Josef Söntgen 150d143755 os: use Request_stream API in NVMe driver
As a result of the API change the memory handling could be simplified.
Since the Block session dataspace is now directly used for DMA, we
actually only have to provide the memory for setting up PRP lists for
large requests (for the moment more than 8 KiB of data).

As we limit the maximum data transfer length to 2 MiB, we get by with
just a page per request. Those memory is allocated beforehand for the
maximum number of I/O requests, which got bumbed to 512 entries. Since
not all NVMe controllers support such large a maximum data transfer
length and this many entries, especially older ones, the values are
capped according to the properties of the controller during
initialization. (The memory demands of the component are around 3 MiB
due to setting up for the common case, even if a particular controller
is only able to make use of less.)

(Although there are controllers whose maximum memory page size is more
than 4K, the driver is hardcoded to solely use 4K pages.)

In addition to those changes, the driver now supports the 'SYNC' and
'TRIM' operations of the Block session by using the NVMe 'FLUSH' and
'WRITE_ZEROS' commands.

Fixes .
2020-04-17 12:39:32 +02:00

204 lines
5.5 KiB

assert_spec x86
# perform write tests when requested
if {[info exists env(GENODE_TEST_WRITE)]} {
set test_write 1
} else {
set test_write 0
set is_qemu [have_include power_on/qemu]
set is_old [expr [have_spec fiasco] || [have_spec okl4] || [have_spec pistachio]]
set is_32bit_x86_hw [expr !$is_qemu && [have_spec 32bit]]
# Only run tests on supported platforms
if {[expr [have_spec linux] || $is_32bit_x86_hw || [expr $is_qemu && $is_old]]} {
puts "This run script is not supported on this platform."
exit 0
# Qemu and on certain platforms only use the small set of tests
set small_test [expr $is_qemu || [have_spec foc] || [have_spec sel4]]
# Check used commands
set dd [installed_command dd]
# Query writeable for policy
proc writeable { } {
global test_write
if {$test_write} {
return yes
} else {
return no
# Build
set build_components {
core init timer
source ${genode_dir}/repos/base/run/
build $build_components
# Create raw image
catch { exec $dd if=/dev/zero of=bin/nvme.raw bs=1M count=0 seek=32768 }
# Generate config
append config {
<config verbose="no">
<service name="ROM"/>
<service name="RAM"/>
<service name="IRQ"/>
<service name="IO_MEM"/>
<service name="IO_PORT"/>
<service name="CAP"/>
<service name="PD"/>
<service name="RM"/>
<service name="CPU"/>
<service name="LOG"/>
<service name="SIGNAL" />
<any-service> <parent/> <any-child/> </any-service>
<default caps="100"/>
<start name="timer">
<resource name="RAM" quantum="1M"/>
<provides><service name="Timer"/></provides>
append config {
<start name="nvme_drv">
<resource name="RAM" quantum="4M"/>
<provides> <service name="Block"/> </provides>
<policy label_prefix="block_tester" writeable="} [writeable] {"/>
<start name="block_tester" caps="200">
<resource name="RAM" quantum="64M"/>
<config verbose="no" report="no" log="yes" stop_on_error="no">
append_if $small_test config {
<sequential length="256M" size="64K"/>
<random length="256M" size="64K" seed="0xdeadbeef"/>}
append_if [expr !$small_test] config {
<sequential length="1G" size="4K" batch="128"/>
<sequential length="1G" size="8K" batch="128"/>
<sequential length="1G" size="64K"/>
<sequential length="3G" size="1M" batch="128"/>
<random length="1G" size="16K" seed="0xdeadbeef"/>
<random length="3G" size="512K" seed="0xc0ffee"/>
<ping_pong length="1G" size="16K"/>}
append_if $test_write config {
<sequential length="256M" size="64K" batch="128" write="yes"/>
<replay batch="128">
<request type="read" lba="0" count="1"/>
<request type="read" lba="0" count="1"/>
<request type="read" lba="0" count="1"/>
<request type="read" lba="2048" count="1016"/>
<request type="read" lba="0" count="1"/>
<request type="read" lba="0" count="1"/>
<request type="read" lba="0" count="1"/>
<request type="read" lba="2048" count="1016"/>
<request type="read" lba="0" count="1"/>
<request type="read" lba="0" count="1"/>
<request type="read" lba="0" count="1"/>
<request type="read" lba="2048" count="1016"/>
<request type="read" lba="4096" count="1"/>
<request type="read" lba="51881" count="1"/>
<request type="read" lba="51890" count="1"/>
<request type="read" lba="114184" count="14"/>
<request type="read" lba="114198" count="1"/>
<request type="read" lba="114033" count="127"/>
<request type="read" lba="114160" count="24"/>
<request type="write" lba="0" count="1"/>
<request type="read" lba="12288" count="2048"/>
<request type="write" lba="4096" count="2048"/>
<request type="write" lba="0" count="1"/>
<request type="write" lba="2048" count="1"/>
<request type="write" lba="5696" count="1"/>
<request type="write" lba="5696" count="1"/>
<request type="sync" lba="0" count="1"/>
<request type="write" lba="5696" count="1"/>
<request type="read" lba="4096" count="1"/>
<request type="read" lba="61440" count="16"/>
<request type="read" lba="158777" count="127"/>
<request type="write" lba="40960" count="2048"/>
<request type="write" lba="0" count="1"/>
<request type="write" lba="2073" count="1"/>
<request type="read" lba="190483" count="64"/>
<request type="read" lba="190411" count="53"/>
<request type="read" lba="190464" count="11"/>
<request type="read" lba="106074" count="64"/>
<request type="read" lba="105954" count="56"/>
<request type="read" lba="122802" count="24"/>
<request type="read" lba="123594" count="64"/>
<request type="read" lba="123722" count="64"/>
append config {
<service name="Block"><child name="nvme_drv"/></service>
<any-service> <parent/> <any-child /> </any-service>
install_config $config
# Boot modules
set boot_modules {
core init timer nvme_drv block_tester
build_boot_image $boot_modules
append qemu_args " -nographic -m 512 "
append qemu_args " -drive id=nvme0,file=bin/nvme.raw,format=raw,if=none "
append qemu_args " -device nvme,drive=nvme0,serial=fnord,id=nvme0n1 "
run_genode_until {.*child "block_tester" exited with exit value 0.*\n} 300
exec rm -f bin/nvme.raw