# \brief  rudimentary x86 virtual-machine monitor interface test
# \author Alexander Boettcher
# \date   2018-08-26

assert_spec x86

if { [get_cmd_switch --autopilot] } {
	# nightly x86 32bit test machine has no vmx support
	if {[have_spec x86_32] && ![have_include "power_on/qemu"]} {
		puts "\n Run script is not supported on this platform. \n";
		exit 0

	if {[have_include "power_on/qemu"] && [have_spec sel4]} {
		puts "\n Run script is not supported on this platform. \n";
		exit 0

	if {[have_spec nova] || [have_spec foc] || [have_spec sel4]} {
	} else {
		puts "\n Run script is not supported on this platform. \n";
		exit 0

set build_components {
	core init
build $build_components

install_config {
<config verbose="yes" prio_levels="2">
		<service name="ROM"/>
		<service name="IRQ"/>
		<service name="IO_MEM"/>
		<service name="IO_PORT"/>
		<service name="PD"/>
		<service name="RM"/>
		<service name="CPU"/>
		<service name="LOG"/>
		<service name="VM"/>
	<default caps="100"/>
	<start name="timer">
		<resource name="RAM" quantum="1M"/>
		<provides><service name="Timer"/></provides>
	<start name="vmm" caps="2048" priority="-1">
		<binary name="test-vmm_x86"/>
		<resource name="RAM" quantum="256M"/>

set boot_modules {
	core ld.lib.so init
build_boot_image $boot_modules

append qemu_args " -cpu phenom -smp 2"
append qemu_args " -nographic "

#run_genode_until {.*vcpu 1 : 7\. vm exit -.*\n} 20
#run_genode_until forever
run_genode_until "vmm test finished" 25

set output_saved $output
grep_output {^\[init -> vmm\] vcpu 0 :.*}
set output_0 $output
unify_output {\[init -> vmm\] vcpu 0 : [0-9]+} "vcpu 0 : XX"
# transform INTEL HLT to AMD HLT number
unify_output "vcpu 0 : XX. vm exit - reason 0xc" "vcpu 0 : XX. vm exit - reason 0x78"
# AMD with NPT
unify_output "vcpu 0 : XX. vm exit - reason 0xfc handled by 'ep'" ""
# AMD w/o NPT
unify_output "vcpu 0 : XX. vm exit - reason 0x4e handled by 'ep'" ""
# Intel with EPT
unify_output "vcpu 0 : XX. vm exit - reason 0x30 handled by 'ep'" ""
unify_output "vcpu 0 : XX. vm exit -  guest fault address: 0xfffffff0" ""
unify_output "vcpu 0 : XX. vm exit - resume vcpu" ""
set output_0 $output

set output $output_saved
grep_output {^\[init -> vmm\] vcpu 1 :.*}
unify_output {\[init -> vmm\] vcpu 1 : [0-9]+} "vcpu 1 : XX"
# transform INTEL HLT to AMD HLT number
unify_output "vcpu 1 : XX. vm exit - reason 0xc" "vcpu 1 : XX. vm exit - reason 0x78"
# AMD with NPT
unify_output "vcpu 1 : XX. vm exit - reason 0xfc handled by 'ep'" ""
# AMD w/o NPT
unify_output "vcpu 1 : XX. vm exit - reason 0x4e handled by 'ep'" ""
# Intel with EPT
unify_output "vcpu 1 : XX. vm exit - reason 0x30 handled by 'ep'" ""
unify_output "vcpu 1 : XX. vm exit -  guest fault address: 0xfffffff0" ""
unify_output "vcpu 1 : XX. vm exit - resume vcpu" ""
set output_1 $output

set output $output_saved
grep_output {^\[init -> vmm\] vcpu 2 :.*}
unify_output {\[init -> vmm\] vcpu 2 : [0-9]+} "vcpu 2 : XX"
# transform INTEL HLT to AMD HLT number
unify_output "vcpu 2 : XX. vm exit - reason 0xc" "vcpu 2 : XX. vm exit - reason 0x78"
# AMD with NPT
unify_output "vcpu 2 : XX. vm exit - reason 0xfc handled by 'second ep'" ""
# AMD w/o NPT
unify_output "vcpu 2 : XX. vm exit - reason 0x4e handled by 'second ep'" ""
# Intel with EPT
unify_output "vcpu 2 : XX. vm exit - reason 0x30 handled by 'second ep'" ""
unify_output "vcpu 2 : XX. vm exit -  guest fault address: 0xfffffff0" ""
unify_output "vcpu 2 : XX. vm exit - resume vcpu" ""
set output_2 $output

