/* * \brief Directory file system * \author Norman Feske * \date 2012-04-23 */ /* * Copyright (C) 2011-2016 Genode Labs GmbH * * This file is part of the Genode OS framework, which is distributed * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2. */ #ifndef _INCLUDE__VFS__DIR_FILE_SYSTEM_H_ #define _INCLUDE__VFS__DIR_FILE_SYSTEM_H_ #include #include namespace Vfs { class Dir_file_system; } class Vfs::Dir_file_system : public File_system { public: enum { MAX_NAME_LEN = 128 }; private: /* pointer to first child file system */ File_system *_first_file_system; /* add new file system to the list of children */ void _append_file_system(File_system *fs) { if (!_first_file_system) { _first_file_system = fs; return; } File_system *curr = _first_file_system; while (curr->next) curr = curr->next; curr->next = fs; } /** * Directory name */ char _name[MAX_NAME_LEN]; bool _is_root() const { return _name[0] == 0; } /** * Perform operation on a file system * * \param fn functor that takes a file-system reference and * the path as arguments */ template RES _dir_op(RES const no_entry, RES const no_perm, RES const ok, char const *path, FN const &fn) { path = _sub_path(path); /* path does not match directory name */ if (!path) return no_entry; /* * Prevent operation if path equals directory name defined * via the static VFS configuration. */ if (strlen(path) == 0) return no_perm; /* * If any of the sub file systems returns a permission error and * there exists no sub file system that takes the request, we * return the permission error. */ bool permission_denied = false; /* * Keep the most meaningful error code. When using stacked file * systems, most child file systems will eventually return no * entry (or leave the error code unchanged). If any of those * file systems has anything more interesting to tell, return * this information after all file systems have been tried and * none could handle the request. */ RES error = ok; /* * The given path refers to at least one of our sub directories. * Propagate the request into all of our file systems. If at least * one operation succeeds, we return success. */ for (File_system *fs = _first_file_system; fs; fs = fs->next) { RES const err = fn(*fs, path); if (err == ok) return err; if (err != no_entry && err != no_perm) { error = err; } if (err == no_perm) permission_denied = true; } /* none of our file systems could successfully operate on the path */ return error != ok ? error : permission_denied ? no_perm : no_entry; } /** * Return portion of the path after the element corresponding to * the current directory. */ char const *_sub_path(char const *path) const { /* do not strip anything from the path when we are root */ if (_is_root()) return path; /* skip heading slash in path if present */ if (path[0] == '/') path++; Genode::size_t const name_len = strlen(_name); if (strcmp(path, _name, name_len) != 0) return 0; path += name_len; /* * The first characters of the first path element are equal to * the current directory name. Let's check if the length of the * first path element matches the name length. */ if (*path != 0 && *path != '/') return 0; return path; } /** * The 'path' is relative to the child file systems. */ Dirent_result _dirent_of_file_systems(char const *path, file_offset index, Dirent &out) { int base = 0; for (File_system *fs = _first_file_system; fs; fs = fs->next) { /* * Determine number of matching directory entries within * the current file system. */ int const fs_num_dirent = fs->num_dirent(path); /* * Query directory entry if index lies with the file * system. */ if (index - base < fs_num_dirent) { index = index - base; return fs->dirent(path, index, out);; } /* adjust base index for next file system */ base += fs_num_dirent; } out.type = DIRENT_TYPE_END; return DIRENT_OK; } void _dirent_of_this_dir_node(file_offset index, Dirent &out) { if (index == 0) { strncpy(out.name, _name, sizeof(out.name)); out.type = DIRENT_TYPE_DIRECTORY; out.fileno = 1; } else { out.type = DIRENT_TYPE_END; } } /* * Accumulate number of directory entries that match in any of * our sub file systems. */ file_size _sum_dirents_of_file_systems(char const *path) { file_size cnt = 0; for (File_system *fs = _first_file_system; fs; fs = fs->next) { cnt += fs->num_dirent(path); } return cnt; } public: Dir_file_system(Xml_node node, File_system_factory &fs_factory) : _first_file_system(0) { /* remember directory name */ if (node.has_type("fstab") || node.has_type("vfs")) _name[0] = 0; else node.attribute("name").value(_name, sizeof(_name)); for (unsigned i = 0; i < node.num_sub_nodes(); i++) { Xml_node sub_node = node.sub_node(i); /* traverse into nodes */ if (sub_node.has_type("dir")) { _append_file_system(new (env()->heap()) Dir_file_system(sub_node, fs_factory)); continue; } File_system *fs = fs_factory.create(sub_node); if (fs) { _append_file_system(fs); continue; } char type_name[64]; sub_node.type_name(type_name, sizeof(type_name)); PWRN("unknown fstab node type <%s>", type_name); } } /********************************* ** Directory-service interface ** *********************************/ Dataspace_capability dataspace(char const *path) override { path = _sub_path(path); if (!path) return Dataspace_capability(); /* * Query sub file systems for dataspace using the path local to * the respective file system */ File_system *fs = _first_file_system; for (; fs; fs = fs->next) { Dataspace_capability ds = fs->dataspace(path); if (ds.valid()) return ds; } return Dataspace_capability(); } void release(char const *path, Dataspace_capability ds_cap) override { path = _sub_path(path); if (!path) return; for (File_system *fs = _first_file_system; fs; fs = fs->next) fs->release(path, ds_cap); } Stat_result stat(char const *path, Stat &out) override { path = _sub_path(path); /* path does not match directory name */ if (!path) return STAT_ERR_NO_ENTRY; /* * If path equals directory name, return information about the * current directory. */ if (strlen(path) == 0 || (strcmp(path, "/") == 0)) { out.size = 0; out.mode = STAT_MODE_DIRECTORY | 0755; out.uid = 0; out.gid = 0; out.inode = 1; out.device = (Genode::addr_t)this; return STAT_OK; } /* * The given path refers to one of our sub directories. * Propagate the request into our file systems. */ for (File_system *fs = _first_file_system; fs; fs = fs->next) { Stat_result const err = fs->stat(path, out); if (err == STAT_OK) return err; if (err != STAT_ERR_NO_ENTRY) return err; } /* none of our file systems felt responsible for the path */ return STAT_ERR_NO_ENTRY; } Dirent_result dirent(char const *path, file_offset index, Dirent &out) override { if (_is_root()) return _dirent_of_file_systems(path, index, out); if (strcmp(path, "/") == 0) { _dirent_of_this_dir_node(index, out); return DIRENT_OK; } /* path contains at least one element */ /* remove current element from path */ path = _sub_path(path); /* path does not lie within our tree */ if (!path) return DIRENT_ERR_INVALID_PATH; return _dirent_of_file_systems(*path ? path : "/", index, out); } file_size num_dirent(char const *path) override { if (_is_root()) { return _sum_dirents_of_file_systems(path); } else { if (strcmp(path, "/") == 0) return 1; /* * The path contains at least one element. Remove current * element from path. */ path = _sub_path(path); /* * If the resulting 'path' is non-null, the path lies * within our tree. In this case, determine the sum of * matching dirents of all our file systems. Otherwise, * the specified path lies outside our directory node. */ return path ? _sum_dirents_of_file_systems(*path ? path : "/") : 0; } } bool is_directory(char const *path) override { path = _sub_path(path); if (!path) return false; if (strlen(path) == 0) return true; for (File_system *fs = _first_file_system; fs; fs = fs->next) if (fs->is_directory(path)) return true; return