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synced 2025-03-11 06:54:18 +00:00
The init component used to create the CPU/RAM/PD/ROM sessions (the child environment) for its children by issuing session requests to its parent, which is typically core. This policy was hard-wired. This patch enables the routing of the environment sessions of the children of init according to the configured routing policy. Because there is no hard-wired policy regarding the environment sessions anymore, routes to respective services must be explicitly declared in the init configuration. For this reason, the patch adjusts several run scripts in this respect. This patch removes the outdated '<if-args>' special handling of session labels. The '<if-args>' feature will eventually be removed completely (ref #2250) Issue #2197 Issue #2215 Issue #2233 Issue #2250
346 lines
9.5 KiB
346 lines
9.5 KiB
# This script is used to test the shared folder support of Vbox@Genode/NOVA.
# Requirements to run this script:
# - hard disk with 4 primary partitions
# - on the 4. partition an ext2 filesystem is expected with following files:
# -- /win7.vdi
# -- /ram/overlay-original.vdi
# The overlay file must be generated beforehand, e.g.:
# vboxmanage showhdinfo win7.vdi
# to find out the size of the vdi and then to create the overlay:
# vboxmanage createhd --filename overlay-original.vdi --size [vdi_size] --format vdi
# The Windows image (win7.vdi) is prepared to contain a bat file with following
# content:
# :check
# IF EXIST E:\test.bat (GOTO start) ELSE (timeout /t 3 >nul)
# GOTO check
# :start
# call E:\test.bat
# This file must be configured to be autostarted by Windows, e.g change the
# value in the registry entry at
# HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software/Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run
# to the batch file in the Windows vdi image as described above.
# What this script does:
# A VM containing a Win7 image is started configured with two different
# Virtualbox fileshares (D: and E:). One contains a test file (test.bin),
# which will be copied by the Windows VM from the one file share over to the
# second one.
# On Genode side a Noux instance is running a bash shell with the two
# filesystems mounted. The shell is scripted by this script to wait for
# completion of the copy operation performed by the Windows VM. If this is
# detected, the bash scripts use sha1sum to generate hashes of the original
# test file of the one file system share and of the copy on the second file
# system share. This run scripts then compares the hashes and reports
# "Test succeeded" if they are identical.
# This script generates the test file out of /dev/urandom and generates a
# batch file test.bat which is placed in the shared folder for the VM. test.bat
# is invoked by the batch file running already in the Windows VM as described
# beforehand. test.bat contains the actual instructions to be performed by
# the VM - for this script to copy the test.bin file from D: to E:.
if {[have_include "power_on/qemu"]} {
puts "\nRun script does not support Qemu.\n"
exit 0
# Tested for nova and muen.
if {(![have_spec nova] && ![have_spec muen])} {
puts "Platform is unsupported."
exit 0
set virtualbox_binary "virtualbox-rem"
if {[have_spec muen]} { set virtualbox_binary "virtualbox-muen" }
if {[have_spec nova]} { set virtualbox_binary "virtualbox-nova" }
set flavor "win7"
set use_vbox4 1
set use_vbox5 0
set vdi_image "${flavor}.vdi"
# Write overlay back to harddisk if set to 0
set use_ram_fs 0
set use_overlay_from_disk 0
set overlay_image "overlay_${flavor}.vdi"
set use_rumpfs 1
set use_usb 0
set use_ps2 [have_spec ps2]
set use_vms 1
set use_cpu_load 0
# Create .bat file to be executed by Win VM
set template_bat_fd [open "bin/template.bat" w]
puts $template_bat_fd {:check
IF EXIST E:\start.txt (GOTO start) ELSE (timeout /t 3 >nul)
GOTO check
copy D:\test.bin E:\test.bin
copy D:\template.bat E:\done.txt
shutdown /s /t 00}
close $template_bat_fd
# Convert bat file to dos format
catch { exec unix2dos bin/template.bat }
# Create random test binary to be copied via shared folder of vbox
catch { exec dd if=/dev/urandom of=bin/test.bin bs=4096 count=8160 }
# Step 1: prepare and start the actual VM
set build_components {
server/ram_fs server/report_rom
server/tcp_terminal drivers/nic
# Build Noux packages only once
foreach pkg {bash coreutils} {
lappend_if [expr ![file exists bin/$pkg]] build_components noux-pkg/$pkg }
set boot_modules {
noux libc_noux.lib.so bash.tar coreutils.tar
tcp_terminal lwip.lib.so nic_drv report_rom
test.bin template.bat
set config_of_app {
<start name="nic_drv" priority="-1">
<resource name="RAM" quantum="4M"/>
<provides> <service name="Nic"/> </provides>
<service name="IRQ"><child name="acpi"/></service>
<any-service> <parent/> <any-child/></any-service>
<start name="tcp_terminal" priority="-1">
<resource name="RAM" quantum="5M"/>
<provides> <service name="Terminal"/> </provides>
