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synced 2025-03-20 19:15:25 +00:00
By default, bender will not report any serial findings anymore, if not explicitly asked for with the 'serial' option. Without this option, an invalid ioport is reported, so that neither the kernel nor Genode core will make serial output.
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proc binary_name_ld_lib_so { } { return "ld-okl4.lib.so" }
proc binary_name_core_a { } { return "core-okl4.a" }
proc binary_name_timer { } { return "pit_timer_drv" }
proc kernel_files { } { return okl4 }
proc boot_output { } { return "serial" }
# Get the base-okl4 repository
proc base_okl4_dir {} { return [repository_contains mk/spec-okl4.mk] }
# Read the location of the OKL4 directory from 'etc/okl4.conf'
proc okl4_dir { } {
global _okl4_dir
if {![info exists _okl4_dir]} {
if {[file exists etc/okl4.conf]} {
set _okl4_dir [exec sed -n "/^OKL4_DIR/s/^.*=\\s*//p" etc/okl4.conf]
if {[file exists $_okl4_dir]} { return $_okl4_dir }
set _okl4_dir [base_okl4_dir]/contrib/okl4
return $_okl4_dir
set weaver_xml_template {
<word_size size="0x20" />
<virtual_memory name="virtual">
<region base="0x120000" size="0x3fe00000" />
<physical_memory name="system_dram">
<region base="0x0" size="0xa000" type="dedicated" />
<physical_memory name="bios">
<region base="0xf0000" size="0x10000" type="dedicated" />
<physical_memory name="rom_expansion">
<region base="0x100000" size="0x1800000" type="dedicated" />
<physical_memory name="physical">
<region base="0x2000000" size="0x30000000" type="conventional" />
<phys_device name="timer_dev">
<interrupt name="int_timer0" number="0" />
<phys_device name="serial_dev">
<interrupt name="int_serial0" number="4" />
<phys_device name="rtc_dev">
<page_size size="0x1000" />
<page_size size="0x400000" />
<physical_pool name="system_dram" direct="true">
<memory src="system_dram" />
<virtual_pool name="virtual">
<memory src="virtual" />
<physical_pool name="bios" direct="true">
<memory src="bios" />
<physical_pool name="rom_expansion" direct="true">
<memory src="rom_expansion" />
<physical_pool name="physical" direct="true">
<memory src="physical" />
<kernel file="okl4_kernel" xip="false" >
<dynamic max_threads="0x400" />
<option key="root_caps" value="4096"/>
<rootprogram file="core" virtpool="virtual" physpool="physical" direct="true" />
proc run_boot_string { } {
return "\n\r\033\\\[1m\033\\\[33mOKL4 -"
proc core_link_address { } { return "0x03000000" }
proc elfweaver {} {
if { ![file exists tool/okl4/elfweaver] } { build lib/tools }
return tool/okl4/elfweaver
# Populate directory with binaries on OKL4
proc run_boot_dir {binaries} {
global weaver_xml_template
# Build kernel and dynamic linker if needed
set kernel_arg ""
if {![file exists [run_dir]/genode/okl4]} { set kernel_arg kernel/okl4 }
set targets "$kernel_arg"
if {[llength $targets]} { build $targets }
if {$kernel_arg != ""} { copy_file bin/okl4 [run_dir]/genode/okl4 }
build_core_image $binaries
exec mv [run_dir]/image.elf [run_dir].image
# Generate ELF weaver config
set fh [open "[run_dir].weaver.xml" "WRONLY CREAT TRUNC"]
puts $fh {<?xml version="1.0"?>}
puts $fh {<!DOCTYPE image SYSTEM "weaver-1.1.dtd">}
puts $fh {<image>}
regsub okl4_kernel $weaver_xml_template "[run_dir]/genode/okl4" weaver_xml_template
regsub \"core\" $weaver_xml_template "\"[run_dir].image\"" weaver_xml_template
puts $fh $weaver_xml_template
puts $fh {</image>}
close $fh
# Run ELF Weaver to create a boot image
set ret [exec [elfweaver] merge --output "[run_dir]/image.elf" "[run_dir].weaver.xml"]
if {[regexp "error" $ret dummy]} {
puts stderr "Elfweaver failed: $ret"
exit -6
exec [cross_dev_prefix]strip [run_dir]/image.elf
# Keep only the ELF boot image, but remove stripped binaries
exec mkdir -p [run_dir]/boot
exec mv [run_dir]/image.elf [run_dir]/boot/image.elf
if {[have_include "image/iso"] || [have_include "image/disk"]} {
if {[have_include "image/disk"]} {
if {[have_include "image/iso"]} {
# Generate GRUB2 config file
set fh [create_header_grub2_config]
# The core binary is part of the 'binaries' list but it must
# appear right after 'sigma0' as boot module. Hence the special case.
puts $fh "menuentry 'Genode on OKL4' {"
puts $fh " insmod multiboot"
puts $fh " multiboot /boot/bender [boot_output]"
puts $fh " module /boot/image.elf"
puts $fh "}"
close $fh
# Build image
if {[have_include "load/tftp"]} {
# Install PXE bootloader pulsar
# Generate pulsar config file
set fh [open "[run_dir]/config-52-54-00-12-34-56" "WRONLY CREAT TRUNC"]
# load okl4 at 256M to avoid overwritting binary, adjust by need
puts $fh " addr 0x10000000"
puts $fh " exec /boot/bender [boot_output]"
puts $fh " load /boot/image.elf"
close $fh
# Base source archive within depot
proc base_src { } {
if {[have_spec x86_32]} { return base-okl4 }
global specs
puts stderr "Test requires base-okl4 kernel archive, which is missing for this build configuration"
puts stderr " SPECS=\"$specs\""
exit 0