# \brief  Test for using the GDB monitor
# \author Christian Prochaska
# \author Norman Feske
# \date   2011-05-24

if {![have_include "power_on/qemu"] ||
    !([have_spec nova])} {
	 puts "Run script is only supported for NOVA in Qemu"; exit 0

# Build

set build_components {
	core init timer

lappend build_components "lib/gdbserver_platform-$::env(KERNEL)"

build $build_components


# Generate config

set config {
<config verbose="yes">
		<service name="ROM"/>
		<service name="IRQ"/>
		<service name="IO_MEM"/>
		<service name="IO_PORT"/>
		<service name="PD"/>
		<service name="RM"/>
		<service name="CPU"/>
		<service name="LOG"/>
		<any-service> <parent/> <any-child/> </any-service>
	<default caps="100"/>
	<start name="timer">
		<resource name="RAM" quantum="2M"/>
		<provides> <service name="Timer"/> </provides>
	<start name="pc_uart_drv">
		<resource name="RAM" quantum="2M"/>
			<service name="Terminal"/>
			<service name="Uart"/>
			<policy label_prefix="gdb_monitor" uart="1"/>
	<start name="gdb_monitor" caps="1000">
		<resource name="RAM" quantum="9M"/>
			<target name="test-gdb_monitor">
					<vfs> <dir name="dev"> <log/> </dir> </vfs>
					<libc stdout="/dev/log" stderr="/dev/log"/>
			<preserve name="RAM" quantum="5M"/>
				<dir name="dev"> <log/> <terminal/> </dir>
				<dir name="pipe"> <pipe/> </dir>
			<libc stdout="/dev/log" stderr="/dev/log" pipe="/pipe"/>

install_config $config

# Boot modules

# evaluated by the run tool
proc binary_name_gdbserver_platform_lib_so { } {
	return "gdbserver_platform-$::env(KERNEL).lib.so"

# generic modules
set boot_modules {
	core init timer
	ld.lib.so libc.lib.so libm.lib.so vfs.lib.so stdcxx.lib.so
	pc_uart_drv posix.lib.so vfs_pipe.lib.so
	gdb_monitor gdbserver_platform.lib.so test-gdb_monitor

build_boot_image $boot_modules

# Execute test case
set local_port 5555

# qemu config
append qemu_args " -display none "

# connect comport 0 to stdio
append qemu_args " -serial stdio "

# connect comport 1 with TCP port $local_port
append qemu_args " -serial chardev:uart "
append qemu_args " -chardev socket,id=uart,port=$local_port,host=localhost,server,nowait,ipv4 "

run_genode_until {.*Remote debugging using /dev/terminal.*} 30

puts "GDB monitor is up, starting GDB in a new terminal"

source ${genode_dir}/repos/ports/run/gdb_monitor.inc

# GDB loads symbols from 'debug/ld.lib.so'
if { [have_spec nova] } {
	exec ln -sf ld-nova.lib.so debug/ld.lib.so
if { [have_spec foc] } {
	exec ln -sf ld-foc.lib.so debug/ld.lib.so

set gdb_target_binary "test-gdb_monitor"

# sequence of GDB commands to execute at startup
set gdb_cmds ""
append gdb_cmds "-ex \"target remote localhost:$local_port\" "

append gdb_cmds [gdb_initial_breakpoint_cmds $gdb_target_binary]

# ask the user for confirmations again
append gdb_cmds {-ex "set interactive-mode auto" }

puts "command: [gdb] debug/ld.lib.so $gdb_cmds"

exec [terminal] -e "bash -lc \'[gdb] debug/ld.lib.so $gdb_cmds\'" &

interact -i [output_spawn_id]

# vi: set ft=tcl :