# # \brief Noux environment for building the Genode/NOVA demo scenario on Genode # \author Christian Prochaska # \date 2012-11-26 # if {[is_qemu_available]} { puts "\nAuto test running on Qemu is not recommented.\n" exit 0 } if {[have_spec pistachio]} { puts "Pistachio is unsupported." exit 0 } assert_spec 32bit set verbose_mode "no" set platform_pkgs "" set platform_cmds { make core && exit 234 } if {[have_spec arm]} { set platform_base_dir "base-hw" if {[have_spec platform_panda]} { set platform "hw_panda" } if {[have_spec platform_arndale]} { set platform "hw_arndale" } if {[have_spec platform_pbxa9]} { set platform "hw_pbxa9" } if {![info exists platform]} { puts "Unsupported arm platform." exit 0 } } if {[have_spec x86]} { set platform "nova_x86_32" set platform_base_dir "base-nova" } source ${genode_dir}/ports/run/noux_tool_chain.inc append qemu_args " -m 768 " # wait until Noux started run_genode_until {\[init -\> noux\].*--- noux started ---} 100 set serial_id $spawn_id # start the measurement set time_start [ clock seconds ] run_genode_until {child /bin/bash exited with exit value 234} 400 $serial_id set time_end [ clock seconds ] # cleanup created tars foreach pkg $noux_pkgs { exec rm -f bin/$pkg.tar } exec rm -f bin/genode.tar # print infos about run set git_info "unknown" catch { set git_info [exec git --git-dir=$genode_dir/.git describe ] } puts "Testing \" [ clock format $time_start -format "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"], commit: ($git_info)\" in : " puts "Testing \"all\" in printf.wv:" puts "! PERF: runtime [expr $time_end - $time_start ] seconds ok" puts "Test succeeded"