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218 lines
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proc binary_name_ld_lib_so { } { return "ld-okl4.lib.so" }
proc binary_name_timer { } { return "pit_timer_drv" }
# Get the base-okl4 repository
proc base_okl4_dir {} { return [repository_contains mk/spec-okl4.mk] }
# Read the location of the OKL4 directory from 'etc/okl4.conf'
proc okl4_dir { } {
global _okl4_dir
if {![info exists _okl4_dir]} {
if {[file exists etc/okl4.conf]} {
set _okl4_dir [exec sed -n "/^OKL4_DIR/s/^.*=\\s*//p" etc/okl4.conf]
if {[file exists $_okl4_dir]} { return $_okl4_dir }
set _okl4_dir [base_okl4_dir]/contrib/okl4
return $_okl4_dir
# Return the location of the OKL4 kernel
proc okl4 { } {
if {[okl4_external]} { return [okl4_dir]/build/pistachio/bin/kernel }
return bin/kernel
# Return whether okl4 kernel is provided from the outside
proc okl4_external { } {
if {"[okl4_dir]" == "[base_okl4_dir]/contrib/okl4"} { return 0 }
return 1
set weaver_xml_template {
<word_size size="0x20" />
<virtual_memory name="virtual">
<region base="0x120000" size="0x3fe00000" />
<physical_memory name="system_dram">
<region base="0x0" size="0xa000" type="dedicated" />
<physical_memory name="bios">
<region base="0xf0000" size="0x10000" type="dedicated" />
<physical_memory name="rom_expansion">
<region base="0x100000" size="0x1800000" type="dedicated" />
<physical_memory name="physical">
<region base="0x2000000" size="0x30000000" type="conventional" />
<phys_device name="timer_dev">
<interrupt name="int_timer0" number="0" />
<phys_device name="serial_dev">
<interrupt name="int_serial0" number="4" />
<phys_device name="rtc_dev">
<page_size size="0x1000" />
<page_size size="0x400000" />
<physical_pool name="system_dram" direct="true">
<memory src="system_dram" />
<virtual_pool name="virtual">
<memory src="virtual" />
<physical_pool name="bios" direct="true">
<memory src="bios" />
<physical_pool name="rom_expansion" direct="true">
<memory src="rom_expansion" />
<physical_pool name="physical" direct="true">
<memory src="physical" />
<kernel file="okl4_kernel" xip="false" >
<dynamic max_threads="0x400" />
<option key="root_caps" value="4096"/>
<rootprogram file="core" virtpool="virtual" physpool="physical" direct="true" />
proc run_boot_string { } {
return "\n\r\033\\\[1m\033\\\[33mOKL4 -"
proc core_link_address { } { return "0x03000000" }
# Populate directory with binaries on OKL4
proc run_boot_dir {binaries} {
global weaver_xml_template
# Build kernel if needed
# Once the kernel is exists, it gets never revisited automatically.
# Consequently, when changing the kernel sources, the kernel build must be
# issued explicitly via 'make kernel'. This way, the rare case of changing
# the kernel does not stand in the way of the everyday's work flow of
# executing run scripts as quick as possible.
if {![okl4_external] && ![file exists [okl4]]} {
build { lib/ld/okl4 kernel }
} else {
build { lib/ld/okl4 }
build_core_image $binaries
exec mv [run_dir]/image.elf [run_dir].image
exec cp [okl4] [run_dir]/kernel
# Generate ELF weaver config
set fh [open "[run_dir].weaver.xml" "WRONLY CREAT TRUNC"]
puts $fh {<?xml version="1.0"?>}
puts $fh {<!DOCTYPE image SYSTEM "weaver-1.1.dtd">}
puts $fh {<image>}
regsub okl4_kernel $weaver_xml_template "[run_dir]/kernel" weaver_xml_template
regsub core $weaver_xml_template "[run_dir].image" weaver_xml_template
puts $fh $weaver_xml_template
puts $fh {</image>}
close $fh
# Run ELF Weaver to create a boot image
set ret [exec "./tool/okl4/elfweaver" merge --output "[run_dir]/image.elf" "[run_dir].weaver.xml"]
if {[regexp "error" $ret dummy]} {
puts stderr "Elfweaver failed: $ret"
exit -6
exec [cross_dev_prefix]strip [run_dir]/image.elf
# Keep only the ELF boot image, but remove stripped binaries
exec rm -r [run_dir]/genode
if {[have_include "image/iso"] || [have_include "image/disk"]} {
# Install GRUB
# Generate grub config file
# The core binary is part of the 'binaries' list but it must
# appear right after 'sigma0' as boot module. Hence the special case.
set fh [open "[run_dir]/boot/grub/menu.lst" "WRONLY CREAT TRUNC"]
puts $fh "timeout 0"
puts $fh "default 0"
puts $fh "hiddenmenu"
puts $fh "\ntitle Genode on OKL4"
puts $fh " kernel /boot/bender"
puts $fh " module /image.elf"
puts $fh " vbeset 0x117"
close $fh
# Build image
if {[have_include "load/tftp"]} {
# Install PXE bootloader pulsar
# Generate pulsar config file
set fh [open "[run_dir]/config-52-54-00-12-34-56" "WRONLY CREAT TRUNC"]
# load okl4 at 256M to avoid overwritting binary, adjust by need
puts $fh " addr 0x10000000"
puts $fh " exec /boot/bender"
puts $fh " load /image.elf"
close $fh