if {[have_spec riscv]} { puts "\n Run script is not supported on this platform. \n"; exit 0 } proc jent_avail { } { if {[have_board pbxa9]} { return 0 } if {[have_board zynq_qemu]} { return 0 } return 1 } proc jent_avail_attr { } { if {[jent_avail]} { return "yes" } return "no" } proc passphrase { } { return abcdefgh } proc lx_fs_dir { } { return bin/file_vault_client_dir } proc lx_fs_dir_template { } { return $::env(LX_FS_DIR_TEMPLATE) } proc lx_fs_dir_template_set { } { return [info exists ::env(LX_FS_DIR_TEMPLATE)] } proc container_initialized { } { return [expr [have_board linux] && [lx_fs_dir_template_set]] } proc bash_profile { } { if {[container_initialized]} { return file_vault_client_2.sh } return file_vault_client_1.sh } if {[have_board linux]} { if {[lx_fs_dir_template_set]} { if {[file normalize [lx_fs_dir_template]] == [file normalize [lx_fs_dir]]} { puts "" puts "Error: please set LX_FS_DIR_TEMPLATE to something other than [lx_fs_dir]" puts "" exit -1 } puts "" puts "Use lx_fs directory template [lx_fs_dir_template]" puts "" } } build { lib/tresor lib/vfs_tresor_trust_anchor lib/vfs_tresor_crypto_aes_cbc lib/vfs_tresor app/tresor_init_trust_anchor app/tresor_init app/file_vault } create_boot_directory append archives " [depot_user]/src/[base_src] [depot_user]/src/init [depot_user]/src/libc [depot_user]/src/zlib [depot_user]/src/fs_query [depot_user]/src/vfs_block [depot_user]/src/vfs [depot_user]/src/openssl [depot_user]/src/fs_tool [depot_user]/src/fs_utils [depot_user]/src/posix [depot_user]/src/vfs_pipe [depot_user]/src/vfs_rump [depot_user]/src/fs_rom [depot_user]/src/log_terminal [depot_user]/src/sandbox [depot_user]/src/coreutils [depot_user]/src/bash [depot_user]/src/report_rom [depot_user]/src/dynamic_rom " append_if [jent_avail] archives " [depot_user]/src/vfs_jitterentropy " lappend_if [have_board linux] archives [depot_user]/src/lx_fs import_from_depot $archives append config { } if {[container_initialized]} { append config " " } else { append config " " } append config { 2018-01-01 00:01 } if {[have_board linux]} { append config { } } else { append config { } } append config { } exec cp [repository_contains run/[bash_profile]]/run/[bash_profile] bin/ install_config $config if {[have_board linux]} { exec rm -rf [lx_fs_dir] if {[lx_fs_dir_template_set]} { exec cp -r [lx_fs_dir_template] [lx_fs_dir] } else { exec mkdir -p [lx_fs_dir]/data exec mkdir -p [lx_fs_dir]/trust_anchor } } append boot_modules [build_artifacts] lappend boot_modules [bash_profile] lappend_if [have_board linux] boot_modules [file tail [lx_fs_dir]] build_boot_image $boot_modules append qemu_args " -display none " run_genode_until "child \"bash\" exited with exit value 0.*\n" 100 grep_output {\[init -> dynamic_init -> log_terminal\].*} if {[container_initialized]} { compare_output_to { [init -> dynamic_init -> log_terminal] total 1 [init -> dynamic_init -> log_terminal] drwx------ 1 root 0 0 Jan 1 1970 dir_1 [init -> dynamic_init -> log_terminal] -rwx------ 1 root 0 18 Jan 1 1970 file_1 [init -> dynamic_init -> log_terminal] drwx------ 1 root 0 0 Jan 1 1970 lost+found [init -> dynamic_init -> log_terminal] total 1 [init -> dynamic_init -> log_terminal] -rwx------ 1 root 0 66 Jan 1 1970 file_2 [init -> dynamic_init -> log_terminal] Ein zweiter Test. [init -> dynamic_init -> log_terminal] Eine weitere Datei. [init -> dynamic_init -> log_terminal] Mit mehr Inhalt. [init -> dynamic_init -> log_terminal] Und Sonderzeichen: /.:($)=%! } } else { compare_output_to { [init -> dynamic_init -> log_terminal] Hallo Welt! [init -> dynamic_init -> log_terminal] Ein zweiter Test. [init -> dynamic_init -> log_terminal] total 1 [init -> dynamic_init -> log_terminal] -rwx------ 1 root 0 18 Jan 1 1970 file_1 [init -> dynamic_init -> log_terminal] drwx------ 1 root 0 0 Jan 1 1970 lost+found [init -> dynamic_init -> log_terminal] Eine weitere Datei. [init -> dynamic_init -> log_terminal] Mit mehr Inhalt. [init -> dynamic_init -> log_terminal] Eine weitere Datei. [init -> dynamic_init -> log_terminal] Mit mehr Inhalt. [init -> dynamic_init -> log_terminal] Und Sonderzeichen: /.:($)=%! [init -> dynamic_init -> log_terminal] total 1 [init -> dynamic_init -> log_terminal] drwx------ 1 root 0 0 Jan 1 1970 dir_1 [init -> dynamic_init -> log_terminal] -rwx------ 1 root 0 18 Jan 1 1970 file_1 [init -> dynamic_init -> log_terminal] drwx------ 1 root 0 0 Jan 1 1970 lost+found [init -> dynamic_init -> log_terminal] total 1 [init -> dynamic_init -> log_terminal] -rwx------ 1 root 0 66 Jan 1 1970 file_2 } } if {[get_cmd_switch --autopilot] && [have_board linux]} { exec rm -rf [lx_fs_dir] }