2015-01-26 12:28:41 +01:00

284 lines
8.8 KiB

# \brief Front end to the Genode build system
# \author Norman Feske
# \date 2011-08-04
# The operation of the build system can be tuned using the following variables,
# which can be specified at the command line or supplied via the
# 'etc/build.conf' file.
# BASE_DIR - this directory points to Genode's 'base' repository
# REPOSITORIES - list of directories incorporared into the build process
# VERBOSE - variable that controls the verboseness of the build process
# By default, compiler messages are not displayed. If you are
# interested in these messages set this variable to nothing.
# ('VERBOSE=')
# VERBOSE_MK - variable that controls the verboseness of make invocations
# VERBOSE_DIR - variable that controls the verboseness of changing directories
# Using this variable, you can enable the make messages printed
# when changing directories. To enable the messages, set the
# variable to nothing.
# LIB_CACHE_DIR - location of the library build cache
# This variable defines the place for the library build cache.
# Normally, the libcache is located at 'var/libcache' and
# there is no need to change it.
# CONTRIB_DIR - location of ported 3rd-party source codes
## Define global configuration variables
-include etc/build.conf
export BASE_DIR ?= ../base
export REPOSITORIES ?= $(BASE_DIR:%base=%base-linux) $(BASE_DIR)
export VERBOSE ?= @
export VERBOSE_DIR ?= --no-print-directory
export VERBOSE_MK ?= @
export LIB_CACHE_DIR ?= $(BUILD_BASE_DIR)/var/libcache
export LIB_PROGRESS_LOG ?= $(BUILD_BASE_DIR)/progress.log
export LIB_DEP_FILE ?= var/libdeps
export ECHO ?= echo -e
# Convert user-defined directories to absolute directories
# The 'echo' shell command expands '~' characters to the home directory,
# 'realpath' converts relative path names to absolute.
REPOSITORIES := $(realpath $(shell echo $(REPOSITORIES)))
BASE_DIR := $(realpath $(shell echo $(BASE_DIR)))
# Configure shell program before executing any shell commands. On Ubuntu the
# standard shell is dash, which breaks colored output via its built-in echo
# command.
export SHELL := $(shell which bash)
select_from_repositories = $(firstword $(foreach REP,$(REPOSITORIES),$(wildcard $(REP)/$(1))))
include $(BASE_DIR)/mk/global.mk
export LIBGCC_INC_DIR = $(shell dirname `$(CUSTOM_CXX_LIB) -print-libgcc-file-name`)/include
# Find out about the target directories to build
DST_DIRS := $(filter-out all clean bin cleanall again run/%,$(MAKECMDGOALS))
# Default rule: build all directories specified as make arguments
all $(DST_DIRS): gen_deps_and_build_targets
-include $(call select_from_repositories,etc/specs.conf)
-include $(BUILD_BASE_DIR)/etc/specs.conf
export SPEC_FILES := $(foreach SPEC,$(SPECS),$(call select_from_repositories,mk/spec-$(SPEC).mk))
include $(SPEC_FILES)
export SPECS
## First stage: generate library dependencies
# Reset library-build log and library-dependency file
# The 'progress' file contains the names of the already processed libraries
# of the current build process. Before considering to process any library,
# the build system checks if the library is already present in the 'progress'
# file and, if yes, skips it.
.PHONY: init_progress_log
@echo "#" > $(LIB_PROGRESS_LOG)
@echo "# Library build progress log - generated by dep_prg.mk and dep_lib.mk" >> $(LIB_PROGRESS_LOG)
@echo "#" >> $(LIB_PROGRESS_LOG)
.PHONY: init_libdep_file
init_libdep_file: $(dir $(LIB_DEP_FILE))
@echo "checking library dependencies..."
