## # Reset the target machine via Intel AMT # # \param --power-on-amt-host network address of target machine # \param --power-on-amt-password AMT password for target machine # source [genode_dir]/tool/run/amt.inc proc power_on_amt_host { } { return [get_cmd_arg_first --power-on-amt-host ""] } proc power_on_amt_password { } { return [get_cmd_arg_first --power-on-amt-password ""] } ## # Reset via Intel AMT (works up to version smaller Intel AMT 9) # proc amt_reset_soap_eoi { } { set timeout 20 set exit_result 1 # # amttool expects in the environment variable AMT_PASSWORD the password # set ::env(AMT_PASSWORD) [power_on_amt_password] while { $exit_result != 0 } { set try_again 0 set time_start [ clock seconds ] spawn amttool [power_on_amt_host] reset expect { "host" { send "y\r"; } eof { puts "Error: amttool died unexpectedly"; exit -4 } timeout { puts "Error: amttool timed out"; exit -5 } } expect { "result: pt_status: success" { break } eof { set try_again 1 } timeout { puts "Error: amttool timed out"; exit -6 } } catch wait result set time_end [ clock seconds ] if {[expr $time_end - $time_start] <= 1} { incr timeout -1 } else { incr timeout [expr -1 * ($time_end - $time_start)] } if {$timeout < 0} { set timeout 0 } if {$try_again != 0 } { continue } set exit_result [lindex $result 3] } } ## # Reset via Intel AMT wsman protocol # proc amt_reset_wsman { } { set xml_request "amt-reset-wsman.xml" set fh [open $xml_request "WRONLY CREAT TRUNC"] puts $fh { 5 http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2004/08/addressing/role/anonymous http://schemas.dmtf.org/wbem/wscim/1/cim-schema/2/CIM_ComputerSystem CIM_ComputerSystem ManagedSystem } close $fh exec wsman invoke -a RequestPowerStateChange -J $xml_request \ "http://schemas.dmtf.org/wbem/wscim/1/cim-schema/2/CIM_PowerManagementService" \ --port 16992 -h [power_on_amt_host] --username admin -p [power_on_amt_password] -V -v } ## # Reset the test machine using Intel's AMT # proc run_power_on { } { if {![is_amt_available [power_on_amt_host] [power_on_amt_password]]} { return false } # # amttool and wsman are supported for reset # set amt_tool [get_cmd_arg --amt-tool "default"] # # reset the box # if {[have_installed wsman] && ( $amt_tool == "wsman" || $amt_tool == "default") } { amt_reset_wsman } else { if {[have_installed amttool] && ($amt_tool == "amttool" || $amt_tool == "default") } { amt_reset_soap_eoi } else { puts stderr "specified tool \"$amt_tool\" for using Intel AMT is unknown or is not installed" exit -1 } } sleep 5 return true }