Martin Stein 49a3a0e0d0 nic_router: multiple uplinks
Introduce the uplink tag:

! <config>
!    <uplink label="wifi"  domain="uplink">
!    <uplink label="wired" domain="wired_bridge">
!    <uplink               domain="wired_bridge">
! <config/>

For each uplink tag, the NIC router requests a NIC session with the
corresponding label or an empty label if there is no label attribute.
These NIC sessions get attached to the domain that is set in their
uplink tag as soon as the domain appears. This means their lifetime is
not bound to the domain. Uplink NIC sessions can be safely moved from
one domain to another without being closed by reconfiguring the
corresponding domain attribute.

Attention: This may render previously valid NIC router configurations
useless. A domain named "uplink" doesn't automatically request a NIC
session anymore. To fix these configurations, just add

! <uplink domain="uplink"/>


! <uplink label="[LABEL]" domain="uplink"/>

as direct subtag of the <config> tag.

Issue #2840
2018-06-29 10:44:53 +02:00

442 lines
12 KiB

# \brief Test for using netperf
# \author Alexander Boettcher
# \author Martin Stein
# \date 2013-04-18
proc gpio_drv { } { if {[have_spec rpi] && [have_spec hw]} { return hw_gpio_drv }
if {[have_spec rpi] && [have_spec foc]} { return foc_gpio_drv }
return gpio_drv }
if {[expr $use_nic_bridge && $use_nic_router]} {
puts "Cannot test with both NIC bridge and NIC router.";
exit 0
if {[get_cmd_switch --autopilot] && [have_include "power_on/qemu"]} {
puts "\nRunning netperf in autopilot on Qemu is not recommended.\n"
if {![info exists use_usb_driver]} {
set use_usb_driver [expr [have_spec omap4] || [have_spec arndale] || [have_spec rpi]]
set use_nic_driver [expr !$use_usb_driver && !$use_wifi_driver]
if {[expr !$use_usb_driver && !$use_nic_driver && !$use_wifi_driver] ||
[have_spec odroid_xu] ||
[expr [have_spec imx53] && [have_spec trustzone]]} {
puts "Run script is not supported on this platform."
exit 0
# provide wifi related variables in case we do not use the wifi driver
if {!$use_wifi_driver} {
set wifi_ssid ""
set wifi_psk ""
set bridge_mac "02:02:02:02:02:00"
# autopilot: configure disjoint mac-address ranges for x86_32, x86_64, and others
if {[get_cmd_switch --autopilot]} {
if {[have_spec x86_32]} { set bridge_mac "02:02:02:02:32:00" }
if {[have_spec x86_64]} { set bridge_mac "02:02:02:02:64:00" }
# Build
set version "2.6.0"
# sanity check that the right version is used
set wrong_version [catch {
spawn netperf-$version -V
expect {
{Netperf version 2.6.0} { }
eof { return }
timeout { return }
if {$wrong_version} {
puts -nonewline "\nPlease compile a netperf client of version $version "
puts "for your host system."
puts "The sources are available in 'contrib/netperf-<hash>' (after you "
puts "prepared the port by calling 'tool/ports/prepare_port netperf')."
puts "Please name the binary netperf-$version\n"
exit 1;
# netperf configuration
set packet_size 1024
set netperf_tests "TCP_STREAM TCP_MAERTS"
# start run script generation
if {$use_usb_driver} { set network_driver "usb_drv" }
if {$use_nic_driver} { set network_driver "nic_drv" }
if {$use_wifi_driver} { set network_driver "wifi_drv" }
set build_components {
core init
append build_components " $netperf_target "
lappend_if $use_nic_driver build_components drivers/nic
lappend_if $use_usb_driver build_components drivers/usb
lappend_if $use_nic_bridge build_components server/nic_bridge
lappend_if $use_nic_router build_components server/nic_router
lappend_if [have_spec gpio] build_components drivers/gpio
append_if $use_wifi_driver build_components {
source ${genode_dir}/repos/base/run/
build $build_components
# Generate config
set lx_ip_addr ""
set config {
<config verbose="yes" prio_levels="2">
<service name="ROM"/>
<service name="IRQ"/>
<service name="IO_MEM"/>
<service name="IO_PORT"/>
<service name="PD"/>
<service name="RM"/>
<service name="CPU"/>
<service name="LOG"/>
