QT_DEFINES += -DQT_NO_CAST_TO_ASCII -DQT_NO_CAST_FROM_ASCII -DQT_NO_FOREACH -DQT_NO_DATASTREAM -DQT_BUILD_TESTLIB_LIB -DQT_BUILDING_QT -DQT_ASCII_CAST_WARNINGS -DQT_MOC_COMPAT -DQT_USE_QSTRINGBUILDER -DQT_DEPRECATED_WARNINGS -DQT_DISABLE_DEPRECATED_BEFORE=0x050000 -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -DQT_NO_DEBUG -DQT_CORE_LIB QT_INCPATH += \ qtbase/src/testlib \ qtbase/include \ qtbase/include/QtTest \ qtbase/include/QtTest/5.8.0 \ qtbase/include/QtTest/5.8.0/QtTest \ qtbase/include/QtCore/5.8.0 \ qtbase/include/QtCore/5.8.0/QtCore \ qtbase/include/QtCore \ qtbase/mkspecs/genode-g++ QT_SOURCES += \ qtestcase.cpp \ qtestlog.cpp \ qtesttable.cpp \ qtestdata.cpp \ qtestresult.cpp \ qasciikey.cpp \ qplaintestlogger.cpp \ qxmltestlogger.cpp \ qsignaldumper.cpp \ qabstracttestlogger.cpp \ qbenchmark.cpp \ qbenchmarkmeasurement.cpp \ qbenchmarkvalgrind.cpp \ qbenchmarkevent.cpp \ qbenchmarkperfevents.cpp \ qbenchmarkmetric.cpp \ qcsvbenchmarklogger.cpp \ qteamcitylogger.cpp \ qtestelement.cpp \ qtestelementattribute.cpp \ qtestmouse.cpp \ qtestxunitstreamer.cpp \ qxunittestlogger.cpp \ qtestblacklist.cpp \ moc_qtesteventloop.cpp QT_VPATH += \ qtbase/src/testlib \ # some source files need to be generated by moc from other source/header files before # they get #included again by the original source file in the compiling stage # source files generated from existing header files ('moc_%.cpp: %.h' rule in import-qt5.inc) # extracted from 'compiler_moc_header_make_all' target COMPILER_MOC_HEADER_MAKE_ALL_FILES = \ moc_qtesteventloop.cpp # source files generated from existing source files ('%.moc: %.cpp' rule in import-qt5.inc) # extracted from 'compiler_moc_source_make_all' rule COMPILER_MOC_SOURCE_MAKE_ALL_FILES = \