# \brief Test for using the lx_fs_notify plugin with the Linux file system
# \author Pirmin Duss
# \date 2019-12-05
assert_spec linux
# Build
import_from_depot [depot_user]/src/[base_src]
import_from_depot [depot_user]/src/chroot
import_from_depot [depot_user]/src/fs_rom
import_from_depot [depot_user]/src/init
import_from_depot [depot_user]/src/libc
import_from_depot [depot_user]/src/stdcxx
import_from_depot [depot_user]/src/posix
import_from_depot [depot_user]/src/vfs
build {
# init config
install_config {
# configurations for the sub init
set init_run_fwrite_test {
set init_run_write_test {
set test_iterations 10
set input_file_name "bin/lx_fs_notify/templates/infile.txt"
set output_file_name "bin/lx_fs_notify/test/outfile.txt"
# print text in colors
proc color {foreground text} {
# tput is a little Unix utility that lets you use the termcap database
# *much* more easily...
return [exec tput setaf $foreground]$text[exec tput sgr0]
# write the desired config for the sub init
proc write_init_config { config } {
set fd [open "bin/lx_fs_notify/init.config" "w"]
puts $fd $config
close $fd
# clear the content of the init config
proc write_empty_init_config { } {
set fd [open "bin/lx_fs_notify/init.config" "w"]
puts $fd ""
close $fd
# wait for an update to the test file and check
proc wait_file_changed { file_size additional_filter } {
global spawn_id
puts [color 3 "wait for file change with size=$file_size"]
set timeout 5
expect {
-i $spawn_id -re ".*init -> test-rom_log.*updated ROM content: size=$file_size.*\n" { }
timeout {
puts [color 1 "ERROR no file change or wrong file size reported. expected size was $file_size"]
exit -4
if { $additional_filter != {} } {
set wait_re ".*$additional_filter\n"
set timeout 3
expect {
-i $spawn_id -re $wait_re { }
timeout { }
# wait for a defined time
proc wait_and_consume_log { delay_sec } {
global spawn_id
set timeout $delay_sec
expect {
-i $spawn_id -re { text that never is printed during the test } { }
timeout { }
after 10
# create the input file for a test
proc create_test_file { input_file_name } {
exec seq -w [expr int(rand()*4000)+1] > $input_file_name
set file_size [exec stat -c%s $input_file_name]
return $file_size
# create output file
proc create_output_file { output_file_name } {
exec seq -w [expr int(rand()*400)+1] > $output_file_name
set file_size [exec stat -c%s $output_file_name]
return $file_size
# compute the size of the ROM from the file size
proc rom_size { file_size } {
if { [expr $file_size % 4096] == 0 } {
return $file_size
} else {
return [expr $file_size + (4096 - ($file_size % 4096))]
# Create test-directory structure
exec rm -Rf bin/lx_fs_notify
exec mkdir -p bin/lx_fs_notify/templates
exec mkdir -p bin/lx_fs_notify/test
exec mkdir -p bin/lx_fs_notify/mnt
# Boot modules
build_boot_image [list {*}[build_artifacts] lx_fs_notify]
# build the test program for Linux
# this wil bel located in /tmp/bin
exec make -C [genode_dir]/repos/os/src/test/lx_fs_notify/file_writer/
# Test cases
proc test_libc_fwrite_in_genode { test_iterations init_run_fwrite_test input_file_name output_file_name } {
puts [color 2 ">>> run libc fwrite test in Genode ($test_iterations iterations)"]
set size [create_output_file $output_file_name]
for { set it 0 } { $it < $test_iterations } { incr it } {
set size [create_test_file $input_file_name]
wait_and_consume_log 1
write_init_config $init_run_fwrite_test
wait_file_changed $size {child "test-file_writer" exited with exit value 0}
proc test_libc_write_in_genode { test_iterations init_run_write_test input_file_name output_file_name } {
puts [color 2 ">>> run libc write test in Genode ($test_iterations iterations)"]
set size [create_output_file $output_file_name]
for { set it 0 } { $it < $test_iterations } { incr it } {
set size [expr max([create_test_file $input_file_name], $size)]
wait_and_consume_log 1
write_init_config $init_run_write_test
wait_file_changed $size {child "test-file_writer" exited with exit value 0}
proc test_libc_fwrite_on_linux { test_iterations input_file_name output_file_name } {
puts [color 2 ">>> run libc fwrite test on Linux ($test_iterations iterations)"]
