# # \brief Virtual-machine monitor demo # \author Stefan Kalkowski # \author Martin Stein # \date 2012-06-25 # # # On USB Armory # ############# # # Create bootable microSD card # ============================ # # :User settings: # # ! export TARGET_DEV=/dev/sdX # empty boot medium # ! export TARGET_MNT=/mnt # where to mount the boot medium # ! export GENODE_DIR=/path/genode # root of the Genode sources # ! export BUILD_DIR=/path/build/usb_armory # Genode build directory # # :Format microSD card: # # ! sudo parted $TARGET_DEV --script mklabel msdos # ! sudo parted $TARGET_DEV --script mkpart primary ext4 10M 110M # ! sudo parted $TARGET_DEV --script mkpart primary ext4 110M 2105M # ! sudo mkfs.ext4 ${TARGET_DEV}1 # ! sudo mkfs.ext4 ${TARGET_DEV}2 # # :Install bootloader: # # ! cd $GENODE_DIR # ! ./tool/create_uboot usb_armory # ! sudo dd if=contrib/uboot/build/usb_armory/mmc_img of=$TARGET_DEV bs=1K seek=1 conv=fsync # # :Install Genode: # # ! cd $BUILD_DIR # ! echo "RUN_OPT += --include image/uboot" >> etc/build.conf # ! make run/tz_vmm # ! sudo mount ${TARGET_DEV}1 $TARGET_MNT # ! sudo cp var/run/tz_vmm/uImage $TARGET_MNT # ! sudo umount $TARGET_MNT # # :Install Linux rootfs: # # ! sudo partclone.extfs -r -d -s var/run/tz_vmm/rootfs -o ${TARGET_DEV}2 # # :Insert microSD card into USB Armory: # # [https://github.com/inversepath/usbarmory/wiki/microSD-compatibility] # # :Connect USB Armory to host machine via USB-to-TTL serial cable: # # [https://github.com/inversepath/usbarmory/wiki/GPIOs#breakout-header] # # :Connect to USB Armory COM port: # # ! sudo picocom -b 115200 -r -l /dev/ttyUSB0 # # :Insert USB Armory into host USB slot and interrupt auto boot on COM port: # # :Send bootloader commands on COM port: # # ! ext2load mmc 0:1 0x74000000 /uImage # ! bootm 0x74000000 # # :Linux login: # # The login and password of the Linux guest are both "usbarmory" # # :Communicate with Linux via CDC Ethernet: # # [https://github.com/inversepath/usbarmory/wiki/Host-communication#cdc-ethernet] # # Further information # =================== # # :Tutorial on how to reproduce the Linux images: # # [http://genode.org/files/release-15.11/usb_armory_tz_vmm/README] # # :Wiki about the USB Armory and the Linux: # # [https://github.com/inversepath/usbarmory/wiki] # assert_spec hw assert_spec imx53_qsb_tz # determine platform specific configuration set trusted_led [have_board usb_armory] set inversepath_linux [have_board usb_armory] set freescale_linux [have_board imx53_qsb_tz] set initrd_rootfs $freescale_linux set mmc_rootfs $inversepath_linux set dtb $inversepath_linux set targets { core init server/tz_vmm } proc tz_vmm_binary {} { if {[have_board usb_armory]} { return usb_armory_tz_vmm } if {[have_board imx53_qsb]} { return imx53_qsb_tz_vmm } return no_tz_vmm_binary } if { $mmc_rootfs } { # choose interrupt for paravirtualized block if { [have_board imx53_qsb_tz] } { set tz_vmm_block_irq 92 } # add targets that enable MMC access via paravirtualized block lappend targets timer lappend targets drivers/platform lappend targets drivers/sd_card/imx53 lappend targets server/part_block } lappend_if $trusted_led targets drivers/gpio build $targets create_boot_directory # compose config set config { <config verbose="yes"> <parent-provides> <service name="ROM"/> <service name="IRQ"/> <service name="IO_MEM"/> <service name="IO_PORT"/> <service name="PD"/> <service name="RM"/> <service name="CPU"/> <service name="LOG"/> <service name="VM"/> </parent-provides> <default-route> <any-service><any-child/><parent/></any-service> </default-route> <default caps="100"/>} append_if $trusted_led config { <start name="platform_drv" caps="150"> <resource name="RAM" quantum="1M"/> <provides> <service name="Platform"/> </provides> <config> <device name="gpio"> <io_mem address="0x53f90000" size="0x4000"/> <irq number="56"/> <irq number="57"/> </device> <device name="sd_card"> <io_mem address="0x50004000" size="0x4000"/> <irq number="1"/> </device> <policy