set output $output_saved
grep_output {^\[init -> vmm\] vcpu 3 :.*}
unify_output {\[init -> vmm\] vcpu 3 : [0-9]+} "vcpu 3 : XX"
# transform INTEL HLT to AMD HLT number
unify_output "vcpu 3 : XX. vm exit - reason 0xc" "vcpu 3 : XX. vm exit - reason 0x78"
# AMD with NPT
unify_output "vcpu 3 : XX. vm exit - reason 0xfc handled by 'second ep'" ""
# AMD w/o NPT
unify_output "vcpu 3 : XX. vm exit - reason 0x4e handled by 'second ep'" ""
# Intel with EPT
unify_output "vcpu 3 : XX. vm exit - reason 0x30 handled by 'second ep'" ""
unify_output "vcpu 3 : XX. vm exit -  guest fault address: 0xfffffff0" ""
unify_output "vcpu 3 : XX. vm exit - resume vcpu" ""
set output_3 $output

puts "\ncomparing output ..."

puts $output_0
set output $output_0
compare_output_to {
[init -> vmm] vcpu 0 : created
vcpu 0 : XX. vm exit - reason 0xfe handled by 'ep'
vcpu 0 : XX. vm exit - reason 0x78 handled by 'ep'
vcpu 0 : XX. vm exit -  halting vCPU - guest called HLT - ip=0xfff0

puts $output_1
set output $output_1
compare_output_to {
[init -> vmm] vcpu 1 : created
vcpu 1 : XX. vm exit - reason 0xfe handled by 'ep'
vcpu 1 : XX. vm exit - reason 0x78 handled by 'ep'
vcpu 1 : XX. vm exit -  halting vCPU - guest called HLT - ip=0xfff0
vcpu 1 : XX. vm exit - reason 0xff handled by 'ep'
vcpu 1 : XX. vm exit -  due to pause() request - ip=0xfff0
vcpu 1 : XX. vm exit - reason 0x78 handled by 'ep'
vcpu 1 : XX. vm exit -  halting vCPU - guest called HLT - ip=0xfff0
vcpu 1 : XX. vm exit - reason 0xff handled by 'ep'
vcpu 1 : XX. vm exit -  due to pause() request - ip=0xfff0
vcpu 1 : XX. vm exit - reason 0xff handled by 'ep'
vcpu 1 : XX. vm exit -  due to pause() request - ip=0xfff2
vcpu 1 : XX. vm exit - reason 0x78 handled by 'ep'
vcpu 1 : XX. vm exit -  halting vCPU - guest called HLT - ip=0xfff4
vcpu 1 : XX. vm exit - reason 0xff handled by 'ep'
vcpu 1 : XX. vm exit -  due to pause() request - ip=0xfff4

puts $output_2
set output $output_2
compare_output_to {
[init -> vmm] vcpu 2 : created
vcpu 2 : XX. vm exit - reason 0xfe handled by 'second ep'
vcpu 2 : XX. vm exit - reason 0x78 handled by 'second ep'
vcpu 2 : XX. vm exit -  halting vCPU - guest called HLT - ip=0xfff0
vcpu 2 : XX. vm exit - reason 0xff handled by 'second ep'
vcpu 2 : XX. vm exit -  due to pause() request - ip=0xfff0
vcpu 2 : XX. vm exit - reason 0x78 handled by 'second ep'
vcpu 2 : XX. vm exit -  halting vCPU - guest called HLT - ip=0xfff0
vcpu 2 : XX. vm exit - reason 0xff handled by 'second ep'
vcpu 2 : XX. vm exit -  due to pause() request - ip=0xfff0
vcpu 2 : XX. vm exit - reason 0x78 handled by 'second ep'
vcpu 2 : XX. vm exit -  halting vCPU - guest called HLT - ip=0xfff1
vcpu 2 : XX. vm exit - reason 0xff handled by 'second ep'
vcpu 2 : XX. vm exit -  due to pause() request - ip=0xfff1

puts $output_3
set output $output_3
compare_output_to {
[init -> vmm] vcpu 3 : created
vcpu 3 : XX. vm exit - reason 0xfe handled by 'second ep'
vcpu 3 : XX. vm exit - reason 0x78 handled by 'second ep'
vcpu 3 : XX. vm exit -  halting vCPU - guest called HLT - ip=0xfff0

set output $output_saved
grep_output {(Error)}
compare_output_to {}