@(echo "#"; \
echo "# Library dependencies for build '$(DST_DIRS)'"; \
echo "#"; \
echo ""; \
echo "export SPEC_FILES := \\"; \
for i in $(SPEC_FILES); do \
echo " $$i \\"; done; \
echo ""; \
echo "BASE_DIR = $(realpath $(BASE_DIR))"; \
echo "VERBOSE ?= $(VERBOSE)"; \
echo "VERBOSE_MK ?= $(VERBOSE_MK)"; \
echo "SHELL ?= $(SHELL)"; \
echo "MKDIR ?= mkdir"; \
echo ""; \
echo "all:"; \
echo " @true # prevent nothing-to-be-done message"; \
echo "") > $(LIB_DEP_FILE)
# We check if any target.mk files exist in the specified directories within
# any of the repositories listed in the 'REPOSITORIES' variable.
$(dir $(LIB_DEP_FILE)):
@mkdir -p $@
# Find all 'target.mk' files located within any of the specified subdirectories
# ('DST_DIRS') and any repository. The 'sort' is used to remove duplicates.
TARGETS_TO_VISIT := $(shell find $(REPOSITORIES:=/src) -false \
$(foreach DST,$(DST_DIRS), \
-or -path "*/src/$(DST)/**target.mk" \
-printf " %P "))
# Perform sanity check for non-existing targets being specified at the command
# line.
MISSING_TARGETS := $(strip \
$(foreach DST,$(DST_DIRS),\
$(if $(filter $(DST)/%,$(TARGETS_TO_VISIT)),,$(DST))))
ifneq ($(MAKECMDGOALS),)
init_libdep_file: error_missing_targets
@for target in $(MISSING_TARGETS); do \
echo "Error: target '$$target' does not exist"; done
# The procedure of collecting library dependencies is realized as a single
# rule to gain maximum performance. If we invoked a rule for each target,
# we would need to spawn one additional shell per target, which would take
# 10-20 percent more time.
traverse_dependencies: $(dir $(LIB_DEP_FILE)) init_libdep_file init_progress_log
for target in $(TARGETS_TO_VISIT); do \
for rep in $(REPOSITORIES); do \
test -f $$rep/src/$$target || continue; \
$(MAKE) $(VERBOSE_DIR) -f $(BASE_DIR)/mk/dep_prg.mk \
REP_DIR=$$rep TARGET_MK=$$rep/src/$$target \
DARK_COL="$(DARK_COL)" DEFAULT_COL="$(DEFAULT_COL)" || result=false; \
break; \
done; \
done; $$result;
$(LIB_DEP_FILE): traverse_dependencies
## Second stage: build targets based on the result of the first stage
$(VERBOSE)mkdir -p $@
.PHONY: gen_deps_and_build_targets
gen_deps_and_build_targets: $(INSTALL_DIR) $(LIB_DEP_FILE)
.PHONY: again
again: $(INSTALL_DIR)
## Rules for running automated test cases
# helper for run/% rule
RUN_SCRIPT = $(call select_from_repositories,run/$*.run)
# Read tools configuration to obtain the cross-compiler prefix passed
# to the run script.
-include $(call select_from_repositories,etc/tools.conf)
run/%: $(call select_from_repositories,run/%.run) $(RUN_ENV)
$(VERBOSE)test -f "$(RUN_SCRIPT)" || (echo "Error: No run script for $*"; exit -1)
$(VERBOSE)$(GENODE_DIR)/tool/run/run --genode-dir $(GENODE_DIR) \
--name $* \
--specs "$(SPECS)" \
--repositories "$(REPOSITORIES)" \
--cross-dev-prefix "$(CROSS_DEV_PREFIX)" \
--qemu-args "$(QEMU_OPT)" \
$(RUN_OPT) \
--include $(RUN_SCRIPT)
## Clean rules
# For cleaning, visit each directory for that a corresponding target.mk
# file exists in the source tree. For each such directory, we call
# the single_target rule.
$(VERBOSE_MK)for d in `$(GNU_FIND) -mindepth 1 -type d | $(TAC) | sed "s/^..//"`; do \
for r in $(REPOSITORIES); do \
test -f $$r/src/$$d/target.mk && \
$(MAKE) $(VERBOSE_DIR) clean \
-C $$d \
-f $(BASE_DIR)/mk/prg.mk \
REP_DIR=$$r || \
true; \
done; \
$(VERBOSE)rm -rf var/libcache
$(VERBOSE)rm -rf var/run
$(VERBOSE)rm -rf config-00-00-00-00-00-00
$(VERBOSE)(test -d $(INSTALL_DIR) && find $(INSTALL_DIR) -type l -not -readable -delete) || true
clean_empty_dirs: clean_targets clean_libcache clean_run clean_gen_files clean_install_dir
$(VERBOSE)$(GNU_FIND) . -depth -type d -empty -delete
clean cleanall: clean_empty_dirs