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# \brief Fiasco.OC-specific test-environment supplements
# \author Stefan Kalkowski
# \date 2010-11-22
# This file is meant to be used as '--include' argument for 'tool/run'.
# Return the location of the Fiasco.OC user directory
proc l4_dir { } {
global _l4_dir
if {![info exists _l4_dir]} {
if {[file exists etc/foc.conf]} {
set _l4_dir [exec sed -n "/^L4_BUILD_DIR/s/^.*=\\s*//p" etc/foc.conf]
if {[file exists $_l4_dir]} { return $_l4_dir }
set _l4_dir "[pwd]/l4"
if {![file exists $_l4_dir]} {
puts -nonewline stderr "Error: Could neither find the L4 build directory "
puts -nonewline stderr "within '<genode-build-dir>/l4' nor at a location "
puts -nonewline stderr "specified via 'L4_BUILD_DIR = <l4re-build-dir>' "
puts stderr "in <genode-build-dir>/etc/foc.conf'."
exit 1
return $_l4_dir
# Return whether the l4-buid-directory is provided from the outside
proc l4_dir_external { } {
if {[l4_dir] == "[pwd]/l4"} { return 0 }
return 1
# Return the location of the Fiasco.OC kernel directory
proc fiasco { } {
global _fiasco
if {![info exists _fiasco]} {
if {[file exists etc/foc.conf]} {
set _fiasco [exec sed -n "/^KERNEL/s/^.*=\\s*//p" etc/foc.conf]
if {[file exists $_fiasco]} { return $_fiasco }
# try to fall back to version hosted with the Genode build directory
set _fiasco "[pwd]/kernel/fiasco.oc/fiasco"
return $_fiasco
# Return whether fiasco kernel is provided from the outside
proc fiasco_external { } {
if {[fiasco] == "[pwd]/kernel/fiasco.oc/fiasco"} { return 0 }
return 1
# Reset the target system via the Fiasco.OC kernel debugger
proc reset_target { {spawn_id_arg -1} } {
global spawn_id
if { $spawn_id_arg == -1 } {
set spawn_id_arg $spawn_id
send -i $spawn_id_arg "\033^^"
proc copy_and_strip_binaries {binaries} {
# Collect contents of the boot image
foreach binary $binaries {
exec cp bin/$binary [run_dir]/genode
catch {
exec [cross_dev_prefix]strip [run_dir]/genode/$binary }
proc bin_dir { } {
if {[have_spec x86_32]} { return "[l4_dir]/bin/x86_586" }
if {[have_spec x86_64]} { return "[l4_dir]/bin/amd64_K8" }
if {[have_spec arm_v7a]} { return "[l4_dir]/bin/arm_armv7a" }
puts stderr "Error: Cannot determine bin directory"
exit 1
set fiasco_serial_esc_arg "-serial_esc "
proc run_boot_dir_x86 {binaries} {
global fiasco_serial_esc_arg
exec mkdir -p [run_dir]/fiasco
copy_and_strip_binaries $binaries
set foc_targets { }
if {![fiasco_external] && ![file exists kernel]} { lappend foc_targets kernel }
if {![l4_dir_external]} {
if {![file exists bootstrap]} { lappend foc_targets bootstrap }
if {![file exists sigma0]} { lappend foc_targets sigma0 }
if {[llength $foc_targets] > 0} { build $foc_targets }
# assert existence of the L4 build directory
puts "using fiasco kernel [fiasco]"
exec cp [fiasco] [run_dir]/fiasco
puts "using sigma0/bootstrap at [l4_dir]"
exec cp [bin_dir]/l4f/sigma0 [run_dir]/fiasco
exec cp [bin_dir]/bootstrap [run_dir]/fiasco
if {[have_include "image/iso"] || [have_include "image/disk"]} {
# Install isolinux/GRUB files and bender
# Generate grub config file
# The core binary is part of the 'binaries' list but it must
# appear right after 'sigma0' as boot module. Hence the special case.
set fh [open "[run_dir]/boot/grub/menu.lst" "WRONLY CREAT TRUNC"]
puts $fh "timeout 0"
puts $fh "default 0"
puts $fh "\ntitle Genode on Fiasco.OC"
puts $fh " kernel /boot/bender"
puts $fh " module /fiasco/bootstrap -modaddr=0x01100000"
puts $fh " module /fiasco/fiasco $fiasco_serial_esc_arg"
puts $fh " module /fiasco/sigma0"
puts $fh " module /genode/core"
puts $fh " module /genode/config"
foreach binary $binaries {
if {$binary != "core"} {
puts $fh " module /genode/$binary" } }
puts $fh " vbeset 0x117 506070"
close $fh
# Build image
if {[have_include "load/tftp"]} {
# Install PXE bootloader pulsar
# Generate pulsar config file
set fh [open "[run_dir]/config-52-54-00-12-34-56" "WRONLY CREAT TRUNC"]
puts $fh " exec /boot/bender"
puts $fh " load /fiasco/bootstrap -modaddr=0x01100000"
puts $fh " load /fiasco/fiasco -serial_esc"
puts $fh " load /fiasco/sigma0"
puts $fh " load /genode/core"
puts $fh " load /genode/config"
foreach binary $binaries {
if {$binary != "core"} {
puts $fh " load /genode/$binary" } }
close $fh
proc run_boot_dir_arm {binaries} {
global run_target
global fiasco_serial_esc_arg
copy_and_strip_binaries $binaries
build "kernel sigma0 bootstrap"
# Generate bootstrap config
set fh [open "[run_dir]/modules.list" "WRONLY CREAT TRUNC"]
puts $fh "modaddr 0x01100000\n"
puts $fh "entry genode"
puts $fh "kernel [fiasco] $fiasco_serial_esc_arg"
puts $fh "roottask genode/core"
puts $fh "module genode/config"
foreach binary $binaries {
if {$binary != "core"} {
puts $fh "module genode/$binary" } }
close $fh
set gen_img_cmd "make -C [l4_dir]/source O=[l4_dir] E=genode "
append gen_img_cmd "MODULES_LIST=[pwd]/[run_dir]/modules.list "
append gen_img_cmd "MODULE_SEARCH_PATH=[pwd]/[run_dir]:[file dirname [fiasco]]:[l4_dir] "
append gen_img_cmd "SYSTEM_TARGET=[cross_dev_prefix] elfimage"
set pid [eval "spawn sh -c \"$gen_img_cmd\""]
expect { eof { } }
if {[lindex [wait $pid] end] != 0} {
puts stderr "Error: Single-image creation failed"
exit -4
exec cp [bin_dir]/bootstrap.elf [run_dir]/image.elf
run_image [run_dir]/image.elf
puts "\nboot image: [run_dir]/image.elf\n"
# set symbolic link to image.elf file in TFTP directory for PXE boot
if {[have_include "load/tftp"]} {
set tftp_base_dir [load_tftp_base_dir]
set tftp_offset_dir [load_tftp_offset_dir]
exec ln -sf [pwd]/[run_dir]/image.elf $tftp_base_dir$tftp_offset_dir
if {[have_include "image/uboot"]} {
exec ln -sf [pwd]/[run_dir]/uImage $tftp_base_dir$tftp_offset_dir/uImage
# Populate boot directory with binaries on fiasco.OC
proc run_boot_dir {binaries} {
if {[have_spec x86]} { return [run_boot_dir_x86 $binaries] }
if {[have_spec arm]} { return [run_boot_dir_arm $binaries] }