 * \brief  Address resolution protocol
 * \author Stefan Kalkowski
 * \date   2010-08-24
 * ARP is used to determine a network host's link layer or
 * hardware address when only its Network Layer address is known.

 * Copyright (C) 2010-2013 Genode Labs GmbH
 * This file is part of the Genode OS framework, which is distributed
 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2.

#ifndef _NET__ARP_H_
#define _NET__ARP_H_

/* Genode */
#include <base/exception.h>
#include <base/stdint.h>

#include <util/endian.h>
#include <net/ethernet.h>
#include <net/ipv4.h>

namespace Net {

	 * The data-layout of this class conforms to an ARP-packet (RFC 826).
	 * It's reduced to Internet protocol (IPv4) over Ethernet.
	 * ARP-packet-format:
	 *  --------------------------------------------------------------------
	 * |    Bit 0-7    |    Bit 8-15    |    Bit 16-23   |     Bit 24-31    |
	 *  --------------------------------------------------------------------
	 * |          hw.addr.type          |          prot.addr.type           |
	 *  --------------------------------------------------------------------
	 * | hw.addr.size  | prot.addr.size |            operation              |
	 *  --------------------------------------------------------------------
	 * |                        source-mac-address                          |
	 *  --------------------------------------------------------------------
	 * |       source-mac-address       |          source-ip-address        |
	 *  --------------------------------------------------------------------
	 * |       source-ip-address        |          dest.-mac-address        |
	 *  --------------------------------------------------------------------
	 * |                         dest.-mac-address                          |
	 *  --------------------------------------------------------------------
	 * |                         dest.-ip-address                           |
	 *  --------------------------------------------------------------------
	class Arp_packet

			 ** ARP header fields **

			Genode::uint16_t _hw_addr_type;
			Genode::uint16_t _prot_addr_type;
			Genode::uint8_t  _hw_addr_sz;
			Genode::uint8_t  _prot_addr_sz;
			Genode::uint16_t _opcode;
			Genode::uint8_t  _src_mac_addr[Ethernet_frame::ADDR_LEN];
			Genode::uint8_t  _src_ip_addr[Ipv4_packet::ADDR_LEN];
			Genode::uint8_t  _dst_mac_addr[Ethernet_frame::ADDR_LEN];
			Genode::uint8_t  _dst_ip_addr[Ipv4_packet::ADDR_LEN];


			 ** ARP parameters **

			enum Hardware_type {
				ETHERNET                = 0x0001,
				EXP_ETHERNET            = 0x0002,
				AX_25                   = 0x0003,
				TOKEN_RING              = 0x0004,
				CHAOS                   = 0x0005,
				IEEE802_NET             = 0x0006,
				ARCNET                  = 0x0007,
				HYPERCHANNEL            = 0x0008,
				LANSTAR                 = 0x0009,
				AUTONET                 = 0x000A,
				LOCALTALK               = 0x000B,
				LOCALNET                = 0x000C,
				ULTRA_LINK              = 0x000D,
				SMDS                    = 0x000E,
				FRAME_RELAY             = 0x000F,
				ATM_1                   = 0x0010,
				HDLC                    = 0x0011,
				FIBRE_CHANNEL           = 0x0012,
				ATM_2                   = 0x0013,
				SERIAL_LINE             = 0x0014,
				ATM_3                   = 0x0015,
				MIL_STD_188_220         = 0x0016,
				METRICOM                = 0x0017,
				IEEE1394                = 0x0018,
				MAPOS                   = 0x0019,
				TWINAXIAL               = 0x001A,
				EUI_64                  = 0x001B,
				HIPARP                  = 0x001C,
				IP_AND_ARP_OVER_ISO7816 = 0x001D,
				ARPSEC                  = 0x001E,
				IPSEC_TUNNEL            = 0x001F,
				INFINIBAND              = 0x0020,
				TIA_102                 = 0x0021,
				WIEGAND_INTERFACE       = 0x0022,
				Pure_IP                 = 0x0023,
				HW_EXP1                 = 0x0024,
				HFI                     = 0x0025,
				HW_EXP2                 = 0x0100,

