/* * \brief Facility for passing system-call arguments * \author Norman Feske * \date 2011-02-15 * * The 'Sysio' data structure is shared between the noux environment * and the child. It is used to pass system-call arguments that would * traditionally be transferred via 'copy_from_user' and 'copy_to_user'. */ /* * Copyright (C) 2011-2013 Genode Labs GmbH * * This file is part of the Genode OS framework, which is distributed * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2. */ #ifndef _INCLUDE__NOUX_SESSION__SYSIO_H_ #define _INCLUDE__NOUX_SESSION__SYSIO_H_ /* Genode includes */ #include <util/misc_math.h> #define SYSIO_DECL(syscall_name, args, results) \ struct args syscall_name##_in; \ struct results syscall_name##_out; namespace Noux { using namespace Genode; struct Sysio { /* * Information about pending signals */ enum { SIG_MAX = 32 }; bool sig_mask[SIG_MAX]; /* * Number of pending signals */ int sig_cnt; enum { MAX_PATH_LEN = 512 }; typedef char Path[MAX_PATH_LEN]; enum { CHUNK_SIZE = 7*1024 }; typedef char Chunk[CHUNK_SIZE]; enum { ARGS_MAX_LEN = 4*1024 }; typedef char Args[ARGS_MAX_LEN]; enum { ENV_MAX_LEN = 4*1024 }; typedef char Env[ENV_MAX_LEN]; typedef __SIZE_TYPE__ size_t; typedef long int ssize_t; /** * Flags of 'mode' argument of open syscall */ enum { OPEN_MODE_RDONLY = 0, OPEN_MODE_WRONLY = 1, OPEN_MODE_RDWR = 2, OPEN_MODE_ACCMODE = 3, OPEN_MODE_CREATE = 0x0800, /* libc O_EXCL */ }; enum { STAT_MODE_SYMLINK = 0120000, STAT_MODE_FILE = 0100000, STAT_MODE_DIRECTORY = 0040000, STAT_MODE_CHARDEV = 0020000, }; struct Stat { size_t size; unsigned mode; unsigned uid; unsigned gid; unsigned long inode; unsigned device; }; /** * Argument structure used for ioctl syscall */ struct Ioctl_in { enum Opcode { OP_UNDEFINED, OP_TIOCGWINSZ, OP_TIOCSETAF, OP_TIOCSETAW, OP_FIONBIO }; enum Val { VAL_NULL, VAL_ECHO, VAL_ECHONL }; Opcode request; int argp; }; /** * Structure carrying the result values of 'ioctl' syscalls */ struct Ioctl_out { union { /* if request was 'OP_TIOCGSIZE' */ struct { int rows; int columns; } tiocgwinsz; }; }; enum Lseek_whence { LSEEK_SET, LSEEK_CUR, LSEEK_END }; enum { DIRENT_MAX_NAME_LEN = 128 }; enum Dirent_type { DIRENT_TYPE_FILE, DIRENT_TYPE_DIRECTORY, DIRENT_TYPE_FIFO, DIRENT_TYPE_CHARDEV, DIRENT_TYPE_SYMLINK, DIRENT_TYPE_END }; struct Dirent { int fileno; Dirent_type type; char name[DIRENT_MAX_NAME_LEN]; }; enum Fcntl_cmd { FCNTL_CMD_GET_FILE_STATUS_FLAGS, FCNTL_CMD_SET_FILE_STATUS_FLAGS, FCNTL_CMD_SET_FD_FLAGS }; /** * Input and output argument type of select syscall */ struct Select_fds { /** * Maximum number of file descriptors supported */ enum { MAX_FDS = 32U }; /** * Number of file descriptors to watch for read operations (rd), * write operations (wr), or exceptions (ex). */ size_t num_rd, num_wr, num_ex; /** * Array containing the file descriptors, starting