/** * \brief USB session wrapper * \author Sebastian Sumpf * \date 2014-12-08 */ /* * Copyright (C) 2014 Genode Labs GmbH * * This file is part of the Genode OS framework, which is distributed * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2. */ #ifndef _INCLUDE__USB__USB_H_ #define _INCLUDE__USB__USB_H_ #include #include #include #include #include namespace Usb { /* debugging */ bool constexpr verbose_descr = false; class Device; class Config; class Alternate_interface; class Interface; class Endpoint; class Meta_data; class Sync_completion; } class Usb::Meta_data { protected: Genode::Allocator * const _md_alloc; Connection &_connection; Packet_handler &_handler; public: Meta_data(Genode::Allocator * const md_alloc, Connection &device, Packet_handler &handler) : _md_alloc(md_alloc), _connection(device), _handler(handler) { } }; /** * Completion for synchronous calls */ class Usb::Sync_completion : Completion { private: bool _completed = false; Packet_descriptor &_p; public: Sync_completion(Packet_handler &handler, Packet_descriptor &p) : _p(p) { Completion *c = p.completion; p.completion = this; handler.submit(p); while (!_completed) handler.wait_for_packet(); if (c) c->complete(p); } void complete(Packet_descriptor &p) override { _p = p; _completed = true; } }; class Usb::Endpoint : public Endpoint_descriptor { public: Endpoint(Endpoint_descriptor &endpoint_descr) : Endpoint_descriptor(endpoint_descr) { } bool bulk() const { return (attributes & 0x3) == ENDPOINT_BULK; } bool interrupt() const { return (attributes & 0x3) == ENDPOINT_INTERRUPT; } /* * \deprecated use 'bulk' and 'interrupt' instead */ bool is_bulk() const { return bulk(); } bool is_interrupt() const { return interrupt(); } void dump() { if (verbose_descr) PLOG("\tEndpoint: len: %x type: %x address: %x attributes: %x", length, type, address, attributes); } }; class Usb::Alternate_interface : public Interface_descriptor, public Meta_data { private: enum { MAX_ENDPOINTS = 16 }; Endpoint *_endpoints[MAX_ENDPOINTS]; public: String interface_string; Alternate_interface(Interface_descriptor &interface_desc, Meta_data &md) : Interface_descriptor(interface_desc), Meta_data(md) { dump(); for (Genode::uint8_t i = 0; i < num_endpoints; i++) { Endpoint_descriptor descr; _connection.endpoint_descriptor(number, alt_settings, i, &descr); _endpoints[i] = new (_md_alloc) Endpoint(descr); _endpoints[i]->dump(); } } ~Alternate_interface() { for (unsigned i = 0; i < num_endpoints; i++) destroy(_md_alloc, _endpoints[i]); interface_string.free(_md_alloc); } Endpoint &endpoint(unsigned index) { if (index >= num_endpoints) throw Session::Invalid_endpoint(); return *_endpoints[index]; } void dump() { if (!verbose_descr) return; PWRN("Interface: len: %x: type: %x number: %x alt_setting: %x", length, type, number, alt_settings); PWRN(" num_endpoints: %x class: %x subclass: %x: protocol: %x", num_endpoints, iclass, isubclass, iprotocol); } }; class Usb::Interface : public Meta_data { private: friend class Config; enum { MAX_ALT = 10 }; Alternate_interface *_interface[MAX_ALT]; unsigned _count = 0; Alternate_interface *_current = nullptr; bool _claimed = false; void _check() { if (!_claimed) throw Session::Interface_not_claimed(); } protected: void _add(Alternate_interface *iface) { _interface[_count++] = iface; if (iface->active) _current = iface; } public: Interface(Meta_data &md) : Meta_data(md) { } /*************** ** Accessors ** ***************/ unsigned alternate_count() const { return _count; } Alternate_interface ¤t() { return *_current; } Alternate_interface &alternate_interface(unsigned index) { if (index >= _count) throw Session::Interface_not_found(); return *_interface[index]; } Endpoint &endpoint(unsigned index) { return _current->endpoint(index); } /*************************** ** Packet stream helpers ** ***************************/ Packet_descriptor alloc(size_t size) { return _handler.alloc(size); } void submit(Packet_descriptor &p) { _handler.submit(p); } void release(Packet_descriptor &p) { _handler.release(p); } void *content(Packet_descriptor &p) { return _handler.content(p); } /****************************** ** Interface to USB service ** ******************************/ /** * Claim interface */ void claim() { _connection.claim_interface(_interface[0]->number); _claimed = true; } /** * Release interface */ void release() { if (_claimed) return; Packet_descriptor p = alloc(0); p.type = Packet_descriptor::RELEASE_IF; p.number = _interface[0]->number; p.succeded = false; Sync_completion sync(_handler, p); if (p.succeded) _claimed = false; } void set_alternate_interface(Alternate_interface &alternate) { _check(); Packet_descriptor p = alloc(0); p.type = Packet_descriptor::ALT_SETTING; p.succeded = false; p.interface.number = alternate.number; p.interface.alt_setting = alternate.alt_settings; Sync_completion sync(_handler, p); if (p.succeded) _current = _interface[p.interface.alt_setting]; } void control_transfer(Packet_descriptor &p, uint8_t request_type, uint8_t request, uint16_t value, uint16_t index, int timeout, bool block = true, Completion *c = nullptr) { _check(); p.type = Usb::Packet_descriptor::CTRL; p.succeded = false; p.control.request = request; p.control.request_type = request_type; p.control.value = value; p.control.index = index; p.control.timeout = timeout; p.completion = c; if(block) Sync_completion sync(_handler, p); else _handler.submit(p); } void bulk_transfer(Packet_descriptor &p, Endpoint &ep, int timeout, bool block = true, Completion *c = nullptr) { _check(); if (!ep.is_bulk()) throw Session::Invalid_endpoint(); p.type = Usb::Packet_descriptor::BULK; p.succeded = false; p.transfer.ep = ep.address; p.transfer.timeout = timeout; p.completion = c; if(block) Sync_completion sync(_handler, p); else _handler.submit(p); } void interrupt_transfer(Packet_descriptor &p, Endpoint &ep, int timeout, bool block = true, Completion *c = nullptr) { _check(); if (!ep.is_interrupt()) throw Session::Invalid_endpoint(); p.type = Usb::Packet_descriptor::IRQ; p.succeded = false; p.transfer.ep = ep.address; p.transfer.timeout = timeout; p.completion = c; if(block) Sync_completion sync(_handler, p); else _handler.submit(p); } }; class Usb::Config : public Config_descriptor, public Meta_data { private: enum { MAX_INTERFACES = 32 }; Interface *_interfaces[MAX_INTERFACES]; unsigned _total_interfaces = 0; public: String config_string; Config(Config_descriptor &config_desc, Meta_data &md) : Config_descriptor(config_desc), Meta_data(md) { dump(); for (Genode::uint8_t i = 0; i < num_interfaces; i++) { Interface_descriptor descr; _connection.interface_descriptor(i, 0, &descr); _interfaces[descr.number] = new(_md_alloc) Interface(md); /* read number of alternative settings */ unsigned alt_settings = _connection.alt_settings(i); _total_interfaces += alt_settings; /* alt settings */ for (unsigned j = 0; j < alt_settings; j++) { _connection.interface_descriptor(i, j, &descr); if (descr.number != i) PERR("Interface number != index"); _interfaces[descr.number]->_add(new(_md_alloc) Alternate_interface(descr, md)); } } } ~Config() { for (unsigned i = 0; i < num_interfaces; i++) destroy(_md_alloc, _interfaces[i]); config_string.free(_md_alloc); } Interface &interface(unsigned num) { if (num >= num_interfaces) throw Session::Interface_not_found(); return *_interfaces[num]; } void dump() { if (verbose_descr) PINF("Config: len: %x type %x total_len: %x num_intf: %x config_value: %x", length, type, total_length, num_interfaces, config_value); } }; class Usb::Device : public Meta_data { private: Packet_handler _handler; void _clear() { if (!config) return; manufactorer_string.free(_md_alloc); product_string.free(_md_alloc); serial_number_string.free(_md_alloc); destroy(_md_alloc, config); } public: enum Speed { SPEED_UNKNOWN = 0, /* enumerating */ SPEED_LOW, SPEED_FULL, /* usb 1.1 */ SPEED_HIGH, /* usb 2.0 */ SPEED_WIRELESS, /* wireless (usb 2.5) */ SPEED_SUPER, /* usb 3.0 */ }; Device_descriptor device_descr; Config *config = nullptr; String manufactorer_string; String product_string; String serial_number_string; Device(Genode::Allocator * const md_alloc, Connection &connection, Server::Entrypoint &ep) : Meta_data(md_alloc, connection, _handler), _handler(connection, ep) { } Device_descriptor const *descriptor() { return &device_descr; } Config *config_descriptor() { return config; } char const *speed_string(unsigned speed) { switch (speed) { case SPEED_LOW : return "LOW"; case SPEED_FULL : return "FULL"; case SPEED_HIGH : return "HIGH"; case SPEED_WIRELESS: return "WIRELESS"; case SPEED_SUPER : return "SUPER"; default: return ""; } } void string_descriptor(uint8_t index, String *target) { Packet_descriptor p = _handler.alloc(128); p.type = Packet_descriptor::STRING; p.string.index = index; p.string.length = 128; Sync_completion sync(_handler, p); target->copy(p.string.length, _handler.content(p), _md_alloc); } /** * Re-read all descriptors (device, config, interface, and endpoints) * Must be called before Usb::Device can be used (asynchronous) */ void update_config() { /* free info from previous call */ _clear(); Config_descriptor config_descr; _connection.config_descriptor(&device_descr, &config_descr); dump(); config = new (_md_alloc) Config(config_descr, *this); /* retrieve string descriptors */ string_descriptor(device_descr.manufactorer_index, &manufactorer_string); string_descriptor(device_descr.product_index, &product_string); string_descriptor(device_descr.serial_number_index, &serial_number_string); string_descriptor(config->config_index, &config->config_string); for (unsigned i = 0; i < config->num_interfaces; i++) { Interface &iface = config->interface(i); for (unsigned j = 0; j < iface.alternate_count(); j++) string_descriptor(iface.alternate_interface(j).interface_index, &iface.alternate_interface(j).interface_string); } } /** * Set configuration, no interfaces can be claimed (asynchronous) */ void set_configuration(uint8_t num) { if (!config) { PERR("No current configuration found"); return; } if (!num || num > device_descr.num_configs) { PERR("Valid configuration values: 1 ... %u", device_descr.num_configs); return; } if (config && num == config->config_value) return; Packet_descriptor p = _handler.alloc(0); p.type = Packet_descriptor::CONFIG; p.number = num; Sync_completion sync(_handler, p); if (p.succeded) update_config(); } Interface &interface(unsigned interface_num) { return config->interface(interface_num); } void dump() { if (!verbose_descr) return; PINF("Device: len: %x type: %x class: %x sub-class: %x proto: %x max_packet: %x", device_descr.length, device_descr.type, device_descr.dclass, device_descr.dsubclass, device_descr.dprotocol, device_descr.max_packet_size); PINF(" vendor: %x product: %x configs: %x", device_descr.vendor_id, device_descr.product_id, device_descr.num_configs); } }; #endif /* _INCLUDE__USB__USB_H_ */