Sebastian Sumpf da1ef67064 base: Allocator_avl cleanup meta data
After reverting unused ranges during allocator destruction
'_meta_data.free_empty_blocks' may lead to more unused ranges because
meta data blocks maybe freed where the meta data for the blocks is
managed by other meta data blocks. This leads to dangling allocation
warnings which are caused by meta data. Therefore, we call
'_revert_unused_ranges' and 'free_empty_blocks' until no more ranges
can be freed.

issue #4466
2022-04-13 09:29:03 +02:00

445 lines
12 KiB

* \brief Interface of AVL-tree-based allocator
* \author Norman Feske
* \date 2006-04-16
* Copyright (C) 2006-2017 Genode Labs GmbH
* This file is part of the Genode OS framework, which is distributed
* under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3.
#include <base/allocator.h>
#include <base/tslab.h>
#include <base/output.h>
#include <util/avl_tree.h>
#include <util/misc_math.h>
#include <util/construct_at.h>
namespace Genode {
class Allocator_avl_base;
* The default slab block size is dimensioned such that slab-block
* allocations make effective use of entire memory pages. To account for
* the common pattern of using a 'Sliced_heap' as backing store for the
* 'Allocator_avl'. We remove 8 words from the slab-block size to take the
* meta-data overhead of each sliced-heap block into account.
template <typename, unsigned SLAB_BLOCK_SIZE = (1024 - 8)*sizeof(addr_t)>
class Allocator_avl_tpl;
* Define AVL-based allocator without any meta data attached to each block
class Empty { };
typedef Allocator_avl_tpl<Empty> Allocator_avl;
class Genode::Allocator_avl_base : public Range_allocator
enum class Size_at_error {
UNKNOWN_ADDR, /* no allocation at specified address */
MISMATCHING_ADDR, /* specified address is not the start of a block */
using Size_at_result = Attempt<size_t, Size_at_error>;
static bool _sum_in_range(addr_t addr, addr_t offset) {
return (addr + offset - 1) >= addr; }
* Noncopyable
Allocator_avl_base(Allocator_avl_base const &);
Allocator_avl_base &operator = (Allocator_avl_base const &);
class Block : public Avl_node<Block>
addr_t _addr { 0 }; /* base address */
size_t _size { 0 }; /* size of block */
bool _used { false }; /* block is in use */
size_t _max_avail { 0 }; /* biggest free block size of
sub tree */
* Request max_avail value of subtree
inline size_t _child_max_avail(bool side) {
return child(side) ? child(side)->max_avail() : 0; }
* Query if block can hold a specified subblock
* \param n number of bytes
* \param range address constraint of subblock
* \param align alignment (power of two)
* \return true if block fits
inline bool _fits(size_t n, unsigned align, Range range)
addr_t a = align_addr(max(addr(), range.start), align);
return (a >= addr()) && _sum_in_range(a, n) &&
(a - addr() + n <= avail()) && (a + n - 1 <= range.end);
* Noncopyable
Block(Block const &);
Block &operator = (Block const &);
* Avl_node interface: compare two nodes
bool higher(Block *a) {
return a->_addr >= _addr; }
* Avl_node interface: update meta data on node rearrangement
void recompute();
** Accessorors **
inline addr_t addr() const { return _addr; }
inline size_t avail() const { return _used ? 0 : _size; }
inline size_t size() const { return _size; }
inline bool used() const { return _used; }
inline size_t max_avail() const { return _max_avail; }
inline void used(bool used) { _used = used; }
enum { FREE = false, USED = true };
* Constructor
* This constructor is called from meta-data allocator during
* initialization of new meta-data blocks.
* Constructor
Block(addr_t addr, size_t size, bool used)
_addr(addr), _size(size), _used(used), _max_avail(used ? 0 : size)
{ }
* Find best-fitting block
Block *find_best_fit(size_t size, unsigned align, Range);
* Find block that contains the specified address range
Block *find_by_address(addr_t addr, size_t size = 0,
bool check_overlap = 0);
* Return sum of available memory in subtree
size_t avail_in_subtree(void);
Avl_tree<Block> _addr_tree { }; /* blocks sorted by base address */
Allocator &_md_alloc; /* meta-data allocator */
size_t _md_entry_size { 0 }; /* size of block meta-data entry */
struct Two_blocks { Block *b1_ptr, *b2_ptr; };
using Alloc_md_result = Attempt<Block *, Alloc_error>;
using Alloc_md_two_result = Attempt<Two_blocks, Alloc_error>;
* Alloc meta-data block
Alloc_md_result _alloc_block_metadata();
* Alloc two meta-data blocks in a transactional way
Alloc_md_two_result _alloc_two_blocks_metadata();
* Create new block
void _add_block(Block &block_metadata, addr_t base, size_t size, bool used);
Block *_find_any_used_block(Block *sub_tree);
Block *_find_any_unused_block(Block *sub_tree);
* Destroy block
void _destroy_block(Block &b);
* Cut specified area from block
* The original block gets replaced by (up to) two smaller blocks
* with remaining space.
void _cut_from_block(Block &b, addr_t cut_addr, size_t cut_size, Two_blocks);
template <typename ANY_BLOCK_FN>
bool _revert_block_ranges(ANY_BLOCK_FN const &);
template <typename SEARCH_FN>
Alloc_result _allocate(size_t, unsigned, Range, SEARCH_FN const &);
Avl_tree<Block> const & _block_tree() const { return _addr_tree; }
* Clean up the allocator and detect dangling allocations
* This method is called at the destruction time of the allocator. It