with those * referring to rd, followed by wr, and finally ex */ int array[MAX_FDS]; /** * Return total number of file descriptors contained in the array */ size_t total_fds() const { return min(num_rd + num_wr + num_ex, (size_t)MAX_FDS); } /** * Check for maximum population of fds array */ bool max_fds_exceeded() const { /* * Note that even though the corner case of num_rd + num_wr + * num_ex == MAX_FDS is technically valid, this condition hints * at a possible attempt to over popupate the array (see the * implementation of 'select' in the Noux libc plugin). Hence, * we regard this case as an error, too. */ return total_fds() >= MAX_FDS; } /** * Return true of fd set index should be watched for reading */ bool watch_for_rd(unsigned i) const { return i < num_rd; } /** * Return true if fd set index should be watched for writing */ bool watch_for_wr(unsigned i) const { return (i >= num_rd) && (i < num_rd + num_wr); } /** * Return true if fd set index should be watched for exceptions */ bool watch_for_ex(unsigned i) const { return (i >= num_rd + num_wr) && (i < total_fds()); } }; struct Select_timeout { long sec, usec; /** * Set timeout to infinity */ void set_infinite() { sec = -1; usec = -1; } /** * Return true if the timeout is infinite */ bool infinite() const { return (sec == -1) && (usec == -1); } /** * Return true if the timeout is zero */ bool zero() const { return (sec == 0) && (usec == 0); } }; /** * Socket related structures */ enum { MAX_HOSTNAME_LEN = 255 }; typedef char Hostname[MAX_HOSTNAME_LEN]; enum { MAX_SERVNAME_LEN = 255 }; typedef char Servname[MAX_SERVNAME_LEN]; enum { MAX_ADDRINFO_RESULTS = 4 }; struct in_addr { unsigned int s_addr; }; struct sockaddr { unsigned char sa_len; unsigned char sa_family; char sa_data[14]; }; struct sockaddr_in { unsigned char sin_len; unsigned char sin_family; unsigned short sin_port; struct in_addr sin_addr; char sin_zero[8]; }; typedef unsigned socklen_t; struct addrinfo { int ai_flags; int ai_family; int ai_socktype; int ai_protocol; socklen_t ai_addrlen; struct sockaddr *ai_addr; char *ai_canonname; struct addrinfo *ai_next; }; struct Addrinfo { struct addrinfo addrinfo; struct sockaddr ai_addr; char ai_canonname[255]; }; /** * user info defintions */ enum { USERINFO_GET_ALL = 0, USERINFO_GET_UID, USERINFO_GET_GID }; enum { MAX_USERNAME_LEN = 32 }; typedef char User[MAX_USERNAME_LEN]; enum { MAX_SHELL_LEN = 16 }; typedef char Shell[MAX_SHELL_LEN]; enum { MAX_HOME_LEN = 128 }; typedef char Home[MAX_HOME_LEN]; typedef unsigned int Uid; /** * time/clock definitions */ enum Clock_Id { CLOCK_ID_SECOND }; enum General_error { ERR_FD_INVALID, NUM_GENERAL_ERRORS }; enum Stat_error { STAT_ERR_NO_ENTRY = NUM_GENERAL_ERRORS }; enum Fcntl_error { FCNTL_ERR_CMD_INVALID = NUM_GENERAL_ERRORS }; enum Ftruncate_error { FTRUNCATE_ERR_NO_PERM = NUM_GENERAL_ERRORS }; enum Open_error { OPEN_ERR_UNACCESSIBLE, OPEN_ERR_NO_PERM, OPEN_ERR_EXISTS }; enum Execve_error { EXECVE_NONEXISTENT = NUM_GENERAL_ERRORS }; enum Unlink_error { UNLINK_ERR_NO_ENTRY, UNLINK_ERR_NO_PERM }; enum Readlink_error { READLINK_ERR_NO_ENTRY }; enum Rename_error { RENAME_ERR_NO_ENTRY, RENAME_ERR_CROSS_FS, RENAME_ERR_NO_PERM }; enum Mkdir_error { MKDIR_ERR_EXISTS, MKDIR_ERR_NO_ENTRY, MKDIR_ERR_NO_SPACE, MKDIR_ERR_NO_PERM, MKDIR_ERR_NAME_TOO_LONG}; enum Symlink_error { SYMLINK_ERR_EXISTS, SYMLINK_ERR_NO_ENTRY, SYMLINK_ERR_NAME_TOO_LONG}; enum Read_error { READ_ERR_AGAIN, READ_ERR_WOULD_BLOCK, READ_ERR_INVALID, READ_ERR_IO }; enum Write_error { WRITE_ERR_AGAIN, WRITE_ERR_WOULD_BLOCK, WRITE_ERR_INVALID, WRITE_ERR_IO }; enum Ioctl_error { IOCTL_ERR_INVALID, IOCTL_ERR_NOTTY }; /** * Socket related errors */ enum Accept_error { ACCEPT_ERR_AGAIN, ACCEPT_ERR_WOULD_BLOCK, ACCEPT_ERR_INVALID, ACCEPT_ERR_NO_MEMORY, ACCEPT_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED }; enum Bind_error { BIND_ERR_ACCESS, BIND_ERR_ADDR_IN_USE, BIND_ERR_INVALID, BIND_ERR_NO_MEMORY }; enum Connect_error { CONNECT_ERR_ACCESS, CONNECT_ERR_AGAIN, CONNECT_ERR_ALREADY, CONNECT_ERR_CONN_REFUSED, CONNECT_ERR_NO_PERM, CONNECT_ERR_ADDR_IN_USE, CONNECT_ERR_IN_PROGRESS, CONNECT_ERR_IS_CONNECTED }; enum Listen_error { LISTEN_ERR_ADDR_IN_USE, LISTEN_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED }; enum Recv_error { RECV_ERR_AGAIN, RECV_ERR_WOULD_BLOCK, RECV_ERR_CONN_REFUSED, RECV_ERR_INVALID, RECV_ERR_NOT_CONNECTED, RECV_ERR_NO_MEMORY }; enum Send_error { SEND_ERR_AGAIN, SEND_ERR_WOULD_BLOCK, SEND_ERR_CONNECTION_RESET, SEND_ERR_INVALID, SEND_ERR_IS_CONNECTED, SEND_ERR_NO_MEMORY }; enum Shutdown_error { SHUTDOWN_ERR_NOT_CONNECTED }; enum Socket_error { SOCKET_ERR_ACCESS, SOCKET_ERR_NO_AF_SUPPORT, SOCKET_ERR_INVALID, SOCKET_ERR_NO_MEMORY }; enum Clock_error { CLOCK_ERR_INVALID, CLOCK_ERR_FAULT, CLOCK_ERR_NO_PERM }; enum Utimes_error { UTIMES_ERR_ACCESS, UTIMES_ERR_FAUL, UTIMES_ERR_EIO, UTIMES_ERR_NAME_TOO_LONG, UTIMES_ERR_NO_ENTRY, UTIMES_ERR_NOT_DIRECTORY, UTIMES_ERR_NO_PERM, UTIMES_ERR_READ_ONLY }; union { General_error general; Stat_error stat; Fcntl_error fcntl; Ftruncate_error ftruncate; Open_error open; Execve_error execve; Unlink_error unlink; Readlink_error readlink; Rename_error rename; Mkdir_error mkdir; Symlink_error symlink; Read_error read; Write_error write; Ioctl_error ioctl; Accept_error accept; Bind_error bind; Connect_error connect; Listen_error listen; Recv_error recv; Send_error send; Shutdown_error shutdown; Socket_error socket; Clock_error clock; Utimes_error utimes; } error; union { SYSIO_DECL(write, { int fd; size_t count; Chunk chunk; }, { size_t count; }); SYSIO_DECL(stat, { Path path; }, { Stat st; }); SYSIO_DECL(symlink, { Path oldpath; Path newpath; }, { }); SYSIO_DECL(fstat, { int fd; }, { Stat