDK includes support for native Genode services as well a C runtime and
the C++ standard library.
A simple [https://github.com/libretro/nxengine-libretro/commit/f6ea7cd2e260731a00e20ebe239ccdc6bbf31e50 - example]
of using the SDK within a makefile to build a library:
! ...
! ifeq ($(platform), genode)
! CC := $(shell pkg-config genode-base --variable=cc)
! CXX := $(shell pkg-config genode-base --variable=cxx)
! LD := $(shell pkg-config genode-base --variable=ld)
! AR := $(shell pkg-config genode-base --variable=ar) -rcs
! CFLAGS += $(shell pkg-config --cflags genode-libc)
! CXXFLAGS += $(shell pkg-config --cflags genode-stdcxx)
! LDFLAGS += $(shell pkg-config --libs genode-lib genode-libc genode-stdcxx)
! endif
! %.o: %.c
! $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $< -o $@
! %.o: %.cpp
! $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) -c $< -o $@
! $(LD) $(OBJECTS) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@
! ...
To link a program, the link flags may be obtained with 'pkg-config --libs genode-prg',
for libraries with 'pkg-config --libs genode-lib'.
In any case, the tools that invoke pkg-config, Make or otherwise, need a
'PKG_CONFIG_PATH' environmental variable set to the location of the
'pkgconfig' directory in the SDK, such as with the following shell command:
! PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/opt/genode-sdk-x86_64-18.08/pkgconfig make
It is important to stress that shared libraries must be sourced exclusively
from the SDK or otherwise built by the SDK. It is not possible to mix host
libraries with cross-compiled Genode libraries. In practice it has not been a
problem to build libraries commonly available in the form of shared libraries
as static bundled dependencies, such as libogg, libpng, SQLite, etc.
In the future we will investigate expanding the scope of the SDK or
complimenting it with add-on SDKs, such as for Qt or SDL.
SSH terminal server
Up to now, we mostly focused on covering the direct interaction of a user with
the system. Besides a minimal TCP terminal, there was no component to
accommodate remote access. Instead of extending this component to add vital
features like TLS or user authentication, we turned to using an existing
protocol. For this use case the SSH protocol is the most popular choice as
clients and server programs are available for virtually all OSes.
So with this release, we introduce a component that makes Genode's terminal
session accessible via SSH. It is based on the server implementation of
libssh, which was updated to version 0.8.4. On the Genode side of things, the
component acts as a terminal-session server, to which Terminal clients can
connect. From the outside, users may access a specific terminal session by
logging in via SSH given they provide the proper login credentials. For now,
only the SSH channel 'shell' and 'term' requests have been implemented, i.e.,
the server can be used for interactive sessions but not for scp/rsync or other
operations that rely on the 'exec' request. Since the component merely makes
terminal sessions available, the SSH connection needs to be forcefully closed
by issuing the well-known '~.' sequence rather than using '^D' (EOF) which the
underlying terminal session may not handle as expected.
The following exemplary snippet shows how the component can by configured:
!<config port="2022" ed25519_key="/etc/ed25519_host_key
! allow_password="yes" allow_publickey="yes"/>
! <policy label="noux-system" user="root" password="toor"/>
! <policy label="noux-user" user="user" pub_key="/etc/user.pub"/>
! <vfs>
! <dir name="dev">
! <log/> <rtc/> <jitterentropy name="random"/>
! </dir>
! <dir name="socket"> <lxip dhcp="yes"/> </dir>
! <dir name="etc"> <fs/> </dir>
! </vfs>
! <libc stdout="/dev/log" stderr="/dev/log" rtc="/dev/rtc" socket="/socket"/>
The component is configured to listen on port '2022' for incoming SSH
connections and allows for logging in by using either a password or public
key. The '<policy>' configuration is used to link the terminal session to the
SSH login. In this case, the terminal session of the client with the label
'noux-system' may be accessed via the 'root' login. The '<vfs>' configures the
file system of the component. Besides access to the needed services, like the
real-time clock, a random device, and the TCP/IP stack a file system session
mounted at '/etc' for housing the files required by the component. In
particular, these files are the SSH server's host key and the public key for
'user' login.
For more information, please read _repos/gems/src/server/ssh_terminal/README_
and take _repos/gems/run/ssh_terminal.run_ for a ride.
Removed networking support from Noux
Support for networking has been removed from the Noux runtime as a side effect
of moving IP stacks from libc plugins into VFS plugins. In practice, Noux has
seldom been used for networking and our recommendation remains that networked
applications should link with the libc library and not use the Noux runtime.
New depot packages
Our work on the Genode-based test-automation framework prompted us to a
package for each individual test. As a nice byproduct, we introduced depot
recipes of all components the tests depend on, and a few more. Thereby, the
following new depot content has become available:
Source archives for the base-hw microkernel for various platforms:
* src/base-hw-arndale
* src/base-hw-imx53_qsb
* src/base-hw-imx53_qsb_tz
* src/base-hw-odroid_xu
* src/base-hw-panda
* src/base-hw-rpi
* src/base-hw-wand_quad
Source archives for the Fiasco.OC microkernel for a few platforms:
* src/base-foc-pc
* src/base-foc-arndale
* src/base-foc-pbxa9
Source archives of components used by the test scenarios:
* src/nic_bridge
* src/python
Source archives and package runtimes needed for hosting the gcov tool and
the GCC tool chain:
* src/gmp, src/mpc, src/mpfr
* src/binutils_x86, src/gcc_x86
* src/gnumake, src/sed, src/tar, src/which
* pkg/gcov
* pkg/noux-build-x86
NOVA microhypervisor
Up to now, the NOVA kernel reserved a statically configured part of the system
memory as kernel memory. The configured memory had to be chosen at link time.
However, in the case of Sculpt, the actual target machine and its available
system memory is unknown beforehand, which makes it hard to choose a
kernel-memory amount well suited to a such broad use case.
We can't lift this structural issue, but we were able to mitigate it to some
degree. The kernel now looks up the overall available system memory at boot
time and allocates the kernel memory depending on three build-time
configuration options. So, the overall kernel memory is still static, but
dimensioned depending on the target machine.
The three configuration options can be adjusted in the Makefile of the kernel.
CONFIG_MEMORY_BOOT is the amount of kernel memory allocated in the BSS
statically, effectively a link time decision.
part of the kernel-memory allocation applied during early kernel boot time.
CONFIG_MEMORY_DYN_MIN is the amount of memory which should be allocated at
least. The default is 28 MiB. CONFIG_MEMORY_DYN_PER_MILL defines the amount of
the system memory in per mill, which should be allocated at most, and has a
default value of 10‰. The overall maximum kernel memory is restricted to ~1G
for 64bit, due to the chosen internal virtual memory layout.
Execution on bare hardware (base-hw)
Regarding our own kernel development, the current release increases the
performance on supported ARM platforms. Most significantly, the FPU is enabled
by default on all boards. All components built for ARMv6 and ARMv7a are now
compiled to take advantage of this feature. Therefore, the runtime behaviour
of certain scenarios can change significantly on ARM when using the 18.11
Moreover, after recognizing poor memory-access latency on several Cortex-A9
platforms, a regression in the enabling of the L2 cache got discovered and
fixed. Especially, the i.MX6 based Wandboard Quad cache, clocking and power
settings got tweaked well to achieve reasonable CPU and memory performance.
This performance-wise line of work will be continued with regard to the next