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synced 2025-03-22 03:55:26 +00:00
Instead of holding SPEC-variable dependent files and directories inline within the repository structure, move them into 'spec' subdirectories at the corresponding levels, e.g.: repos/base/include/spec repos/base/mk/spec repos/base/lib/mk/spec repos/base/src/core/spec ... Moreover, this commit removes the 'platform' directories. That term was used in an overloaded sense. All SPEC-relative 'platform' directories are now named 'spec'. Other files, like for instance those related to the kernel/architecture specific startup library, where moved from 'platform' directories to explicit, more meaningful places like e.g.: 'src/lib/startup'. Fix #1673
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# \brief Virtual-machine monitor demo
# \author Stefan Kalkowski
# \author Martin Stein
# \date 2012-06-25
assert_spec hw
assert_spec imx53
assert_spec trustzone
build "core init server/tz_vmm"
install_config {
<config verbose="yes">
<service name="ROM"/>
<service name="RAM"/>
<service name="IRQ"/>
<service name="IO_MEM"/>
<service name="CAP"/>
<service name="PD"/>
<service name="RM"/>
<service name="CPU"/>
<service name="LOG"/>
<service name="SIGNAL"/>
<service name="VM"/>
<start name="tz_vmm">
<resource name="RAM" quantum="4M"/>
set init_uri "http://genode.org/files/images/imx53_qsb/initrd.gz"
if {[have_spec hw_usb_armory]} {
# This Linux and DTB were build with this toolchain:
# ! http://releases.linaro.org/14.09/components/toolchain/binaries/gcc-linaro-arm-none-eabi-4.9-2014.09_linux.tar.xz
# From this sources:
# ! https://github.com/m-stein/linux/tree/usb_armory_genode_tz_vmm
# With the following commands:
# ! make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=$GCC/bin/arm-none-eabi- imx_v53_usb_armory_defconfig
# ! make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=$GCC/bin/arm-none-eabi- zImage LOADADDR=0x80008000
# ! make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=$GCC/bin/arm-none-eabi- dtbs
# Then 'arch/arm/boot/zImage' can be used as 'linux' and
# 'arch/arm/boot/dts/imx53-qsb.dtb' can be used as 'dtb'.
set linux_uri "https://github.com/m-stein/genode_binaries/raw/master/tz_vmm/imx53/linux"
set dtb_uri "https://github.com/m-stein/genode_binaries/raw/master/tz_vmm/imx53/dtb"
if {![file exists bin/dtb]} {
puts "Download device tree ..."
exec >& /dev/null wget -c -O bin/dtb $dtb_uri
exec >& /dev/null wget -O bin/dtb.md5 $dtb_uri.md5
} elseif {[have_spec hw_imx53_qsb_tz]} {
set linux_uri "http://genode.org/files/images/imx53_qsb/linux_trustzone.bin"
if {![file exists bin/initrd.gz]} {
puts "Download initramfs ..."
exec >& /dev/null wget -c -O bin/initrd.gz $init_uri
if {![file exists bin/linux]} {
puts "Download linux binary ..."
exec >& /dev/null wget -c -O bin/linux $linux_uri
exec >& /dev/null wget -O bin/initrd.gz.md5 $init_uri.md5
exec >& /dev/null wget -O bin/linux.md5 $linux_uri.md5
cd bin
if {[have_spec hw_usb_armory]} { exec md5sum -c dtb.md5 }
exec md5sum -c initrd.gz.md5
exec md5sum -c linux.md5
cd ..
set boot_modules { core init tz_vmm linux initrd.gz }
lappend_if [have_spec hw_usb_armory] boot_modules dtb
build_boot_image [join $boot_modules " "]
# Execute test case
run_genode_until {.*\/ #.*} 220
set serial_id [output_spawn_id]
# Wait for network to settle down
send -i $serial_id "sleep 5\n"
send -i $serial_id "wget http://genode.org/\n"
run_genode_until "Connecting to genode.org" 10 $serial_id
run_genode_until {.*\/ #.*} 30 $serial_id
exec rm bin/initrd.gz bin/initrd.gz.md5 bin/linux bin/linux.md5
if {[have_spec hw_usb_armory]} { exec rm bin/dtb bin/dtb.md5 }