puts "" puts "----- test: breakpoint in 'Main::Main()' -----" puts "" run_genode_until {\(gdb\)} 60 $gdb_id send "b Main::Main\n" run_genode_until {\(gdb\)} 20 $gdb_id send "c\n" run_genode_until {\(gdb\)} 20 $gdb_id if {![regexp {Thread 1.2 "ep" hit Breakpoint 2, Main::Main} $output]} { puts stderr "*** Error: Breakpoint in Main::Main() did not trigger" exit -1 } send "delete 2\n" run_genode_until {\(gdb\)} 20 $gdb_id puts "\n" puts "----- test: breakpoint in shared library -----" puts "" send "b Genode::cache_coherent(unsigned long, unsigned long)\n" run_genode_until {\(gdb\)} 20 $gdb_id send "c\n" run_genode_until {\(gdb\)} 20 $gdb_id if {![regexp {Breakpoint 3, Genode::cache_coherent ()} $output]} { puts "*** Error: Breakpoint in shared library did not trigger" exit -1 } puts "\n" puts "----- test: stack trace when not in syscall -----" puts "" send "bt\n" run_genode_until {\(gdb\)} 20 $gdb_id if {![regexp {#0 Genode::cache_coherent ()} $output] || ![regexp {in func2 ()} $output] || ![regexp {in func1 ()} $output] || ![regexp {in Main::Main} $output]} { puts stderr "*** Error: Stack trace when not in syscall is not as expected" exit -1 } puts "\n" puts "----- test: modification of a variable value -----" puts "" send "print test_var\n" run_genode_until {\(gdb\)} 20 $gdb_id if {![regexp {\$1 = 1} $output]} { puts stderr "*** Error: first 'print test_var' command didn't result in the expected output" exit -1 } send "set var test_var=2\n" run_genode_until {\(gdb\)} 20 $gdb_id send "print test_var\n" run_genode_until {\(gdb\)} 20 $gdb_id if {![regexp {\$2 = 2} $output]} { puts stderr "*** Error: second 'print test_var' command didn't result in the expected output" exit -1 } puts "\n" puts "----- test: 'call' command -----" puts "" send "call test_var_func()\n" run_genode_until {\(gdb\)} 60 $gdb_id if {![regexp {\$3 = 3} $output]} { puts stderr "*** Error: 'call' command didn't result in the expected output" exit -1 } puts "\n" puts "----- test: thread info -----" puts "" send "b Test_thread::entry\n" run_genode_until {\(gdb\)} 20 $gdb_id send "c\n" run_genode_until {\(gdb\)} 20 $gdb_id if {![regexp {Breakpoint 4, Test_thread::entry} $output]} { puts stderr "*** Error: Breakpoint in test thread did not trigger" exit -1 } send "thread 4\n" run_genode_until {\(gdb\)} 20 $gdb_id if {[regexp {Unknown thread 1.4} $output]} { # probably on a platform without signal handler thread send "thread 3\n" run_genode_until {\(gdb\)} 20 $gdb_id } send "info threads\n" run_genode_until {\(gdb\)} 20 $gdb_id if {![regexp { 1.1 Thread 1.1 "test-monitor_gdb" \(running\)} $output] || ![regexp { 1.2 Thread 1.2 "ep" \(running\)} $output] || ![regexp {"thread" Test_thread::entry} $output] || ![regexp { 2.1 Thread 2.1 "test-log" \(running\)} $output] || ![regexp { 2.2 Thread 2.2 "ep" \(running\)} $output]} { puts stderr "*** Error: Thread info is not as expected" exit -1 } puts "\n" puts "----- test: step into function -----" puts "" send "step\n" run_genode_until {\(gdb\)} 30 $gdb_id if {![regexp {Test_thread::test_step} $output]} { puts stderr "*** Error: Step into function didn't result in the expected output" exit -1 } puts "\n" puts "----- test: catching a segmentation fault -----" puts "" send "c\n" run_genode_until {\(gdb\)} 20 $gdb_id if {![regexp {"thread" received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.} $output]} { puts stderr "*** Error: Segmentation fault exception was not caught" exit -1 } puts "\n" puts "----- test: stack trace when in syscall -----" puts "" send "thread 2\n" run_genode_until {\(gdb\)} 20 $gdb_id send "interrupt &\n" run_genode_until {\(gdb\)} 20 $gdb_id send "bt\n" run_genode_until {\(gdb\)} 20 $gdb_id if {![regexp {Genode::Lock::lock} $output] || ![regexp {Main::Main} $output] } { puts stderr "*** Error: Stack trace when in syscall is not as expected" exit -1 } puts "\n" puts "----- test: memory map -----" puts "" send "info mem\n" run_genode_until {\(gdb\)} 20 $gdb_id if {![regexp {..*y.*0x0000000000004000 0x0000000000006000 rw nocache} $output] || ![regexp {..*y.*0x0000000000008000 0x0000000000010000 rw nocache} $output] || ![regexp {..*y.*0x0000000000010000 0x0000000000012000 rw nocache} $output] || ![regexp {..*y.*0x0000000000030000 0x00000000000..000 rw nocache} $output] || ![regexp {7.*y.*0x0000000001000000 0x000000000100.000 rw nocache} $output] || ![regexp {8.*y.*0x000000000100.000 0x000000000100.000 rw nocache} $output] || ![regexp {9.*y.*0x00000000400fb000 0x00000000400ff000 rw nocache} $output] || ![regexp {1..*y.*0x00000000401ef000 0x00000000401ff000 rw nocache} $output] || ![regexp {1..*y.*0x00000000402f.000 0x00000000402ff000 rw nocache} $output]} { puts stderr "*** Error: memory map is not as expected" exit -1 } puts "\n" puts "----- test: stack trace of second inferior -----" puts "" send "inferior 2\n" run_genode_until {\(gdb\)} 20 $gdb_id send "thread 1\n" run_genode_until {\(gdb\)} 20 $gdb_id send "interrupt\n" run_genode_until {\(gdb\)} 20 $gdb_id send "file debug/test-log\n" run_genode_until {\(gdb\)} 20 $gdb_id send "bt\n" run_genode_until {\(gdb\)} 20 $gdb_id if {![regexp {Genode::Signal_receiver::block_for_signal} $output] } { puts stderr "*** Error: Stack trace of second inferior is not as expected" exit -1 } puts "\n" puts "----- test: memory map of second inferior -----" puts "" send "info mem\n" run_genode_until {\(gdb\)} 20 $gdb_id if {![regexp {..*y.*0x0000000000008000 0x0000000000010000 rw nocache} $output] || ![regexp {..*y.*0x0000000000010000 0x0000000000012000 rw nocache} $output] || ![regexp {..*y.*0x0000000000030000 0x00000000000..000 ro nocache} $output] || ![regexp {5.*y.*0x0000000001000000 0x000000000100.000 ro nocache} $output] || ![regexp {6.*y.*0x000000000100.000 0x000000000100.000 rw nocache} $output] || ![regexp {7.*y.*0x00000000400fb000 0x00000000400ff000 rw nocache} $output] || ![regexp {..*y.*0x00000000401ef000 0x00000000401ff000 rw nocache} $output]} { puts stderr "*** Error: memory map of second inferior is not as expected" exit -1 } puts ""