# \brief  Fetch and patch iPXE source code
# \author Stefan Kalkowski
# \author Christian Helmuth
# \date   2011-08-12

VERBOSE     ?= @
ECHO         = @echo
GIT_URL      = http://git.ipxe.org/ipxe.git
GIT_REV      = c4bce43c3c4d3c5ebb2d926b58ad16dc9642c19d
CONTRIB_DIR  = contrib
PATCH_FILE   = patches/dde_ipxe.patch

# Utility to check if a tool is installed
check_tool = $(if $(shell which $(1)),,$(error Need to have '$(1)' installed.))

$(call check_tool,git)
$(call check_tool,patch)

# Print help information by default
	$(ECHO) "Prepare the dde_ipxe repository"
	$(ECHO) "--- available commands ---"
	$(ECHO) "prepare      - fetch and patch iPXE source code"
	$(ECHO) "clean        - revert patch from iPXE souce code"
	$(ECHO) "cleanall     - remove iPXE souce code"
	$(ECHO) "update-patch - updates patch for iPXE source code"

	$(VERBOSE)git clone $(GIT_URL) $(CONTRIB_DIR)

fetch: $(CONTRIB_DIR)/.git
	$(VERBOSE)cd $(CONTRIB_DIR); git fetch origin

prepare: fetch clean
	$(ECHO) "apply patch to '$(CONTRIB_DIR)/'"
	$(VERBOSE)patch -p1 -d $(CONTRIB_DIR) -i $(realpath $(PATCH_FILE))
	$(ECHO) "Preparation completed!"
	$(ECHO) "Hint: don't forget to put '$(shell pwd)' "
	$(ECHO) "      as a repository into your build.conf"

	$(ECHO) "producing a new diff and save it to '$(PATCH_FILE)'"
	$(VERBOSE)(cd $(CONTRIB_DIR); LC_COLLATE=C git diff) > $(PATCH_FILE) || true
#	$(VERBOSE)(cd $(CONTRIB_DIR); LC_COLLATE=C git diff) \
#	          | sed "s/\(^--- [^\t]*\).*/\\1/" \
#	          | sed "s/\(^+++ [^\t]*\).*/\\1/" \
#	          > $(PATCH_FILE) || true

	$(VERBOSE)cd $(CONTRIB_DIR); git reset --hard $(GIT_REV)
	$(VERBOSE)cd $(CONTRIB_DIR); git ls-files -o | xargs rm -rf


.PHONY: cleanall clean update-patch prepare fetch help