<any-service> <parent/> <any-child/> </any-service>
<default caps="100"/>
<start name="timer">
<resource name="RAM" quantum="1M"/>
<provides> <service name="Timer"/> </provides>
</start> }
append_if [have_spec gpio] config "
<start name=\"[gpio_drv]\" caps=\"120\">
<resource name=\"RAM\" quantum=\"4M\"/>
<provides><service name=\"Gpio\"/></provides>
append_if $use_nic_router config {
<start name="nic_router">
<resource name="RAM" quantum="5M"/>
<provides><service name="Nic"/></provides>
<config verbose_domain_state="yes">
<policy label_prefix="netserver_genode" domain="server"/>
<uplink domain="uplink"/>
<domain name="uplink"}
append_if [expr $use_nic_router && [have_spec linux]] config "
interface=\"$lx_ip_addr/24\" gateway=\"\""
append_if $use_nic_router config {
<nat domain="server" tcp-ports="100" />
<tcp-forward port="12864" domain="server" to="" />
<tcp-forward port="12865" domain="server" to="" />
<domain name="server" interface="">
<dhcp-server ip_first=""
<service name="Nic"> }
append_if $use_nic_router config "
<child name=\"$network_driver\"/>"
append_if $use_nic_router config {
<any-service> <parent/> <any-child/> </any-service>
append_if $use_nic_bridge config {
<start name="nic_bridge">
<resource name="RAM" quantum="5M"/>
<provides><service name="Nic"/></provides>
<config mac="} $bridge_mac {">}
append_if [expr $use_nic_bridge && [have_spec linux]] config "
<policy label_prefix=\"netserver_genode\" ip_addr=\"$lx_ip_addr\"/>"
append_if $use_nic_bridge config {
<service name="Nic"> }
append_if $use_nic_bridge config "
<child name=\"$network_driver\"/>"
append_if $use_nic_bridge config {
<any-service> <parent/> <any-child/> </any-service>
</start> }
proc usb_drv_ram_quota {} {
if {[have_spec x86]} { return 18M }
return 14M
append_if $use_usb_driver config {
<start name="usb_drv" caps="120">
<resource name="RAM" quantum="} [usb_drv_ram_quota] {"/>
<service name="Nic"/>
append_if $use_usb_driver config "
<config uhci=\"$use_usb_11\" ehci=\"$use_usb_20\" xhci=\"$use_usb_30\">"
append_if $use_usb_driver config {
<nic mac="02:00:00:00:01:01" />
append_if $use_nic_driver config {
<start name="nic_drv" caps="130">
<binary name="} [nic_drv_binary] {"/>
<resource name="RAM" quantum="20M"/>
<provides><service name="Nic"/></provides>
} [nic_drv_config] {
append_if $use_wifi_driver config {
<start name="report_rom">
<resource name="RAM" quantum="2M"/>
<provides> <service name="Report" /> <service name="ROM" /> </provides>
<config> <rom/> </config>
<start name="config_fs">
<binary name="ram_fs"/>
<resource name="RAM" quantum="4M"/>
<provides> <service name="File_system"/> </provides>
<policy label_prefix="config_rom" root="/"/>
<policy label="wifi_drv -> config" root="/" writeable="yes"/>
<inline name="wlan_configuration">}
append_if $use_wifi_driver config "
<selected_network ssid=\"$wifi_ssid\" protection=\"WPA-PSK\" psk=\"$wifi_psk\"/>"
append_if $use_wifi_driver config {
<inline name="wpa_supplicant.conf"></inline>
<start name="config_rom">
<binary name="fs_rom"/>
<resource name="RAM" quantum="4M"/>
<provides><service name="ROM"/></provides>
<service name="File_system"> <child name="config_fs" /> </service>
<any-service> <parent/> <any-child/> </any-service>
<start name="wifi_drv" caps="250">
<resource name="RAM" quantum="32M"/>
<provides> <service name="Nic"/> </provides>
<config use_11n="no">
<libc stdout="/dev/log" stderr="/dev/log" rtc="/dev/rtc"/>
<dir name="dev">
<jitterentropy name="random"/>
<jitterentropy name="urandom"/>
<inline name="rtc">2018-01-01 00:01</inline>
<dir name="config"> <fs label="config"/> </dir>
<service name="Rtc"> <any-child/> </service>
<service name="File_system"> <child name="config_fs"/> </service>
<service name="ROM" label="wlan_configuration"> <child name="config_rom" /> </service>
<service name="Report"> <child name="report_rom"/> </service>
<any-service> <parent/> <any-child /> </any-service>
append config {
<start name="netserver_genode" caps="220" priority="-1">
