# \brief  Test for Linux-specific region map
# \author Christian Helmuth
# \date   2013-09-06

assert_spec linux

# Build

set build_components { core init }

lappend_if [expr {$test_type eq "static"}]  build_components test/lx_rmap/static
lappend_if [expr {$test_type eq "dynamic"}] build_components test/lx_rmap/dynamic

build $build_components


# Config

set config {
		<service name="ROM"/>
		<service name="RM"/>
		<service name="CAP"/>
		<service name="LOG"/>
		<service name="IO_PORT"/>
		<service name="IO_MEM"/>
		<service name="IRQ"/>
		<service name="CPU"/>
		<service name="SIGNAL"/>
		<any-service> <parent/> <any-child/> </any-service>

append_if [expr {$test_type eq "static"}] config {
	<start name="test-lx_rmap_static">}
append_if [expr {$test_type eq "dynamic"}] config {
	<start name="test-lx_rmap_dynamic">}
append config {
		<resource name="RAM" quantum="8M"/>

install_config $config

# Boot modules

set boot_modules { core init}

lappend_if [expr {$test_type eq "static"}]  boot_modules test-lx_rmap_static
lappend_if [expr {$test_type eq "dynamic"}] boot_modules test-lx_rmap_dynamic
lappend_if [expr {$test_type eq "dynamic"}] boot_modules ld.lib.so

build_boot_image $boot_modules

# Execute test

if {$test_type eq "static"} {
	run_genode_until {child "test-lx_rmap_static" exited with exit value 0.*\n} 10
} else {
	run_genode_until {child "test-lx_rmap_dynamic" exited with exit value 0.*\n} 10
puts "Test succeeded"

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