* makes sure that the allocator instance releases all memory obtained
* from the meta-data allocator.
void _revert_allocations_and_ranges();
bool _revert_unused_ranges();
* Find block by specified address
Block *_find_by_address(addr_t addr, size_t size = 0,
bool check_overlap = 0) const
Block *b = static_cast<Block *>(_addr_tree.first());
/* if the tree has one or more nodes, start search */
return b ? b->find_by_address(addr, size, check_overlap) : 0;
* Constructor
* This constructor can only be called from a derived class that
* provides an allocator for block meta-data entries. This way,
* we can attach custom information to block meta data.
Allocator_avl_base(Allocator *md_alloc, size_t md_entry_size) :
_md_alloc(*md_alloc), _md_entry_size(md_entry_size) { }
~Allocator_avl_base() { _revert_allocations_and_ranges(); }
* Return address of any block of the allocator
* \param out_addr result that contains address of block
* \return true if block was found or
* false if there is no block available
* If no block was found, out_addr is set to zero.
bool any_block_addr(addr_t *out_addr);
void print(Output &out) const;
** Range allocator interface **
Range_result add_range(addr_t base, size_t size) override;
Range_result remove_range(addr_t base, size_t size) override;
Alloc_result alloc_aligned(size_t, unsigned, Range) override;
Alloc_result alloc_addr(size_t size, addr_t addr) override;
void free(void *addr) override;
size_t avail() const override;
bool valid_addr(addr_t addr) const override;
using Range_allocator::alloc_aligned; /* import overloads */
** Allocator interface **
Alloc_result try_alloc(size_t size) override
return Allocator_avl_base::alloc_aligned(size, (unsigned)log2(sizeof(addr_t)));
void free(void *addr, size_t) override { free(addr); }
* Return size of block at specified address
Size_at_result size_at(void const *addr) const;
* Return the memory overhead per Block
* The overhead is a rough estimation. If a block is somewhere
* in the middle of a free area, we could consider the meta data
* for the two free subareas when calculating the overhead.
* The 'sizeof(umword_t)' represents the overhead of the meta-data
* slab allocator.
size_t overhead(size_t) const override { return sizeof(Block) + sizeof(umword_t); }
bool need_size_for_free() const override { return false; }
* AVL-based allocator with custom meta data attached to each block.
* \param BMDT block meta-data type
template <typename BMDT, unsigned SLAB_BLOCK_SIZE>
class Genode::Allocator_avl_tpl : public Allocator_avl_base
* Pump up the Block class with custom meta-data type
class Block : public Allocator_avl_base::Block, public BMDT { };
Tslab<Block,SLAB_BLOCK_SIZE> _metadata; /* meta-data allocator */
char _initial_md_block[SLAB_BLOCK_SIZE]; /* first (static) meta-data block */
struct Assign_metadata_failed : Exception { };
* Constructor
* \param metadata_chunk_alloc pointer to allocator used to allocate
* meta-data blocks. If set to 0,
* use ourself for allocating our
* meta-data blocks. This works only
* if the managed memory is completely
* accessible by the allocator.
explicit Allocator_avl_tpl(Allocator *metadata_chunk_alloc) :
Allocator_avl_base(&_metadata, sizeof(Block)),
_metadata((metadata_chunk_alloc) ? metadata_chunk_alloc : this,
(Block *)&_initial_md_block) { }
* The release of empty blocks may add unused ranges (formerly used
* by metadata). Thus, we loop until all empty blocks are freed and
* no additional unused ranges appear.
do {
} while (_revert_unused_ranges());
* Return size of slab blocks used for meta data
static constexpr size_t slab_block_size() { return SLAB_BLOCK_SIZE; }
* Assign custom meta data to block at specified address
* \throw Assign_metadata_failed
void metadata(void *addr, BMDT bmd) const
Block * const b = static_cast<Block *>(_find_by_address((addr_t)addr));
if (b) *static_cast<BMDT *>(b) = bmd;
else throw Assign_metadata_failed();
* Construct meta-data object in place
* \param ARGS arguments passed to the meta-data constuctor
template <typename... ARGS>
void construct_metadata(void *addr, ARGS &&... args)
Block * const b = static_cast<Block *>(_find_by_address((addr_t)addr));
if (b) construct_at<BMDT>(static_cast<BMDT *>(b), args...);
else throw Assign_metadata_failed();
* Return meta data that was attached to block at specified address
BMDT* metadata(void *addr) const
Block *b = static_cast<Block *>(_find_by_address((addr_t)addr));
return b && b->used() ? b : 0;
Range_result add_range(addr_t base, size_t size) override
* We disable the slab block allocation while
* processing add_range to prevent avalanche
* effects when (slab trying to make an allocation
* at Allocator_avl that is empty).
Allocator *md_bs = _metadata.backing_store();
Range_result result = Allocator_avl_base::add_range(base, size);
return result;
* Apply functor 'fn' to the metadata of an arbitrary
* member of the allocator. This method is provided for
* destructing each member of the allocator. Calling
* the method repeatedly without removing or inserting
* members will produce the same member.
template <typename FUNC>
bool apply_any(FUNC const &fn)
addr_t addr = 0;
if (any_block_addr(&addr)) {
if (BMDT *b = metadata((void*)addr)) {
return true;
return false;