create_output_file $output_file_name
for { set it 0 } { $it < $test_iterations } { incr it } {
set size [create_test_file $input_file_name]
wait_and_consume_log 1
exec /tmp/bin/file_writer --fwrite [run_dir]/genode/lx_fs_notify/templates/infile.txt [run_dir]/genode/lx_fs_notify/test/outfile.txt
wait_file_changed $size {}
proc test_libc_write_on_linux { test_iterations input_file_name output_file_name } {
puts [color 2 ">>> run libc write test on Linux ($test_iterations iterations)"]
set size [create_output_file $output_file_name]
for { set it 0 } { $it < $test_iterations } { incr it } {
set size [expr max([create_test_file $input_file_name], $size)]
wait_and_consume_log 1
exec /tmp/bin/file_writer --write [run_dir]/genode/lx_fs_notify/templates/infile.txt [run_dir]/genode/lx_fs_notify/test/outfile.txt
wait_file_changed $size {}
proc test_tcl_file_copy { test_iterations input_file_name output_file_name} {
puts [color 2 ">>> run TCL 'file copy' test ($test_iterations iterations)"]
for { set it 0 } { $it < $test_iterations } { incr it } {
set size [create_test_file $input_file_name]
file copy -force $input_file_name $output_file_name
wait_file_changed $size {}
proc test_shell_cp { test_iterations input_file_name output_file_name } {
puts [color 2 ">>> run shell 'cp' test ($test_iterations iterations)"]
for { set it 0 } { $it < $test_iterations } { incr it } {
set size [create_test_file $input_file_name]
exec cp -f $input_file_name $output_file_name
wait_file_changed $size {}
proc test_shell_mv_overwrite { test_iterations input_file_name output_file_name } {
create_output_file $output_file_name
puts [color 2 ">>> run shell 'mv' overwrite test ($test_iterations iterations)"]
for { set it 0 } { $it < $test_iterations } { incr it } {
set size [create_test_file $input_file_name]
exec mv $input_file_name $output_file_name
wait_file_changed $size {}
proc test_shell_mv_rename { test_iterations } {
global output_file_name
puts [color 2 ">>> run 'mv' rename watched file test ($test_iterations iterations)"]
for { set it 0 } { $it < $test_iterations } { incr it } {
puts "create watched file"
set size [create_output_file $output_file_name]
wait_file_changed $size {}
puts "move watched file away"
exec mv $output_file_name $output_file_name.out
wait_file_changed 0 {}
proc test_shell_mv_move_other_dir { test_iterations } {
global input_file_name
global output_file_name
puts [color 2 ">>> run 'mv' move watched file to other directory test ($test_iterations iterations)"]
for { set it 0 } { $it < $test_iterations } { incr it } {
puts "create watched file"
set size [create_output_file $output_file_name]
wait_file_changed $size {}
puts "move watched file away"
exec mv $output_file_name $input_file_name
wait_file_changed 0 {}
proc test_shell_rm { test_iterations output_file_name } {
puts [color 2 ">>> run 'rm' remove watched file test ($test_iterations iterations)"]
for { set it 0 } { $it < $test_iterations } { incr it } {
puts "create watched file"
set size [create_output_file $output_file_name]
wait_file_changed $size {}
puts "remove watched file"
exec rm -f $output_file_name
wait_file_changed 0 {}
# Execute test cases
# wait until the test program has started
run_genode_until ".*wait for ROM update.*\n" 6
set spawn_id [output_spawn_id]
wait_and_consume_log 3
test_libc_fwrite_in_genode $test_iterations $init_run_fwrite_test $input_file_name $output_file_name
test_libc_write_in_genode $test_iterations $init_run_write_test $input_file_name $output_file_name
test_libc_fwrite_on_linux $test_iterations $input_file_name $output_file_name
test_libc_write_on_linux $test_iterations $input_file_name $output_file_name
test_tcl_file_copy $test_iterations $input_file_name $output_file_name
test_shell_cp $test_iterations $input_file_name $output_file_name
test_shell_mv_overwrite $test_iterations $input_file_name $output_file_name
test_shell_mv_rename $test_iterations
test_shell_mv_move_other_dir $test_iterations
test_shell_rm $test_iterations $output_file_name
# Cleanup test-directory structure
exec rm -Rf bin/lx_fs_notify
# vi: set ft=tcl :