			enum Opcode {
				REQUEST                 = 0x0001,
				REPLY                   = 0x0002,
				REQUEST_REVERSE         = 0x0003,
				REPLY_REVERSE           = 0x0004,
				DRARP_REQUEST           = 0x0005,
				DRARP_REPLY             = 0x0006,
				DRARP_ERROR             = 0x0007,
				INARP_REQUEST           = 0x0008,
				INARP_REPLY             = 0x0009,
				ARP_NAK                 = 0x000A,
				MARS_REQUEST            = 0x000B,
				MARS_MULTI              = 0x000C,
				MARS_MSERV              = 0x000D,
				MARS_JOIN               = 0x000E,
				MARS_LEAVE              = 0x000F,
				MARS_NAK                = 0x0010,
				MARS_UNSERV             = 0x0011,
				MARS_SJOIN              = 0x0012,
				MARS_SLEAVE             = 0x0013,
				MARS_GROUPLIST_REPLY    = 0x0015,
				MARS_REDIRECT_MAP       = 0x0016,
				MAPOS_UNARP             = 0x0017,
				OP_EXP1                 = 0x0018,
				OP_EXP2                 = 0x0019

			 * Exception used to indicate protocol violation.
			class No_arp_packet : Genode::Exception {};

			 ** Constructor **

			Arp_packet(Genode::size_t size) {
				/* arp packet needs to fit in */
				if (size < sizeof(Arp_packet))
					throw No_arp_packet();

			 ** ARP field read-accessors **

			 * \return link layer type (Arp_packet::Hardware_type).
			Genode::uint16_t hardware_address_type() {
				return bswap(_hw_addr_type); }

			 * \return network/internet layer type (Ether_frame::EtherType).
			Genode::uint16_t protocol_address_type() {
				return bswap(_prot_addr_type); }

			 * \return size in bytes of hardware address.
			Genode::uint8_t hardware_address_size() { return _hw_addr_sz; }

			 * \return size in bytes of protocol address.
			Genode::uint8_t protocol_address_size() { return _prot_addr_sz; }

			 * \return operation code (Arp_packet::Opcode).
			Genode::uint16_t opcode() { return bswap(_opcode); }

			 * \return source MAC address.
			Ethernet_frame::Mac_address src_mac() {
				return Ethernet_frame::Mac_address(&_src_mac_addr); }

			 * \return source IP address.
			Ipv4_packet::Ipv4_address src_ip() {
				return Ipv4_packet::Ipv4_address(&_src_ip_addr); }

			 * \return destination MAC address.
			Ethernet_frame::Mac_address dst_mac() {
				return Ethernet_frame::Mac_address(&_dst_mac_addr); }

			 * \return destination IP address.
			Ipv4_packet::Ipv4_address dst_ip() {
				return Ipv4_packet::Ipv4_address(&_dst_ip_addr); }

			 ** ARP field write-accessors **

			 * Set Operation code.
			 * \param opcode  Arp_packet::Opcode to set.
			void opcode(Genode::uint16_t opcode) {
				_opcode = bswap(opcode); }

			 * Set source MAC address.
			 * \param src_mac_addr  MAC address to set.
			void src_mac(Ethernet_frame::Mac_address src_mac_addr) {
				src_mac_addr.copy(&_src_mac_addr); }

			 * Set source IP address.
			 * \param src_ip_addr  IP address to set.
			void src_ip(Ipv4_packet::Ipv4_address src_ip_addr) {
				src_ip_addr.copy(&_src_ip_addr); }

			 * Set destination MAC address.
			 * \param src_mac_addr  MAC address to set.
			void dst_mac(Ethernet_frame::Mac_address dst_mac_addr) {
				dst_mac_addr.copy(&_dst_mac_addr); }

			 * Set destination IP address.
			 * \param src_ip_addr  IP address to set.
			void dst_ip(Ipv4_packet::Ipv4_address dst_ip_addr) {
				dst_ip_addr.copy(&_dst_ip_addr); }

			 ** convenience functions **

			 * \return true when ARP packet really targets ethernet
			 *         address resolution with respect to IPv4 addresses.
			bool ethernet_ipv4() {
				return (   bswap(_hw_addr_type)   == ETHERNET
				        && bswap(_prot_addr_type) == Ethernet_frame::IPV4
				        && _hw_addr_sz   == Ethernet_frame::ADDR_LEN
				        && _prot_addr_sz == Ipv4_packet::ADDR_LEN);

			 ** Operators **

			 * Placement new
			void * operator new(Genode::size_t size, void* addr) {
				return addr; }
	} __attribute__((packed));

#endif /* _NET__ARP_H_ */