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Run scripts can use the new 'import_from_depot' function to incorporate archive content from the depot into a scenario. The function must be called after the 'create_boot_directory' function and takes any number of pkg, src, or raw archives as arguments. An archive is specified as depot-relative path of the form <user>/<type>/name. Run scripts may call 'import_from_depot' repeatedly. An argument can refer to a specific version of an archive or just the version-less archive name. In the latter case, the current version (as defined by a corresponding archive recipe in the source tree) is used. If a 'src' archive is specified, the run tool integrates the content of the corrsponding binary archive into the scenario. The binary archives are selected according the spec values as defined for the build directory. As of now, only x86_32 and x86_64 are supported by the 'depot_spec' function. Issue #2339
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307 lines
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# \brief Utilities for accessing depot content from run scripts
# \author Norman Feske
# \date 2017-03-29
proc depot_dir { } { return [genode_dir]/depot }
# Return spec value to be used to access binary archives
proc depot_spec { } {
if {[have_spec x86_32]} { return "x86_32" }
if {[have_spec x86_64]} { return "x86_64" }
if {[have_spec arm_v7]} { return "arm_v7" }
# Variable used for keeping track of archives that are missing from the
# depot. The list is populated by calls of 'import_from_depot' and evaluated
# at the boot-image-creation stage via 'check_for_missing_depot_archives'.
set _missing_depot_archives {}
# Pattern to parse an archive path into <user>, <type>, <name>
proc _depot_archive_path_pattern { } { return {^([\w\d]+)/([\w]+)/([\w\d\-_]+)$} }
# Pattern to parse an binary archive path into <user>, <spec>, <name>.
proc _depot_bin_archive_path_pattern { } { return {^([\w\d]+)/bin/([\w\d]+)/([\w\d\-_]+)$} }
proc _depot_lib_archive_path_pattern { } { return {^([\w\d]+)/bin/([\w\d]+)/[\w\d\-_]+/([\w\d\-_]+)$} }
# Import a pkg archive and its dependencies
proc _import_pkg_archive_from_depot { user name } {
global _missing_depot_archives
set archive_dir "[depot_dir]/$user/pkg/$name"
if {![file exists $archive_dir/archives]} {
puts "Error: missing file $archive_dir/archives"
exit 1
set fh [open "$archive_dir/archives" "RDONLY"]
set archives [read $fh]
close $fh
foreach archive $archives {
if {[regexp [_depot_archive_path_pattern] $archive dummy user type name]} {
if {($type == "pkg") || ($type == "src") || ($type == "raw")} {
import_from_depot $archive
proc _copy_directory_content_to_run_dir { dir } {
if {![file isdirectory $dir]} {
puts stderr "Error: expected directory at '$dir'"
exit 1
foreach file [glob -directory $dir *] { file copy -force $file [run_dir]/genode/ }
proc _import_raw_archive_from_depot { user name } {
_copy_directory_content_to_run_dir "[depot_dir]/$user/raw/$name"
# Copy the binary content for a given source archive into the run directory
proc _import_src_archive_from_depot { user name } {
global _missing_depot_archives;
set bin_archive "$user/bin/[depot_spec]/$name"
# If the binary archive contains a library, direct 'bin_archive' to the
# correct API sub directory.
set api_file_path "[depot_dir]/$user/src/$name/api"
if {[file exists $api_file_path]} {
set fh [open "$api_file_path" "RDONLY"]
set api [read $fh]
close $fh
regsub -all {\s} $api {} api
if {$api != ""} {
set bin_archive "$user/bin/[depot_spec]/$api/$name" }
if {[file exists [depot_dir]/$bin_archive]} {
_copy_directory_content_to_run_dir "[depot_dir]/$bin_archive"
