/* * \brief Utilities for formatted text output * \author Norman Feske * \date 2022-03-14 */ /* * Copyright (C) 2022 Genode Labs GmbH * * This file is part of the Genode OS framework, which is distributed * under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3. */ #ifndef _INCLUDE__OS__UTIL__FORMATTED_OUTPUT_H_ #define _INCLUDE__OS__UTIL__FORMATTED_OUTPUT_H_ #include #include namespace Genode { template struct Truncated; template struct Repeated; template struct Left_aligned; template struct Right_aligned; class Hex_dump; /** * Return the number of characters needed when rendering 'args' as text */ static unsigned printed_length(auto &&... args) { struct _Output : Output { unsigned count = 0; void out_char(char) override { count++; } } _output; print(_output, args...); return _output.count; } } template struct Genode::Truncated { unsigned const _limit; T const &_arg; Truncated(unsigned limit, T const &arg) : _limit(limit), _arg(arg) { } void print(Output &out) const { struct _Output : Output { Output &out; unsigned const limit; unsigned count = 0; void out_char(char c) override { if (count++ < limit) out.out_char(c); } _Output(Output &out, unsigned limit) : out(out), limit(limit) { } } _output(out, _limit); Genode::print(_output, _arg); } }; template struct Genode::Repeated { unsigned const _n; T const &_arg; Repeated(unsigned n, T const &arg) : _n(n), _arg(arg) { } void print(Output &out) const { for (unsigned i = 0; i < _n; i++) Genode::print(out, _arg); } }; template struct Genode::Left_aligned { unsigned const _n; T const &_arg; Left_aligned(unsigned n, T const &arg) : _n(n), _arg(arg) { } void print(Output &out) const { unsigned const len = min(printed_length(_arg), _n); Genode::print(out, Truncated(len, _arg), Repeated(_n - len, Char(' '))); } }; template struct Genode::Right_aligned { unsigned const _n; T const &_arg; Right_aligned(unsigned n, T const &arg) : _n(n), _arg(arg) { } void print(Output &out) const { unsigned const len = min(printed_length(_arg), _n); Genode::print(out, Repeated(_n - len, Char(' ')), Truncated(len, _arg)); } }; class Genode::Hex_dump { private: static constexpr size_t _max_bytes_per_line { 16 }; uint8_t const * const _base; size_t const _size; size_t const _num_lines { (_size + _max_bytes_per_line - 1) / _max_bytes_per_line }; static bool _printable_ascii(char c) { return c > 31 && c < 127; } static void _print_line_as_hex_words(Output &out, uint8_t const *base, size_t size) { using Genode::print; static constexpr size_t max_bytes_per_word { 2 }; for (size_t idx { 0 }; idx < _max_bytes_per_line; idx++) { if (idx && idx % max_bytes_per_word == 0) print(out, " "); if (idx < size) print(out, Hex(base[idx], Hex::OMIT_PREFIX, Hex::PAD)); else print(out, " "); } } static void _print_line_as_ascii(Output &out, uint8_t const *base, size_t size) { using Genode::print; for (size_t idx { 0 }; idx < size; idx++) { char const *char_ptr { (char *)&base[idx] }; if (_printable_ascii(*char_ptr)) print(out, Cstring { char_ptr, 1 }); else print(out, "."); } } static void _print_line_offset(Output &out, size_t line_offset) { Genode::print(out, Hex((uint32_t)line_offset, Hex::OMIT_PREFIX, Hex::PAD)); } public: Hex_dump(auto const &range) : _base { (uint8_t *)range.start }, _size { range.num_bytes } { } void print(Output &out) const { using Genode::print; uint8_t const *prev_line_ptr { nullptr }; bool prev_line_was_duplicate { false }; for (size_t line_idx { 0 }; line_idx < _num_lines; line_idx++) { size_t const line_offset { line_idx * _max_bytes_per_line }; size_t const line_size { min((size_t)_max_bytes_per_line, _size - line_offset) }; uint8_t const *line_ptr { &_base[line_offset] }; bool const last_line { line_idx == _num_lines - 1 }; bool line_is_duplicate { false }; if (prev_line_ptr) line_is_duplicate = !memcmp(prev_line_ptr, line_ptr, line_size); if (!line_is_duplicate || last_line) { _print_line_offset(out, line_offset); print(out, ": "); _print_line_as_hex_words(out, line_ptr, line_size); print(out, " "); _print_line_as_ascii(out, line_ptr, line_size); print(out, last_line ? "" : "\n"); } if (line_is_duplicate && !prev_line_was_duplicate && !last_line) print(out, "*\n"); prev_line_ptr = line_ptr; prev_line_was_duplicate = line_is_duplicate; } } }; #endif /* _INCLUDE__OS__UTIL__FORMATTED_OUTPUT_H_ */