st; }); SYSIO_DECL(ftruncate, { int fd; off_t length; }, { }); SYSIO_DECL(fcntl, { int fd; long long_arg; Fcntl_cmd cmd; }, { int result; }); SYSIO_DECL(open, { Path path; int mode; }, { int fd; }); SYSIO_DECL(close, { int fd; }, { }); SYSIO_DECL(ioctl, : Ioctl_in { int fd; }, : Ioctl_out { }); SYSIO_DECL(lseek, { int fd; off_t offset; Lseek_whence whence; }, { off_t offset; }); SYSIO_DECL(dirent, { int fd; }, { Dirent entry; }); SYSIO_DECL(read, { int fd; size_t count; }, { Chunk chunk; size_t count; }); SYSIO_DECL(readlink, { Path path; size_t bufsiz; }, { Chunk chunk; ssize_t count; }); SYSIO_DECL(execve, { Path filename; Args args; Env env; }, { }); SYSIO_DECL(select, { Select_fds fds; Select_timeout timeout; }, { Select_fds fds; }); SYSIO_DECL(fork, { addr_t ip; addr_t sp; addr_t parent_cap_addr; }, { int pid; }); SYSIO_DECL(getpid, { }, { int pid; }); SYSIO_DECL(wait4, { int pid; bool nohang; }, { int pid; int status; }); SYSIO_DECL(pipe, { }, { int fd[2]; }); SYSIO_DECL(dup2, { int fd; int to_fd; }, { int fd; }); SYSIO_DECL(unlink, { Path path; }, { }); SYSIO_DECL(rename, { Path from_path; Path to_path; }, { }); SYSIO_DECL(mkdir, { Path path; int mode; }, { }); SYSIO_DECL(socket, { int domain; int type; int protocol; }, { int fd; }); /* XXX for now abuse Chunk for passing optval */ SYSIO_DECL(getsockopt, { int fd; int level; int optname; Chunk optval; socklen_t optlen; }, { int result; }); SYSIO_DECL(setsockopt, { int fd; int level; int optname; Chunk optval; socklen_t optlen; }, { }); SYSIO_DECL(accept, { int fd; struct sockaddr addr; socklen_t addrlen; }, { int fd; }); SYSIO_DECL(bind, { int fd; struct sockaddr addr; socklen_t addrlen; }, { int result; }); SYSIO_DECL(getpeername, { int fd; struct sockaddr addr; socklen_t addrlen; }, { }); SYSIO_DECL(listen, { int fd; int type; int backlog; }, { int result; }); SYSIO_DECL(send, { int fd; Chunk buf; size_t len; int flags; }, { ssize_t len; }); SYSIO_DECL(sendto, { int fd; Chunk buf; size_t len; int flags; struct sockaddr dest_addr; socklen_t addrlen; }, { ssize_t len; }); SYSIO_DECL(recv, { int fd; Chunk buf; size_t len; int flags; }, { size_t len; }); SYSIO_DECL(recvfrom, { int fd; Chunk buf; size_t len; int flags; struct sockaddr src_addr; socklen_t addrlen; }, { size_t len; }); SYSIO_DECL(shutdown, { int fd; int how; }, { }); SYSIO_DECL(connect, { int fd; struct sockaddr addr; socklen_t addrlen; }, { int result; }); SYSIO_DECL(userinfo, { int request; Uid uid; }, { User name; Uid uid; Uid gid; Shell shell; Home home; }); SYSIO_DECL(gettimeofday, { }, { unsigned long sec; unsigned int usec; }); SYSIO_DECL(clock_gettime, { Clock_Id clock_id; }, { unsigned long sec; unsigned long nsec; }); SYSIO_DECL(utimes, { Path path; unsigned long sec; unsigned long usec; }, { }); }; }; }; #undef SYSIO_DECL #endif /* _INCLUDE__NOUX_SESSION__SYSIO_H_ */