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synced 2025-03-25 05:25:32 +00:00
* Provide paravirtualized block API for accessing the second partition of the block device that is provided by the ESDHC driver. * Provide paravirtualized serial API for sending log-output over Genodes serial port. * Use the latest Linux suggested in the USB Armory Wiki [1] when on USB Armory while still using the older vendor Linux when on i.MX53 QSB. I.e., provide a device tree through RAM and a rootfs through the paravirtualized block device when on USB Armory while providing ATAGs and Initrd when on i.MX53 QSB. * Switch on the LED on the USB Armory when the VMM catches a VM-exception and switch it off again when as soon as the exception is handled. This merely show-cases the ability to instrument the LED for such purposes. In an ideal world, the LED is switched on as long as we're on the "Secure Side" and switched off as long as we're not. * For further information see repos/os/run/tz_vmm.run [1] https://github.com/inversepath/usbarmory/wiki/Preparing-a-bootable-microSD-image Fixes #1497
This is the example operating system based on the Genode OS framework: :_Init_: is the first real process in the system. The provided implementation uses a very simple XML parser to read its configuration files. :_Drivers_: The example OS has basic drivers for frame buffer, mouse and keyboard input, the PCI bus, the real-time clock, and system-specific timers. :_Server_: The only server in the example OS is Nitpicker, a minimal-complexity GUI server. :_Test_: are also part of the example OS. You may have a look at the fork bomb as a simple system stress test. :_Ldso_: is the dynamic linker used for loading executables that are linked against shared libraries. :_Lib_: contains libraries used by the components of the OS repository, for example, the alarm framework.