mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 05:09:39 +00:00
The bssid is purely optional and only should be used if it really is needed. Issue #1746.
366 lines
9.8 KiB
366 lines
9.8 KiB
# \brief Test for using netperf
# \author Alexander Boettcher
# \date 2013-04-18
if {[have_include "power_on/qemu"]} {
puts "\nNetperf running on Qemu is not recommended.\n"
if {[have_spec hw_odroid_xu] || [have_spec hw_wand_quad]} {
puts "Run script does not support this platform."
exit 0
if {![info exists use_usb_driver]} {
set use_usb_driver [expr [have_spec omap4] || [have_spec arndale] || [have_spec rpi]]
set use_nic_driver [expr !$use_usb_driver && ![have_spec imx53] && !$use_wifi_driver]
if {[expr !$use_usb_driver && !$use_nic_driver && !$use_wifi_driver]} {
puts "Run script is not supported on this platform.";
exit 0
# provide wifi related variables in case we do not use the wifi driver
if {!$use_wifi_driver} {
set wifi_ssid ""
set wifi_psk ""
# Build
set version "2.6.0"
# sanity check that the right version is used
set wrong_version [catch {
spawn netperf-$version -V
expect {
{Netperf version 2.6.0} { }
eof { return }
timeout { return }
if {$wrong_version} {
puts -nonewline "\nPlease compile a netperf client of version $version "
puts "for your host system."
puts "The sources are available in 'ports/contrib/netperf'."
puts "Please name the binary netperf-$version\n"
exit 1;
# netperf configuration
set packet_size 1024
set netperf_tests "TCP_STREAM TCP_MAERTS"
# start run script generation
if {$use_usb_driver} { set network_driver "usb_drv" }
if {$use_nic_driver} { set network_driver "nic_drv" }
if {$use_wifi_driver} { set network_driver "wifi_drv" }
set build_components {
core init
append build_components " $netperf_target "
lappend_if $use_nic_driver build_components drivers/nic
lappend_if $use_usb_driver build_components drivers/usb
lappend_if $use_nic_bridge build_components server/nic_bridge
lappend_if [have_spec gpio] build_components drivers/gpio
append_if $use_wifi_driver build_components {
source ${genode_dir}/repos/base/run/platform_drv.inc
build $build_components
# Generate config
set lx_ip_addr ""
set config {
<config verbose="yes">
<service name="ROM"/>
<service name="RAM"/>
<service name="IRQ"/>
<service name="IO_MEM"/>
<service name="IO_PORT"/>
<service name="CAP"/>
<service name="PD"/>
<service name="RM"/>
<service name="CPU"/>
<service name="LOG"/>
<service name="SIGNAL"/>
<any-service> <parent/> <any-child/> </any-service>
<start name="timer">
<resource name="RAM" quantum="1M"/>
<provides> <service name="Timer"/> </provides>
</start> }
append_if [have_spec gpio] config {
<start name="gpio_drv">
<resource name="RAM" quantum="4M"/>
<provides><service name="Gpio"/></provides>
append_if $use_nic_bridge config {
<start name="nic_bridge">
<resource name="RAM" quantum="4M"/>
<provides><service name="Nic"/></provides>
append_if [expr $use_nic_bridge && [have_spec linux]] config "
<policy label=\"netserver_genode\" ip_addr=\"$lx_ip_addr\"/>"
append_if $use_nic_bridge config {
<service name="Nic"> }
append_if $use_nic_bridge config "
<child name=\"$network_driver\"/>"
append_if $use_nic_bridge config {
<any-service> <parent/> <any-child/> </any-service>
</start> }
append_if $use_usb_driver config {
<start name="usb_drv">
<resource name="RAM" quantum="12M"/>
<service name="Nic"/>
append_if $use_usb_driver config "
<config uhci=\"$use_usb_11\" ehci=\"$use_usb_20\" xhci=\"$use_usb_30\">"
append_if $use_usb_driver config {
<nic mac="02:00:00:00:01:01" />
append_if $use_nic_driver config {
<start name="nic_drv">
<resource name="RAM" quantum="4M"/>
<provides><service name="Nic"/></provides>
append_if $use_wifi_driver config {
<start name="report_rom">
<resource name="RAM" quantum="2M"/>
<provides> <service name="Report" /> <service name="ROM" /> </provides>
<config> <rom/> </config>
<start name="config_fs">
<binary name="ram_fs"/>
<resource name="RAM" quantum="4M"/>
<provides> <service name="File_system"/> </provides>
<policy label="config_rom" root="/"/>
<policy label="wifi_drv -> config" root="/" writeable="yes"/>
<inline name="wlan_configuration">}
append_if $use_wifi_driver config "
<selected_network ssid=\"$wifi_ssid\" protection=\"WPA-PSK\" psk=\"$wifi_psk\"/>"
append_if $use_wifi_driver config {
<inline name="wpa_supplicant.conf"></inline>
<start name="config_rom">
<binary name="fs_rom"/>
<resource name="RAM" quantum="4M"/>
