pragma Ada_2012; with App.File; use type App.File.Chunk_Number_Type; package body App.File_Cache with Spark_Mode is procedure Read_Chunk(Object_Private : in out Object_Private_Type; Object_Public : in out Object_Public_Type; Chunk_Number : in File.Chunk_Number_Type; Chunk_In_Slot : out Boolean; Slot_Index : out Slot_Array_Index_Type) is -- Object_Public.Slot_Array(1)'Address begin Object_Private.Slot_Array_Last_Index := 1; Object_Public.Slot_Array(1)(1) := 0; Chunk_In_Slot := False; Slot_Index := 1; Slot_Array_Loop : for Index in Object_Private.Slot_Array'Range loop if Object_Private.Slot_Array(Index).Chunk_Number = Chunk_Number then Chunk_In_Slot := True; Slot_Index := Index; exit Slot_Array_Loop; end if; end loop Slot_Array_Loop; if not Chunk_In_Slot then Log("Chunk in Slot"); -- File.Read(0, , Chunk_Type'Size / Byte'Size); else Log("Chunk not in Slot"); end if; end Read_Chunk; end App.File_Cache;