/* * \brief Guest memory management * \author Norman Feske * \author Christian Helmuth * \author Alexander Boettcher * \date 2020-11-09 */ /* * Copyright (C) 2020-2021 Genode Labs GmbH * * This file is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License * version 2. */ /* VirtualBox includes */ #include /* local includes */ #include namespace { using Alloc_return = Genode::Range_allocator::Alloc_return; } void Sup::Gmm::_add_one_slice() { /* attach new region behind previous region */ size_t const slice_size = _slice_size.value; addr_t const attach_base = _size_pages.value << PAGE_SHIFT; addr_t const attach_end = attach_base + (slice_size - 1); bool const fits_into_map = attach_end <= _map.end.value; if (!fits_into_map) throw Out_of_range(); Ram_dataspace_capability ds = _env.ram().alloc(slice_size); _map.connection.retry_with_upgrade(Ram_quota{8192}, Cap_quota{2}, [&] () { _map.rm.attach_executable(ds, attach_base, slice_size); }); _slices[_slice_index(Offset{attach_base})] = ds; _alloc.add_range(attach_base, slice_size); /* update allocation size */ _size_pages = { (attach_base + slice_size) >> PAGE_SHIFT }; } void Sup::Gmm::_update_pool_size() { size_t const size_pages = _size_pages.value; size_t const new_size_pages = _reservation_pages.value + _alloc_ex_pages.value; if (new_size_pages <= size_pages) { if (false) warning("Can't shrink guest memory pool from ", size_pages, " to ", new_size_pages, " pages"); return; } size_t const map_pages = _map.size.value >> PAGE_SHIFT; if (new_size_pages > map_pages) { warning("Can't grow guest memory pool beyond ", map_pages, ", requested ", new_size_pages, " pages"); return; } /* grow backing-store allocations to accomodate requirements */ while (_size_pages.value < new_size_pages) _add_one_slice(); } Sup::Gmm::Vmm_addr Sup::Gmm::_alloc_pages(Pages pages) { void *out_addr = nullptr; size_t const alloc_size = pages.value << PAGE_SHIFT; Alloc_return const result = _alloc.alloc_aligned(alloc_size, &out_addr, log2(alloc_size)); if (result.error()) { error("Gmm allocation failed"); throw Allocation_failed(); } return Vmm_addr { _map.base.value + (addr_t)out_addr }; } void Sup::Gmm::reservation_pages(Pages pages) { Mutex::Guard guard(_mutex); _reservation_pages = pages; _update_pool_size(); } Sup::Gmm::Vmm_addr Sup::Gmm::alloc_ex(Pages pages) { Mutex::Guard guard(_mutex); _alloc_ex_pages = { _alloc_ex_pages.value + pages.value }; _update_pool_size(); return _alloc_pages(pages); } Sup::Gmm::Vmm_addr Sup::Gmm::alloc_from_reservation(Pages pages) { Mutex::Guard guard(_mutex); return _alloc_pages(pages); } Sup::Gmm::Page_id Sup::Gmm::page_id(Vmm_addr addr) { Mutex::Guard guard(_mutex); bool const inside_map = (addr.value >= _map.base.value) && (addr.value <= _map.end.value); if (!inside_map) throw Out_of_range(); addr_t const page_index = (addr.value - _map.base.value) >> PAGE_SHIFT; /* NIL_GMM_CHUNKID kept unused - so offset 0 is chunk ID 1 */ return { page_index + (1u << GMM_CHUNKID_SHIFT) }; } uint32_t Sup::Gmm::page_id_as_uint32(Page_id page_id) { if (page_id.value << PAGE_SHIFT > PAGE_BASE_MASK) throw Out_of_range(); return page_id.value; } Sup::Gmm::Vmm_addr Sup::Gmm::vmm_addr(Page_id page_id) { Mutex::Guard guard(_mutex); /* NIL_GMM_CHUNKID kept unused - so offset 0 is chunk ID 1 */ addr_t const addr = _map.base.value + ((page_id.value - (1u << GMM_CHUNKID_SHIFT)) << PAGE_SHIFT); bool const inside_map = (addr >= _map.base.value) && (addr <= _map.end.value); if (!inside_map) throw Out_of_range(); return { addr }; } void Sup::Gmm::map_to_guest(Vmm_addr from, Guest_addr to, Pages pages, Protection prot) { Mutex::Guard guard(_mutex); /* revoke existing mappings to avoid overmap */ _vm_connection.detach(to.value, pages.value << PAGE_SHIFT); if (prot.none()) return; Vmm_addr const from_end { from.value + (pages.value << PAGE_SHIFT) - 1 }; for (unsigned i = _slice_index(from); i <= _slice_index(from_end); i++) { addr_t const slice_start = i*_slice_size.value; addr_t const first_byte_within_slice = max(_offset(from).value, slice_start); addr_t const last_byte_within_slice = min(_offset(from_end).value, slice_start + _slice_size.value - 1); Vm_session::Attach_attr const attr { .offset = first_byte_within_slice - slice_start, .size = last_byte_within_slice - first_byte_within_slice + 1, .executable = prot.executable, .writeable = prot.writeable }; _vm_connection.attach(_slices[i], to.value, attr); to.value += attr.size; } } Sup::Gmm::Gmm(Env &env, Vm_connection &vm_connection) : _env(env), _vm_connection(vm_connection) { }