<provides><service name="ROM"/></provides>
<service name="File_system"> <child name="config_fs" /> </service>
<any-service> <parent/> <any-child/> </any-service>
<start name="wifi_drv">
<resource name="RAM" quantum="32M"/>
<provides> <service name="Nic"/> </provides>
<libc stdout="/dev/log" stderr="/dev/log" rtc="/dev/rtc">
<dir name="dev">
<jitterentropy name="random"/>
<jitterentropy name="urandom"/>
<dir name="config"> <fs label="config"/> </dir>
<service name="Rtc"> <any-child/> </service>
<service name="File_system"> <child name="config_fs"/> </service>
<service name="ROM"> <if-arg key="label" value="wlan_configuration" /> <child name="config_rom" /> </service>
<service name="Report"> <child name="report_rom"/> </service>
<any-service> <parent/> <any-child /> </any-service>
append config {
<start name="netserver_genode">
append config "<binary name=\"$netperf_app\"/>"
append config {
<resource name="RAM" quantum="32M"/>
<arg value="netserver"/>
<arg value="-D"/>
<arg value="-4"/>
<arg value="-f"/>
<libc tx_buf_size="2M" rx_buf_size="2M"}
append_if [have_spec linux] config " ip_addr=\"$lx_ip_addr\" netmask=\"\" gateway=\"\""
append config {
stdout="/dev/log" stderr="/dev/log">
<vfs> <dir name="dev"> <log/> </dir> </vfs>
append_if $use_nic_bridge config {
<service name="Nic"> <child name="nic_bridge"/> </service>
<any-service> <parent/> <any-child/> </any-service>
append config {
install_config $config
# Boot modules
# generic modules
set boot_modules {
core init timer
ld.lib.so libc.lib.so libm.lib.so
append boot_modules " $netperf_app "
append boot_modules " $netperf_stack "
lappend_if $use_nic_bridge boot_modules nic_bridge
# platform-specific modules
lappend_if [have_spec gpio] boot_modules gpio_drv
lappend_if $use_usb_driver boot_modules usb_drv
lappend_if $use_nic_driver boot_modules nic_drv
append_if $use_wifi_driver boot_modules {
ram_fs fs_rom report_rom
libcrypto.lib.so libssl.lib.so
wpa_driver_nl80211.lib.so wpa_supplicant.lib.so
wifi.lib.so wifi_drv
build_boot_image $boot_modules
# Execute test case
# qemu config
append qemu_args " -m 128 "
append_if [have_spec x86] qemu_args " -net nic,model=e1000 "
append_if [have_spec lan9118] qemu_args " -net nic,model=lan9118 "
append qemu_args " -net user -redir tcp:12865::12865 -redir tcp:49153::49153 "
if {[have_spec linux]} {
run_genode_until {.*family AF_INET.*\n} 60
} else {
run_genode_until $ip_match_string 60
set serial_id [output_spawn_id]
set force_ports ""
if {[have_include "power_on/qemu"]} {
set ip_addr "localhost"
set force_ports "-P 49153,49153"
} elseif [have_spec linux] {
set ip_addr $lx_ip_addr
} else {
regexp $ip_match_string $output all ip_addr
puts ""
# give the TCP/IP stack some time to settle down
sleep 3
# start netperf client connecting to netperf server running native on Genode
foreach netperf_test $netperf_tests {
puts "\n---------------------------- $netperf_test -----------------------"
spawn netperf-$version -H $ip_addr -P 1 -v 2 -t $netperf_test -c -C -- -m $packet_size $force_ports
set netperf_id $spawn_id
set spawn_id_list [list $netperf_id $serial_id]
# reset output, so that we get on the second run not the result of the first
set output ""
run_genode_until "Segment" 60 $spawn_id_list
# get throughput from netperf output
set throughput [regexp -all -inline {([0-9]+[ ]+){3}[0-9]+\.[0-9]+[ ]+[0-9]+\.[0-9]+} $output]
set throughput [regexp -all -inline {[0-9]+\.[0-9]+} $throughput]
# calculate packets per second rate
set all_bytes [regexp -all -inline {([0-9]+[ ]+){5}} $output]
set all_bytes [lindex $all_bytes 0 4]
set elapsed_time [regexp -all -inline {([0-9]+[ ]+){3}[0-9]+\.[0-9]+[ ]+} $output]
set elapsed_time [lindex $elapsed_time 0 3]
set packets_second [expr $all_bytes / $packet_size / $elapsed_time]
puts "\ncalculation: overall bytes / size per packet / time = packets per second"
puts -nonewline " $all_bytes Bytes / $packet_size Bytes / $elapsed_time s = "
puts "[format %8.0f $packets_second] packets/s\n"
# format output parseable for post proccessing scripts
puts -nonewline "! PERF: $netperf_test"
if {$use_nic_bridge} { puts -nonewline "_bridge" }
if {$use_usb_driver} {
if {![string compare $use_usb_11 "yes"]} { puts -nonewline "_uhci" }
if {![string compare $use_usb_20 "yes"]} { puts -nonewline "_ohci" }
if {![string compare $use_usb_30 "yes"]} { puts -nonewline "_xhci" }
puts " [lindex $throughput 1] MBit/s ok"