/* * \brief Launcher * \author Norman Feske * \date 2014-09-30 */ /* * Copyright (C) 2014 Genode Labs GmbH * * This file is part of the Genode OS framework, which is distributed * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2. */ /* Genode includes */ #include #include #include #include #include /* local includes */ #include namespace Launcher { using namespace Genode; struct Main; } struct Launcher::Main { Env &_env; char const *_report_rom_config = "" " " " " " " " " " " " " ""; Report_rom_slave _report_rom_slave { _env.pd(), _env.rm(), _env.ram_session_cap(), _report_rom_config }; /** * Nitpicker session used to perform session-control operations on the * subsystem's nitpicker sessions and to receive global keyboard * shortcuts. */ Nitpicker::Connection _nitpicker { _env }; Signal_handler
_input_handler = { _env.ep(), *this, &Main::_handle_input }; void _handle_input(); unsigned _key_cnt = 0; Signal_handler
_exited_child_handler = { _env.ep(), *this, &Main::_handle_exited_child }; Attached_rom_dataspace _config { _env, "config" }; static size_t _ram_preservation(Xml_node config) { char const * const node_name = "preservation"; if (config.has_sub_node(node_name)) { Xml_node const node = config.sub_node(node_name); if (node.attribute_value("name", Genode::String<16>()) == "RAM") return node.attribute_value("quantum", Genode::Number_of_bytes()); } return 0; } Subsystem_manager _subsystem_manager { _env, _ram_preservation(_config.xml()), _exited_child_handler }; Heap _heap { _env.ram(), _env.rm() }; Panel_dialog _panel_dialog { _env, _heap, _report_rom_slave, _subsystem_manager, _nitpicker }; void _handle_config(); void _handle_exited_child() { auto kill_child_fn = [&] (Label const &label) { _panel_dialog.kill(label); }; _subsystem_manager.for_each_exited_child(kill_child_fn); } Label _focus_prefix; Genode::Attached_rom_dataspace _focus_rom { "focus" }; void _handle_focus_update(); Signal_handler
_focus_update_handler = { _env.ep(), *this, &Main::_handle_focus_update }; /** * Constructor */ Main(Env &env) : _env(env) { _nitpicker.input()->sigh(_input_handler); _focus_rom.sigh(_focus_update_handler); _handle_config(); _panel_dialog.visible(true); } }; void Launcher::Main::_handle_config() { _config.update(); _focus_prefix = _config.xml().attribute_value("focus_prefix", Label()); try { _panel_dialog.update(_config.xml()); } catch (Allocator::Out_of_memory) { error("out of memory while applying configuration"); } } void Launcher::Main::_handle_input() { _nitpicker.input()->for_each_event([&] (Input::Event const &e) { if (e.type() == Input::Event::PRESS) _key_cnt++; if (e.type() == Input::Event::RELEASE) _key_cnt--; /* * The _key_cnt can become 2 only when the global key (as configured * in the nitpicker config) is pressed together with another key. * Hence, the following condition triggers on key combinations with * the global modifier key, whatever the global modifier key is. */ if (e.type() == Input::Event::PRESS && _key_cnt == 2) { if (e.keycode() == Input::KEY_TAB) _panel_dialog.focus_next(); } }); } void Launcher::Main::_handle_focus_update() { try { _focus_rom.update(); Xml_node focus_node(_focus_rom.local_addr()); /* * Propagate focus information to panel such that the focused * subsystem gets highlighted. */ Label label = focus_node.attribute_value("label", Label()); size_t const prefix_len = Genode::strlen(_focus_prefix.string()); if (!Genode::strcmp(_focus_prefix.string(), label.string(), prefix_len)) { label = Label(label.string() + prefix_len); } else { /* * A foreign nitpicker client not started by ourself has the focus. */ label = Label(); } _panel_dialog.focus_changed(label); } catch (...) { Genode::warning("no focus model available"); } } void Component::construct(Genode::Env &env) { static Launcher::Main main(env); }