} else {
lappend _missing_depot_archives $bin_archive
# Determine the version-suffixed name of an archive
# This function return an empty string if the archive is missing from the
# depot.
proc _versioned_depot_archive_name { user type name } {
# if correctly versioned archive is specified, use it
if {[file exists [depot_dir]/$user/$type/$name]} { return $name }
# The given archive name may lack the version identifier if it refers
# to an archive generated locally from the Genode repository. In this case,
# we try to determine the version information from the Genode source tree.
set hash_rel_path "recipes/$type/$name/hash"
set repo [repository_contains $hash_rel_path]
if {$repo != ""} {
set fh [open "$repo/$hash_rel_path" "RDONLY"]
set version [lindex [gets $fh] 0]
close $fh
append name "-" $version
if {[file exists [depot_dir]/$user/$type/$name]} {
return $name }
return ""
proc import_from_depot { args } {
global _missing_depot_archives
foreach archive $args {
if {[regexp [_depot_archive_path_pattern] $archive dummy user type name]} {
set versioned_name [_versioned_depot_archive_name $user $type $name]
if {$versioned_name == ""} {
lappend _missing_depot_archives $archive
} else {
switch $type {
"pkg" { _import_pkg_archive_from_depot $user $versioned_name }
"src" { _import_src_archive_from_depot $user $versioned_name }
"raw" { _import_raw_archive_from_depot $user $versioned_name }
default {
puts stderr "Error: unknown depot-archive type '$type'"
exit 1
} else {
puts stderr "Error: malformed depot-archive path '$archive',"
puts stderr " expected '<user>/<type>/<name>'"
exit 1
proc _locally_available_recipe { user type name } {
if {[repository_contains "recipes/$type/$name/hash"] != ""} {
return $name }
# If the supplied 'name' is a versioned name (as obtained from a pkg
# 'archives' filed already stored in the depot, we try to find a recipe
# in the source tree that matches the specified name and version. If
# we find the matching recipe, we can build the archive locally using
# the version-less recipe name.
set version_suffix_pattern {\-[^\-/]*$}
set versioned_name $name
while {[regexp -- $version_suffix_pattern $name dummy]} {
# strip last part of version suffix
regsub -- $version_suffix_pattern $name "" name
if {[repository_contains "recipes/$type/$name/hash"] != ""} {
if {[_versioned_depot_archive_name $user $type $name] == $versioned_name} {
return $name } }
return ""
# Check for the completeness of the imported depot content
# This function aborts the run script if any archives are missing.
proc check_for_missing_depot_archives { } {
global _missing_depot_archives
if {[llength $_missing_depot_archives] == 0} { return }
puts stderr "\nError: missing depot archives:"
# Try to assist the user with obtaining the missing archives
# For missing archives that belong to the configured depot user, the
# user should be able to created them from the source tree as long as
# recipe exists.
# Archives that do not belong to the configured depot user may be
# downloaded.
# XXX Present this option only if the URL and public key of the
# archives user is known
# XXX Present download option even for archives that can be created locally
set nonexisting_archives {}
set local_user_archives {}
set foreign_archives {}
foreach archive $_missing_depot_archives {
puts stderr " $archive"
if {[regexp [_depot_archive_path_pattern] $archive dummy user type name]} {
# If a pkg archive is missing, suggest to obtain the binary-pkg
# archive (matching the build directory) immediately, which implies
# the pkg archive. Otherwise, the user would first obtain the pkg
# archive and its source dependencies, and then get an error for
# the missing binary archives on the next attempt to execute the
# run script.
if {$type == "pkg"} { set archive "$user/pkg/[depot_spec]/$name" }
if {$type == "src"} { set archive "$user/bin/[depot_spec]/$name" }
if {[_locally_available_recipe $user $type $name] != ""} {
lappend local_user_archives $archive
} else {
lappend foreign_archives $archive
} elseif {[regexp [_depot_lib_archive_path_pattern] $archive dummy user spec name]
|| [regexp [_depot_bin_archive_path_pattern] $archive dummy user spec name]} {
# source code is present in the current source tree
set recipe [_locally_available_recipe $user src $name]
if {$recipe != ""} {
lappend local_user_archives $user/bin/$spec/$recipe
# source code is present in the depot
} elseif {[file isdirectory [depot_dir]/$user/src/$name]} {
lappend local_user_archives $user/bin/$spec/$name
} else {
lappend foreign_archives $archive
append create_args " CROSS_DEV_PREFIX=[cross_dev_prefix]"
if {[llength $local_user_archives]} {
puts stderr "You may create the following archives locally:\n"
puts stderr " [genode_dir]/tool/depot/create $local_user_archives$create_args\n"
if {[llength $foreign_archives]} {
puts stderr "You may try to download the following archives:\n"
puts stderr " [genode_dir]/tool/depot/download $foreign_archives\n"
exit 1
proc drivers_interactive_pkg { } {
if {[have_spec linux]} { return drivers_interactive-linux }
if {[have_spec x86]} { return drivers_interactive-pc }
if {[have_spec pbxa9]} { return drivers_interactive-pbxa9 }
puts stderr "drivers_interactive package undefined for this build configuration"
exit 1