<policy label_prefix="noux" port="8888"/>
<start name="noux" priority="-1">
<resource name="RAM" quantum="32M"/>
<tar name="coreutils.tar"/>
<tar name="bash.tar"/>
<dir name="from"> <fs label="share_from"/> </dir>
<dir name="to"> <fs label="share_to"/> </dir>
<start name="/bin/bash">
<env name="TERM" value="linux"/>
<service name="File_system" label="share_from">
<child name="ram_fs_from"/>
<service name="File_system" label="share_to">
<child name="ram_fs_to"/>
<any-service> <parent/> <any-child/> </any-service>
<start name="ram_fs_from" priority="-1">
<binary name="ram_fs"/>
<resource name="RAM" quantum="64M"/>
<provides><service name="File_system"/></provides>
<rom name="test.bin"/>
<rom name="template.bat"/>
<default-policy root="/" writeable="no"/>
<start name="ram_fs_to" priority="-1">
<binary name="ram_fs"/>
<resource name="RAM" quantum="64M"/>
<provides><service name="File_system"/></provides>
<default-policy root="/" writeable="yes"/>
<start name="report_rom">
<resource name="RAM" quantum="1M"/>
<provides> <service name="Report"/> <service name="ROM"/> </provides>
<config> <rom/> </config>
<start name="vbox" priority="-2">}
append config_of_app "
<binary name=\"$virtualbox_binary\"/>"
append config_of_app {
<resource name="RAM" quantum="1280M"/>
<config vbox_file="vm_auto_share.vbox" vm_name="AutoDisk">
<libc stdout="/dev/log" stderr="/dev/log" rtc="/dev/rtc"/>
<dir name="dev"> <log/> <rtc/> </dir>
<rom name="vm_auto_share.vbox"/>}
append_if [expr $use_ram_fs] config_of_app {
<dir name="ram"> <fs label="from_ram_fs"/> </dir>}
append config_of_app {
<dir name="from"> <fs label="share_ram_fs_from"/> </dir>
<dir name="to"> <fs label="share_ram_fs_to"/> </dir>
<service name="Report"> <child name="report_rom"/> </service>}
append_if [expr $use_ram_fs] config_of_app {
<service name="File_system" label="from_ram_fs">
<child name="ram_fs"/>
append config_of_app {
<service name="File_system" label="share_ram_fs_from">
<child name="ram_fs_from"/>
<service name="File_system" label="share_ram_fs_to">
<child name="ram_fs_to"/>
<service name="File_system"> <child name="rump_fs"/> </service>
<any-service> <parent/> <any-child/> </any-service>
source ${genode_dir}/repos/ports/run/virtualbox_auto.inc
exec tar cfv bin/bash.tar -h -C bin/bash .
exec tar cfv bin/coreutils.tar -h -C bin/coreutils .
exec cp ${genode_dir}/repos/ports/run/vm_auto_share.vbox bin/.
build_boot_image $boot_modules
# Step 2: Read out TCP/IP address of tcp_terminal running on Genode target
run_genode_until {\[init -> tcp_terminal\] got IP address [0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+} 20
set serial_id [output_spawn_id]
regexp {\[init -> tcp_terminal\] got IP address [0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+} $output serial_ip_addr
regexp {[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+} $serial_ip_addr serial_ip_addr
# Step 3: Wait until Windows is up for sure
run_genode_until {\[init -\> vbox\].*Guest Additions capability report:.*seamless: yes, hostWindowMapping: no, graphics: yes} 300 $serial_id
# Step 4 : connect to Noux of the running Genode target and issue bash commands
# via netcat
puts "\nTest shared folder\n"
spawn netcat $serial_ip_addr 8888
set noux_id $spawn_id
run_genode_until {\[init -> tcp_terminal\] connection established} 20 $serial_id
# Step 5 : interact with netcat -> ... -> tcp_terminal -> Noux -> bash
# Windows does not like trailing zeros introduced by our ROM service.
# -> .bat script does not find labels like 'check' with zero bytes
# so - delete zero bytes
puts $noux_id "cat from/template\.bat | tr -d \"\\0\" >to/test\.bat"
# SHA1 of original file
puts $noux_id "sha1sum from/test.bin"
# Tell Windows VM to start copying
puts $noux_id "echo \"start\" > to/start\.txt"
# Wait until Windows finished copying
puts $noux_id "while \[ ! -f to/done\.txt ]"
puts $noux_id "do"
puts $noux_id "sleep 5"
puts $noux_id "done"
# Wait until VM signaled shutdown state
run_genode_until {\[init\] child "vbox" exited with exit value 0} 120 $serial_id
# SHA1 of copied file
puts $noux_id "sha1sum to/test.bin"
# Wait for output of bash shell until last SHA1 sum is calculated
run_genode_until {[[:xdigit:]]+ to/test\.bin} 50 $noux_id
# cleanup created files
foreach pkg {bash coreutils} { exec rm -f bin/$pkg.tar }
exec rm -f bin/test.bin
exec rm -f bin/template.bat
exec rm -f bin/vm_auto_share.vbox
# Step 5: Compare sha1sum of original file and of copy made by .bat file in VM
set sha1sum_original [regexp -inline {[[:xdigit:]]+ from/test\.bin} $output]
set sha1sum_copy [regexp -inline {[[:xdigit:]]+ to/test\.bin} $output]
set sha1sum_original [regexp -inline {[[:xdigit:]]+} $sha1sum_original]
set sha1sum_copy [regexp -inline {[[:xdigit:]]+} $sha1sum_copy]
puts -nonewline "\n$sha1sum_original ?= $sha1sum_copy --> "
if {$sha1sum_original eq ""} {
puts " empty -> no "
} else {
if {$sha1sum_original != $sha1sum_copy} {
puts "no"
exit -1
} else {
puts "yes"