Waylon Cude 28117fee12 Added rust support
Rust relies on atomic builtins, which are not implemented in libgcc for
ARM. One is implemented in rust, which is sufficient to get the
current rust test to run.

2016-03-17 17:02:04 +01:00

103 lines
2.8 KiB

# Generic rules to build file types from other file types and other
# common functionaly that is needed to build library or program targets.
# Collect object files and avoid duplicates (by using 'sort')
SRC_O += $(addprefix binary_,$(addsuffix .o,$(notdir $(SRC_BIN))))
SRC = $(sort $(SRC_C) $(SRC_CC) $(SRC_ADA) $(SRC_RS) $(SRC_S) $(SRC_O))
OBJECTS = $(addsuffix .o,$(basename $(SRC)))
# Create sub directories for objects files corresponding to the sub directories
# of their respective source files
SUB_DIRS = $(sort $(dir $(OBJECTS)))
ifneq ($(SUB_DIRS),./)
$(OBJECTS): $(filter-out $(wildcard $(SUB_DIRS)), $(SUB_DIRS))
$(VERBOSE)mkdir -p $@
# Make sure that we rebuild object files and host tools after Makefile changes
$(wildcard $(OBJECTS)) $(HOST_TOOLS): $(filter-out $(LIB_PROGRESS_LOG),$(MAKEFILE_LIST))
INCLUDES := $(addprefix -I,$(wildcard $(ALL_INC_DIR)))
# If one of the 3rd-party ports used by the target changed, we need to rebuild
# all object files and host tools because they may include sources from the
# 3rd-party port.
# The 'PORT_HASH_FILES' variable is populated as side effect of calling the
# 'select_from_ports' function.
# Include dependency files for the corresponding object files except
# when cleaning
ifneq ($(filter-out $(MAKECMDGOALS),clean),)
-include $(OBJECTS:.o=.d)
%.o: %.c
$(VERBOSE)$(CC) $(CC_DEF) $(CC_C_OPT) $(INCLUDES) -c $< -o $@
%.o: %.cc
$(VERBOSE)$(CXX) $(CXX_DEF) $(CC_CXX_OPT) $(INCLUDES) -c $< -o $@
%.o: %.cpp
$(VERBOSE)$(CXX) $(CXX_DEF) $(CC_CXX_OPT) $(INCLUDES) -c $< -o $@
%.o: %.s
$(VERBOSE)$(CC) $(CC_DEF) $(CC_C_OPT) $(INCLUDES) -c $< -o $@
# Compiling Ada source codes
%.o: %.adb
$(VERBOSE)gnatmake -q -c $(CC_ADA_OPT) $(INCLUDES) $<
# Compiling Rust sources
%.o: %.rs
$(VERBOSE)rustc $(CC_RUSTC_OPT) -o $@ $<
# Assembler files that must be preprocessed are fed to the C compiler.
%.o: %.S
$(VERBOSE)$(CC) $(CC_DEF) $(CC_OPT) -D__ASSEMBLY__ $(INCLUDES) -c $< -o $@
# Link binary data
# We transform binary data into an object file by using the 'incbin' directive
# of the GNU assembler. This enables us to choose a any label for the binary
# data (in contrast to 'ld -r -oformat default -b binary', which generates the
# label from the input path name) and to align the binary data as required on
# some architectures (e.g., ARM).
symbol_name = _binary_$(subst -,_,$(subst .,_,$(subst binary_,,$(subst .o,,$(notdir $@)))))
binary_%.o: %
$(VERBOSE)echo ".global $(symbol_name)_start, $(symbol_name)_end; .data; .align 4; $(symbol_name)_start:; .incbin \"$<\"; $(symbol_name)_end:" |\
$(AS) $(AS_OPT) -f -o $@ -