<runtime ram="32M" caps="1000" binary="init"> <requires> <timer/> </requires> <events> <timeout meaning="failed" sec="20" /> <log meaning="succeeded"> [init -> test-ldso] Lib_2_global 0x11223343* [init -> test-ldso] Lib_1_global_1 0x5060707* [init -> test-ldso] Lib_1_global_2 0x1020303* [init -> test-ldso] lib_1_attr_constructor_2 0x4030200f* [init -> test-ldso] lib_1_attr_constructor_1 0x8070604f* [init -> test-ldso] Global_1 0x5060707* [init -> test-ldso] Global_2 0x1020303* [init -> test-ldso] attr_constructor_2 0x4030200f* [init -> test-ldso] attr_constructor_1 0x8070604f* [init -> test-ldso] * [init -> test-ldso] Dynamic-linker test* [init -> test-ldso] ===================* [init -> test-ldso] * [init -> test-ldso] Global objects and local static objects of program* [init -> test-ldso] --------------------------------------------------* [init -> test-ldso] global_1 0x5060706* [init -> test-ldso] global_2 0x1020302* [init -> test-ldso] Local_1 0x5060707f* [init -> test-ldso] local_1 0x5060707e* [init -> test-ldso] Local_2 0x1020303f* [init -> test-ldso] local_2 0x1020303e* [init -> test-ldso] pod_1 0x8070604e* [init -> test-ldso] pod_2 0x4030200e* [init -> test-ldso] * [init -> test-ldso] Access shared lib from program* [init -> test-ldso] ------------------------------* [init -> test-ldso] lib_2_global 0x11223342* [init -> test-ldso] Lib_1_local_3 0x12345677* [init -> test-ldso] lib_1_local_3 0x12345676* [init -> test-ldso] lib_1_pod_1 0x8070604d* [init -> test-ldso] Libc::read:* [init -> test-ldso] *Error: no plugin found for read(3)* [init -> test-ldso] Libc::abs(-10): 10* [init -> test-ldso] * [init -> test-ldso] Catch exceptions in program* [init -> test-ldso] ---------------------------* [init -> test-ldso] *Error: ROM-session creation failed (ram_quota=*, cap_quota=*, label="unknown_rom")* [init -> test-ldso] *Error: Could not open ROM session for "unknown_rom"* [init -> test-ldso] exception in remote procedure call: caught* [init -> test-ldso] exception in program: caught* [init -> test-ldso] exception in shared lib: caught* [init -> test-ldso] exception in dynamic linker: caught* [init -> test-ldso] * [init -> test-ldso] global objects and local static objects of shared lib* [init -> test-ldso] -----------------------------------------------------* [init -> test-ldso] lib_1_global_1 0x5060706* [init -> test-ldso] lib_1_global_2 0x1020302* [init -> test-ldso] Lib_1_local_1 0x5060707f* [init -> test-ldso] lib_1_local_1 0x5060707e* [init -> test-ldso] Lib_1_local_2 0x1020303f* [init -> test-ldso] lib_1_local_2 0x1020303e* [init -> test-ldso] lib_1_pod_1 0x8070604e* [init -> test-ldso] lib_1_pod_2 0x4030200e* [init -> test-ldso] * [init -> test-ldso] Access shared lib from another shared lib* [init -> test-ldso] -----------------------------------------* [init -> test-ldso] lib_2_global 0x11223341* [init -> test-ldso] Lib_2_local 0x55667787* [init -> test-ldso] lib_2_local 0x55667786* [init -> test-ldso] lib_2_pod_1 0x87654320* [init -> test-ldso] * [init -> test-ldso] Catch exceptions in shared lib* [init -> test-ldso] ------------------------------* [init -> test-ldso] exception in lib: caught* [init -> test-ldso] exception in another shared lib: caught* [init -> test-ldso] * [init -> test-ldso] Test stack alignment* [init -> test-ldso] --------------------* [init -> test-ldso] <warning: unsupported format string argument>* [init -> test-ldso] <warning: unsupported format string argument>* [init -> test-ldso] <warning: unsupported format string argument>* [init -> test-ldso] <warning: unsupported format string argument>* [init -> test-ldso] * [init -> test-ldso] Dynamic cast* [init -> test-ldso] ------------* [init -> test-ldso] 'Object' called: good* [init -> test-ldso] * [init -> test-ldso] Shared-object API* [init -> test-ldso] -----------------* [init -> test-ldso] Global object constructed* [init -> test-ldso] * [init -> test-ldso] Destruction* [init -> test-ldso] -----------* [init -> test-ldso] ~Lib_2_local 0x55667785* [init -> test-ldso] ~Lib_1_local_2 0x1020303d* [init -> test-ldso] ~Lib_1_local_1 0x5060707d* [init -> test-ldso] ~Lib_1_local_3 0x12345675* [init -> test-ldso] ~Local_2 0x1020303d* [init -> test-ldso] ~Local_1 0x5060707d* [init -> test-ldso] attr_destructor_2 0x4030200d* [init -> test-ldso] attr_destructor_1 0x8070604c* [init -> test-ldso] ~Global_2 0x1020301* [init -> test-ldso] ~Global_1 0x5060705* [init -> test-ldso] ~Lib_1_global_2 0x1020301* [init -> test-ldso] ~Lib_1_global_1 0x5060705* [init -> test-ldso] ~Lib_2_global 0x11223340* [init] child "test-ldso" exited with exit value 123 </log> </events> <content> <rom label="ld.lib.so"/> <rom label="test-ldso_lib_1.lib.so"/> <rom label="test-ldso_lib_2.lib.so"/> <rom label="test-ldso_lib_dl.lib.so"/> <rom label="libc.lib.so"/> <rom label="libm.lib.so"/> <rom label="vfs.lib.so"/> <rom label="test-ldso"/> </content> <config> <parent-provides> <service name="ROM"/> <service name="CPU"/> <service name="LOG"/> <service name="PD"/> </parent-provides> <default-route> <any-service> <parent/> </any-service> </default-route> <default caps="100"/> <start name="test-ldso"> <resource name="RAM" quantum="2M"/> <config ld_bind_now="no" ld_verbose="no"> <vfs> <dir name="dev"> <log/> </dir> </vfs> <libc stdout="/dev/log"/> </config> </start> </config> </runtime>