label="imx_gpio_drv -> " info="yes"> <device name="gpio"/> </policy> <policy label="sd_card_drv -> "> <device name="sd_card"/> </policy> </config> </start> <start name="imx_gpio_drv"> <resource name="RAM" quantum="3M"/> <provides><service name="Gpio"/></provides> <config/> <route> <service name="Platform"><child name="platform_drv" /></service> <any-service><parent/><any-child/></any-service> </route> </start>} append_if $mmc_rootfs config { <start name="timer"> <resource name="RAM" quantum="3M"/> <provides><service name="Timer"/></provides> </start> <start name="sd_card_drv"> <binary name="imx53_sd_card_drv"/> <resource name="RAM" quantum="3M"/> <provides><service name="Block"/></provides> <route> <service name="Platform"> <child name="platform_drv"/> </service> <any-service><parent/><any-child/></any-service> </route> </start> <start name="part_block"> <resource name="RAM" quantum="10M" /> <provides><service name="Block" /></provides> <route> <service name="Block"><child name="imx53_sd_card_drv" /></service> <any-service><parent/><any-child/></any-service> </route> <config> <policy label="tz_vmm -> sda1" partition="2"/> </config> </start> } append config { <start name="tz_vmm"> <binary name="} [tz_vmm_binary] {"/> <resource name="RAM" quantum="10M"/> } if { $mmc_rootfs } { append config " <config> <block name=\"sda1\" irq=\"$tz_vmm_block_irq\"/> </config> <route> <service name=\"Block\"><child name=\"part_block\" /></service> <any-service><any-child/><parent/></any-service> </route> " } append config { </start> </config> } install_config $config # download and add linux cd bin if { $inversepath_linux } { set linux_uri "http://genode.org/files/release-15.11/usb_armory_tz_vmm/linux" } elseif { $freescale_linux } { set linux_uri "http://genode.org/files/images/imx53_qsb/linux_trustzone.bin" } if {![file exists linux]} { puts "Download linux binary ..." exec >& /dev/null wget -c -O linux $linux_uri } exec >& /dev/null wget -O linux.md5 $linux_uri.md5 exec md5sum -c linux.md5 set boot_modules { core ld.lib.so init linux } lappend boot_modules [tz_vmm_binary] if { $dtb } { # download and add DTB set dtb_uri "http://genode.org/files/release-15.11/usb_armory_tz_vmm/dtb" if {![file exists dtb]} { puts "Download device tree ..." exec >& /dev/null wget -c -O dtb $dtb_uri } exec >& /dev/null wget -O dtb.md5 $dtb_uri.md5 exec md5sum -c dtb.md5 lappend boot_modules dtb } if { $mmc_rootfs } { # add components that enable MMC access via parvirtualized block lappend boot_modules timer lappend boot_modules imx53_sd_card_drv lappend boot_modules part_block # download and add rootfs set rootfs_uri "http://genode.org/files/release-15.11/usb_armory_tz_vmm/rootfs" if {![file exists rootfs]} { puts "Download rootfs ..." exec >& /dev/null wget -c -O rootfs.gz $rootfs_uri.gz puts "Extract rootfs ..." exec >& /dev/null gunzip rootfs.gz } exec >& /dev/null wget -O rootfs.md5 $rootfs_uri.md5 exec md5sum -c rootfs.md5 exec ln -sf ../../../bin/rootfs $env(PWD)/[run_dir]/rootfs } elseif { $initrd_rootfs } { # download and add initrd set initrd_uri "http://genode.org/files/images/imx53_qsb/initrd.gz" if {![file exists initrd.gz]} { puts "Download initramfs ..." exec >& /dev/null wget -c -O initrd.gz $initrd_uri } exec >& /dev/null wget -O initrd.gz.md5 $initrd_uri.md5 exec md5sum -c initrd.gz.md5 lappend boot_modules initrd.gz } cd .. lappend_if $trusted_led boot_modules imx_gpio_drv lappend_if $trusted_led boot_modules platform_drv build_boot_image [join $boot_modules " "] if { $inversepath_linux } { # execute and wait for console run_genode_until "Debian GNU/Linux 7 usbarmory console\n" 220 } elseif { $freescale_linux } { # execute and wait for console run_genode_until {.*\/ #.*} 220 set serial_id [output_spawn_id] # wait for network to settle down send -i $serial_id "sleep 5\n" # test network send -i $serial_id "wget http://genode.org/\n" run_genode_until "Connecting to genode.org" 10 $serial_id run_genode_until {.*\/ #.*} 30 $serial_id }