/* * \brief Character printing utilities * \author Emery Hemingway * \date 2018-07-27 */ /* * Copyright (C) 2018 Genode Labs GmbH * * This file is part of the Genode OS framework, which is distributed * under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3. */ #ifndef _TERMINAL__PRINT_H_ #define _TERMINAL__PRINT_H_ #include <log_session/connection.h> #include <base/output.h> namespace Terminal { class Log_buffer : public Genode::Output { private: enum { BUF_SIZE = Genode::Log_session::MAX_STRING_LEN }; char _buf[BUF_SIZE]; unsigned _num_chars = 0; public: Log_buffer() { } void flush_ok() { log(Genode::Cstring(_buf, _num_chars)); _num_chars = 0; } void flush_warning() { warning(Genode::Cstring(_buf, _num_chars)); _num_chars = 0; } void flush_error() { error(Genode::Cstring(_buf, _num_chars)); _num_chars = 0; } void out_char(char c) override { _buf[_num_chars++] = c; if (_num_chars >= sizeof(_buf)) flush_ok(); } template <typename... ARGS> void print(ARGS &&... args) { Output::out_args(*this, args...); } }; struct Ascii { unsigned char const _c; explicit Ascii(unsigned char c) : _c(c) { } void print(Genode::Output &out) const { switch (_c) { case 000: out.out_string("NUL"); break; case 001: out.out_string("SOH"); break; case 002: out.out_string("STX"); break; case 003: out.out_string("ETX"); break; case 004: out.out_string("EOT"); break; case 005: out.out_string("ENQ"); break; case 006: out.out_string("ACK"); break; case 007: out.out_string("BEL"); break; case 010: out.out_string("BS"); break; case 011: out.out_string("HT"); break; case 012: out.out_string("LF"); break; case 013: out.out_string("VT"); break; case 014: out.out_string("FF"); break; case 015: out.out_string("CR"); break; case 016: out.out_string("SO"); break; case 017: out.out_string("SI"); break; case 020: out.out_string("DLE"); break; case 021: out.out_string("DC1"); break; case 022: out.out_string("DC2"); break; case 023: out.out_string("DC3"); break; case 024: out.out_string("DC4"); break; case 025: out.out_string("NAK"); break; case 026: out.out_string("SYN"); break; case 027: out.out_string("ETB"); break; case 030: out.out_string("CAN"); break; case 031: out.out_string("EM"); break; case 032: out.out_string("SUB"); break; case 033: out.out_string("ESC"); break; case 034: out.out_string("FS"); break; case 035: out.out_string("GS"); break; case 036: out.out_string("RS"); break; case 037: out.out_string("US"); break; case 040: out.out_string("SPACE"); break; case 0177: out.out_string("DEL"); break; default: if (_c & 0x80) Genode::Hex(_c).print(out); else out.out_char(_c); break; } } }; struct Ecma { unsigned char const _c; explicit Ecma(unsigned char c) : _c(c) { } void print(Genode::Output &out) const { Ascii(_c).print(out); out.out_char('('); Genode::print(out, (_c)/160, (_c>>4)%10, "/", (_c&0xf)/10, (_c&0xf)%10); out.out_char(')'); } }; } #endif