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synced 2025-03-20 19:15:25 +00:00
This disambiguates the boot images installed for base-hw from those installed for base-nova. Note that the image.elf file for other kernels (i.e., NOVA) is not named image-<kernel>.elf at this point because this would prevent the update from a pre-24.04 Sculpt system to a later one as the grub.cfg is not touched by the old update mechanism. So after a system update, grub would keep loading the last installed image.elf. Issue #5182
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# Reset the target machine or rather run the scenario with Qemu
proc board_qemu_args { } {
set qemu_args_file [file join "board" [board] "qemu_args"]
set repo [repository_contains $qemu_args_file]
if {$repo == ""} {
return ""
set fh [open [file join $repo $qemu_args_file] "RDONLY"]
set file_content [read $fh]
close $fh
# Each line is appended to qemu_args.
set qemu_args ""
foreach line [split $file_content "\n"] {
# general arguments
append qemu_args " $line"
return $qemu_args
# Execute scenario using Qemu
proc run_power_on { } {
global qemu_args
global qemu
global qemu_spawn_id
# save original qemu_args to support retrying
set original_qemu_args $qemu_args
# Back out on platforms w/o Qemu support
if {![is_qemu_available]} { return 0 }
if {[have_spec x86_32]} { set qemu "qemu-system-i386" }
if {[have_spec x86_64]} { set qemu "qemu-system-x86_64" }
if {[have_spec arm]} { set qemu "qemu-system-arm" }
if {[have_spec arm_64]} { set qemu "qemu-system-aarch64" }
if {[have_spec riscv]} { set qemu "qemu-system-riscv64" }
# Only the x86_64 variant of Qemu provides the emulation of hardware
# virtualization features used by NOVA. So let's always stick to this
# variant of Qemu when working with NOVA even when operating in 32bit.
if {[have_spec nova]} { set qemu "qemu-system-x86_64" }
# Redirect serial output to stdio, but only when no explicit configuration
# of serial interfaces is specified in the run script.
# The 'mon' prefix enables the access to the qemu console.
if {![regexp -- {-serial} $qemu_args dummy]} {
# In the raspi3 model the first UART is never used as
# log output, but the second
if {[have_board rpi3]} { append qemu_args " -serial null " }
append qemu_args " -serial mon:stdio "
# on x86, we support booting via pxe or iso/disk image
if {[have_board pc]} {
if {[regexp -- {-m\s+} $qemu_args dummy]} {
# can be -m 1024 or -m 1024G or -m size=1024G
set qemu_ram [regexp -inline {\-m\s+\S+} $qemu_args]
if {![regexp {([0-9]+)([MG]?)} $qemu_ram dummy qemu_ram ram_unit]} {
puts "Cannot parse memory argument ($qemu_ram)\n"
exit 1
if { $ram_unit == "G" } {
set qemu_ram [expr {$qemu_ram*1024}] }
if {[have_spec okl4]} {
if {$qemu_ram < 800} {
puts "Configured memory ($qemu_ram) for OKL4 on Qemu must be at least 800M\n"
exit 1
} else {
# append memory argument if not present, 800M is a sane default because:
# - 800M is minimum for OKL4
# - 768M is required for certain test cases (#3387)
append qemu_args " -m 800 "
if {[have_include "load/tftp"]} {
append qemu_args " -boot n -tftp [run_dir] -bootp boot/pulsar -no-reboot -no-shutdown "
} else {
if {[have_include "image/iso"]} {
append qemu_args " -cdrom [run_dir].iso "
} else {
if {[have_include "image/disk"]} {
append qemu_args " -drive format=raw,file=[run_dir].img "
} else {
if {[have_include "image/uefi"]} {
set uefi_firmware "/usr/share/ovmf/OVMF.fd"
if {![file exists $uefi_firmware]} {
puts "'$uefi_firmware' uefi image missing. Please install a ovmf package matching your qemu version."
exit -3
append qemu_args " --bios $uefi_firmware -net none -drive format=raw,file=[run_dir].img "
# limit boot resolution in Qemu to 1920x1080
append qemu_args " -device VGA,vgamem_mb=8 "
} else {
puts "Aborting, cannot execute Qemu without a ISO or disk image"
exit -4
} } } }
# on ARM/RISC-V, we supply the boot image as kernel
if {[have_spec arm] || [have_spec arm_v8] || [have_spec riscv]} {
append qemu_args " -kernel [run_dir]/boot/[kernel_specific_binary image.elf] " }
set board_qemu_args [board_qemu_args]
# remove any -m arguments from qemu args if specified by board_qemu_args
# note, that we must not match/remove -machine, but allow -m size=1G,slots=3,maxmem=4G
if {[regexp -- {-m\s+} $board_qemu_args dummy]} {
regsub -all {\-m\s+\S+} $qemu_args "" qemu_args }
# let user override any netdev
if {[regexp -- {-netdev\s+user,id=(\w+)} $qemu_args dummy netdev]} {
regsub -all "\\-netdev\\s+user,id=$netdev\\S*" $board_qemu_args "" board_qemu_args }
# If -cpu is specified by qemu_args, remove -cpu from board_qemu_args to
# support overwriting it, e.g. used for virtualization scenarios
if {[regexp -- {-cpu\s+} $qemu_args dummy]} {
regsub -all {\-cpu\s+\S*} $board_qemu_args "" board_qemu_args }
# append custom board-specific qemu_args
append qemu_args " $board_qemu_args"
eval spawn $qemu $qemu_args
set qemu_spawn_id $spawn_id
# restore original qemu_args to support retrying
set qemu_args $original_qemu_args
return true