# # This file includes snippets to generate the 'wifi_config' for the # various wireless LAN driver for each test run-script. # proc wifi_ssid { } { return $::env(GENODE_WIFI_SSID) } proc wifi_psk { } { return $::env(GENODE_WIFI_PSK) } proc wifi_wpa { } { if {![info exists ::env(GENODE_WIFI_WPA)]} { return WPA2 } return $::env(GENODE_WIFI_WPA) } proc wifi_verbose { } { if {![info exists ::env(GENODE_WIFI_VERBOSE)]} { return false } return true } # # wifi-driver config generator (supporting a network list) # # You may script your tests with this function in the dynamic_rom config below. # The syntax for the networks parameter is # # { ssid protection passphrase explicit_scan } # # Example dynamic_rom config: # # { # } [wifi_config 5 no [list "net1 WPA2 net1_psk no" "net2 WPA2 net2_psk no"]] { # # # } [wifi_config 5 no [list "net1 WPA2 net1_psk no" "net2 WPA2 net2_psk yes"]] { # } # set wifi_verbose false proc wifi_config { scan_interval update_quality_interval rfkill networks } { global wifi_verbose set config "\n" foreach n $networks { if {[lindex $n 4] == "yes"} { append config " \n" } append config " \n" } append config "\n" return $config }