false; } char const *leaf_path(char const *path) override { path = _sub_path(path); if (!path) return 0; if (strlen(path) == 0) return path; for (File_system *fs = _first_file_system; fs; fs = fs->next) { char const *leaf_path = fs->leaf_path(path); if (leaf_path) return leaf_path; } return 0; } Open_result open(char const *path, unsigned mode, Vfs_handle **out_handle, Allocator &alloc = *Genode::env()->heap()) override { /* * If 'path' is a directory, we create a 'Vfs_handle' * for the root directory so that subsequent 'dirent' calls * are subjected to the stacked file-system layout. */ if (is_directory(path)) { *out_handle = new (alloc) Vfs_handle(*this, *this, alloc, 0); return OPEN_OK; } /* * If 'path' refers to a non-directory node, create a * 'Vfs_handle' local to the file system that provides the * file. */ path = _sub_path(path); /* check if path does not match directory name */ if (!path) return OPEN_ERR_UNACCESSIBLE; /* path equals directory name */ if (strlen(path) == 0) { *out_handle = new (alloc) Vfs_handle(*this, *this, alloc, 0); return OPEN_OK; } /* path refers to any of our sub file systems */ for (File_system *fs = _first_file_system; fs; fs = fs->next) { Open_result const err = fs->open(path, mode, out_handle, alloc); switch (err) { case OPEN_ERR_UNACCESSIBLE: continue; default: return err; } } /* path does not match any existing file or directory */ return OPEN_ERR_UNACCESSIBLE; } void close(Vfs_handle *handle) override { if (handle && (&handle->ds() == this)) destroy(handle->alloc(), handle); } Unlink_result unlink(char const *path) override { auto unlink_fn = [] (File_system &fs, char const *path) { return fs.unlink(path); }; return _dir_op(UNLINK_ERR_NO_ENTRY, UNLINK_ERR_NO_PERM, UNLINK_OK, path, unlink_fn); } Readlink_result readlink(char const *path, char *buf, file_size buf_size, file_size &out_len) override { auto readlink_fn = [&] (File_system &fs, char const *path) { return fs.readlink(path, buf, buf_size, out_len); }; return _dir_op(READLINK_ERR_NO_ENTRY, READLINK_ERR_NO_ENTRY, READLINK_OK, path, readlink_fn); } Rename_result rename(char const *from_path, char const *to_path) override { /* * Check if destination path resides within the same file * system instance as the source path. */ to_path = _sub_path(to_path); if (!to_path) return RENAME_ERR_CROSS_FS; auto rename_fn = [&] (File_system &fs, char const *from_path) { return fs.rename(from_path, to_path); }; return _dir_op(RENAME_ERR_NO_ENTRY, RENAME_ERR_NO_PERM, RENAME_OK, from_path, rename_fn); } Symlink_result symlink(char const *from, char const *to) override { auto symlink_fn = [&] (File_system &fs, char const *to) { return fs.symlink(from, to); }; return _dir_op(SYMLINK_ERR_NO_ENTRY, SYMLINK_ERR_NO_PERM, SYMLINK_OK, to, symlink_fn); } Mkdir_result mkdir(char const *path, unsigned mode) override { auto mkdir_fn = [&] (File_system &fs, char const *path) { return fs.mkdir(path, mode); }; return _dir_op(MKDIR_ERR_NO_ENTRY, MKDIR_ERR_NO_PERM, MKDIR_OK, path, mkdir_fn); } /*************************** ** File_system interface ** ***************************/ char const *name() const { return "dir"; } /** * Synchronize all file systems */ void sync(char const *path) override { if (strcmp("/", path, 2) == 0) { for (File_system *fs = _first_file_system; fs; fs = fs->next) fs->sync("/"); return; } path = _sub_path(path); if (!path) return; for (File_system *fs = _first_file_system; fs; fs = fs->next) fs->sync(path); } /******************************** ** File I/O service interface ** ********************************/ Write_result write(Vfs_handle *handle, char const *, file_size, file_size &) override { return WRITE_ERR_INVALID; } Read_result read(Vfs_handle *, char *, file_size, file_size &) override { return READ_ERR_INVALID; } Ftruncate_result ftruncate(Vfs_handle *, file_size) override { return FTRUNCATE_ERR_NO_PERM; } }; #endif /* _INCLUDE__VFS__DIR_FILE_SYSTEM_H_ */