append config "<binary name=\"$netperf_app\"/>"
append config {
<resource name="RAM" quantum="32M"/>
<arg value="netserver"/>
<arg value="-D"/>
<arg value="-4"/>
<arg value="-f"/>
<libc tx_buf_size="2M" rx_buf_size="2M"}
append_if [expr [have_spec linux] && !$use_nic_router] config " ip_addr=\"$lx_ip_addr\" netmask=\"\" gateway=\"\""
append config {
stdout="/dev/log" stderr="/dev/log" rtc="/dev/rtc"/>
<dir name="dev">
<log/> <inline name="rtc">2018-01-01 00:01</inline>
append_if $use_nic_bridge config {
<service name="Nic"> <child name="nic_bridge"/> </service>
<any-service> <parent/> <any-child/> </any-service>
append_if $use_nic_router config {
<service name="Nic"> <child name="nic_router"/> </service>
<any-service> <parent/> <any-child/> </any-service>
append config {
install_config $config
# Boot modules
# generic modules
set boot_modules {
core init timer
append boot_modules " $netperf_app "
append boot_modules " $netperf_stack "
lappend_if $use_nic_bridge boot_modules nic_bridge
lappend_if $use_nic_router boot_modules nic_router
# platform-specific modules
lappend_if [have_spec gpio] boot_modules [gpio_drv]
lappend_if $use_usb_driver boot_modules usb_drv
lappend_if $use_nic_driver boot_modules [nic_drv_binary]
append_if $use_wifi_driver boot_modules {
ram_fs fs_rom report_rom wifi_drv
build_boot_image $boot_modules
# Execute test case
# qemu config
append qemu_args " -nographic "
append_if [have_spec x86] qemu_args " -net nic,model=e1000 "
append_if [have_spec lan9118] qemu_args " -net nic,model=lan9118 "
append qemu_args " -net user -redir tcp:12865::12865 -redir tcp:49153::49153 "
set force_ports ""
if $use_nic_router {
set ip_match_string "nic_router\\\] \\\[uplink\\\] IP config: interface (\[0-9]{1,3}.\[0-9]{1,3}.\[0-9]{1,3}.\[0-9]{1,3}).*\n"
set force_ports "-P 12864,12864"
if {[have_spec linux]} {
run_genode_until {.*family AF_INET.*\n} 60
} else {
run_genode_until $ip_match_string 60
set serial_id [output_spawn_id]
if {[have_include "power_on/qemu"]} {
set ip_addr "localhost"
set force_ports "-P 49153,49153"
} elseif [have_spec linux] {
set ip_addr $lx_ip_addr
} else {
regexp $ip_match_string $output all ip_addr
puts ""
# give the TCP/IP stack some time to settle down
sleep 3
# start netperf client connecting to netperf server running native on Genode
foreach netperf_test $netperf_tests {
puts "\n---------------------------- $netperf_test -----------------------"
spawn netperf-$version -4 -H $ip_addr -P 1 -v 2 -t $netperf_test -c -C -- $packet_size $force_ports
set netperf_id $spawn_id
set spawn_id_list [list $netperf_id $serial_id]
# reset output, so that we get on the second run not the result of the first
set output ""
run_genode_until "Segment" 60 $spawn_id_list
# get throughput from netperf output
set throughput [regexp -all -inline {([0-9]+[ ]+){3}[0-9]+\.[0-9]+[ ]+[0-9]+\.[0-9]+} $output]
set throughput [regexp -all -inline {[0-9]+\.[0-9]+} $throughput]
# calculate packets per second rate
set all_bytes [regexp -all -inline {([0-9]+[ ]+){5}} $output]
set all_bytes [lindex $all_bytes 0 4]
set elapsed_time [regexp -all -inline {([0-9]+[ ]+){3}[0-9]+\.[0-9]+[ ]+} $output]
set elapsed_time [lindex $elapsed_time 0 3]
set packets_second [expr $all_bytes / $packet_size / $elapsed_time]
puts "\ncalculation: overall bytes / size per packet / time = packets per second"
puts -nonewline " $all_bytes Bytes / $packet_size Bytes / $elapsed_time s = "
puts "[format %8.0f $packets_second] packets/s\n"
# format output parseable for post proccessing scripts
puts -nonewline "! PERF: $netperf_test"
if {$use_nic_bridge} { puts -nonewline "_bridge" }
if {$use_nic_router} { puts -nonewline "_router" }
if {$use_usb_driver} {
if {![string compare $use_usb_11 "yes"]} { puts -nonewline "_uhci" }
if {![string compare $use_usb_20 "yes"]} { puts -nonewline "_ohci" }
if {![string compare $use_usb_30 "yes"]} { puts -nonewline "_xhci" }
puts " [lindex $throughput 1] MBit/s ok"